
Advertise with JLT

JLT is going green! Starting next season, all advertising appears on JLT's website and in JLTNews, a bi-monthly on-line newsletter.

Not only is paperless advertising good for the environment, it's a great deal for advertisers, who get maximum exposure to JLT audiences at the same price as a paper ad!

The maximum potential of paper ads is 930 people, based on 100% attendance at the Jamboree. But that same advertiser reaches 3000 people, monthly, in JLTNews.
Web ads are posted on JLT's homepage rotate in a "window". "Full-page" ads rotate with greater frequency than smaller ads.

Cyber advertising is a win-win-win situation for the environment, advertiser, and for JLT! Cyber ads are $100 and appear on JLT’s home page

To place your ad order email