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Digital SLRs/Hybrids rated

In-depth reviews from TechRadar's team of experts. To find out how we review products and calculate our scores, check out our reviews guarantee.

3 products

  1. Sigma SD1 Merrill review

    Sigma SD1 Merrill review

    6 Last reviewed

    The Sigma SD1 Merrill offers a cutting-edge 45MP sensor in a basic body at a new, knock-down price. Is it worth shelling out for?

    Sigma SD15 review

    Sigma SD15 review

    6 Last reviewed

    Sigma's Foveon X3 sensor design is unique, but does the SD 15 move it any further forward?

    Sigma SD14 review

    Sigma SD14 review

    8 Last reviewed

    Sigma has gone out on a bit of a limb with the SD14 SLR and the unorthodox Foveon sensor it contains. The camera has 50 per cent more resolution than the SD9 and SD10 cameras that came before it, but it still only manages to deliver 4.7-megapixel images

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