Verkhovna Rada
Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Deputies of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Депутаты ВР АРК 1-5 созывов
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VASILYEV Aleksandr Modestovich

Deputy faction "The Regions of Crimea", elected in the multiseat electoral district from the Crimean republican branch of the "Party of Regions"

Director General of Agricultural Limited Liability Company "Krymteplitsa"

VASYUYIN Ivan Sergeyevich

Deputy faction "The Regions of Crimea", elected in the multiseat electoral district from the Crimean republican branch of the "Party of Regions"

Manager of "Darsan-Industriya" LLC

VERGEL` Sergey Aleksandrovich

Deputy faction "The Regions of Crimea", elected in the multiseat electoral district from the Crimean republican branch of the "Party of Regions"

Director General of "KrymTETS" LLC