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Strange Tales 8: Which Story is False?

Three of the four stories are true; guess which one is fiction

By , About.com Guide

If you read a lot about paranormal phenomena, then you have come across many strange stories – allegedly true stories that boggle the imagination. Yet documention and credible anecdotes exist for some really weird happenings out there. How good are you at sorting fact from fiction? Try our popular "Which story is false" game.

Here's how to play. Presented here and on following pages are four stories of the unexplained. But only three of them are true (according to the people who experienced them). One was invented by your About.com Guide. Your job is to read all four of the stories and then vote for the one you think is false. Good luck!

Story 1: New Jersey Bigfoot Encounter

Bigfoot isn't usually associated with the state of New Jersey, but members of the Site family will testify that it’s there alright.

The Sites lived in a rural part of the state near the town of Wantage. Before May 12, 1977 the notion that a Bigfoot-like creature lived nearby would have seemed ridiculous to them. But they knew something dangerous was nearby. Strange howling cries were heard to come from a nearby swamp. They awoke that morning to find several of their pet rabbits had been killed. The rabbits were kept in the barn. Evidence showed that something had clawed at some boards, then ripped off one of the barn doors, entered and squeezed the poor rabbits to death.

Certain that some kind of predator was responsible, the Sites brightly lit the yard between the house and barn in an effort to see the animal or at least keep it away. Ignoring the lights, the creature did show up that night – but it wasn’t at all what the Sites expected.

"It was big and hairy," Mrs. Sites said. "It was brown; it looked like a human with a beard and moustache; it had no neck; it looked like its head was just sitting on its shoulders; it had big red glowing eyes."

The Sites let loose their dog at the large, hairy creature, but it effortlessly swatted the attacking dog away with one swipe of its arm, sending the dog tumbling for about 20 feet.

The next night, Mr. Sites and some of his friends lay in wait for the creature to reappear – and they had shotguns loaded and ready. The creature did not disappoint them. They shot at the monster and were sure they had hit it. But it just growled at them and escaped into a grove of trees. They found no traces of blood that would have confirmed their hit.

Some time later, however, a few of the Sites children said they encountered the creature in some tall grass. It was crawling as if injured and was reaching out an arm to them in what they perceived was an appeal for help.

Story 2 > The Case of John Doe

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