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Road Rash-inspired racer hits Kickstarter goal

Road Redemption on track for PC and Wii U release

Road Redemption, a new game heavily inspired by the classic Road Rash series, has reached its funding goal on Kickstarter.

In development at New Orleans-based studio Darkseas Games for PC and Wii U, Road Redemption hit its primary target of $160,000 with just two days to go.

Two new stretch goals have been introduced, with an Xbox 360 support pinned at $178,000 and official Oculus Rift VR support at $198,000.

At the time of writing, a total of 3,954 backers have pledged $164,006 with 39 hours left on the campaign.

Road Redemption promises to "take the motorcycle combat-racing gameplay, pioneered by the Road Rash series, to the next level," with update visuals, new weapons, better courses with multiple routes and more.

Road Redemption will arrive on PC (Windows/Mac/Linux), in August 2014, with a Wii U port to follow "a few months after", alongside an Xbox 36 port if stretch goals are met.

Here's an early gameplay video:
