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Mass Effect 3 'Groundside Resistance' DLC adds new weapons today

Hits Xbox Live and US PSN today, EU PSN tomorrow

BioWare has released the Groundside Resistance weapon pack for Mass Effect 3 today.

As the developer explains, "Groundside Resistance adds seven additional weapons to Commander Shepard's armory. It includes the brand new Venom Shotgun and Executioner Pistol plus the Kishock Harpoon Gun, Striker Assault Rifle, N7 Typhoon Assault Rifle, N7 Piranha Shotgun, and Acolyte Pistol."

It's available to download now on Origin, Xbox Live and the US PlayStation Store, and will hit the EU PS Store tomorrow. It costs 160 MS Points, $1.99.

BioWare's next major update, the single-player 'Omega' DLC expansion, will release on Xbox 360 on November 27 for 1200 MS Points (£10.28 / $15).

Described as "double the size of the largest DLC we've done for Mass Effect 3", it will see you playing with Aria and a new female Turian character as you do battle with Cerberus general Petrovsky for control of Omega.
