50 Most Disappointing Movies Of All Time

Great expectations


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    • Bandit1

      Aug 24th 2012, 7:27

      Well, there's some disappointing movies on this list... but also many good ones! Maybe not awesome or great....but at least for me not under "most disappointing of ALL TIME". I enjoyed "Ghostbusters 2" in cinema as a kid and even the first is far better, it's still good fun today. "The Day After Tomorrow" received pretty good critics at the time, I've not expected to see it on this list. And I always defend "Miami Vice", I think it was a well-made update to the TV-series. Not as colorful, more a cold and dark setting, but I liked that. Indiana Jones was fun! Simply a feel-good popcorn movie. Ok, some stuff wasn't that great and Shia LaBoeuf will never get my sympathy, but it's still Indy and it was great to see him again on the big screen after a long time! I also enjoyed "Hangover 2". Yes, it's basically the same. But "Airplane 1 + 2" are the same too, and people love both. It's good fun...For me "Daredevil" and "Elektra" should be on this list...superheroes were big at that time, but Ben Affleck disappointed....and even more so J. Garner as Elektra in a very dull, boring and forgettable movie.

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    • marc96

      Aug 24th 2012, 7:48

      in my opinion theres so many decent films on this list like ghostbusters 2, troy, prometheus, kill bill vol 2... even Alexander was ok... .. i would definitely have the mummy 3 high on here

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    • Kerryman

      Aug 24th 2012, 8:23

      So basically any movie that had the s%#t hyped out of it in advance is a disappointment. Pretty much the majority of movies and tv can barely scrape 3 stars and are 2 stars at best. A lot of the care and love for the craft of film making has been removed by studios and the internet. Prometheus is a good example. Ridley Scott back in the Alien franchise, multi multi million dollar budget. Then hire the writers of The Darkest Hour and Cowboys & Aliens. And give enough of the movie away in the advance publicity that most movie goers can connect the dots in advance while watching in the cinema.

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    • dex2010

      Aug 24th 2012, 9:34

      Dont agree with, Vanilla sky, The day after tomorrow, Lady in the water, Public enemies, The lovely bones. I really enjoyed all these movies and thought they deserved the hype! I totally agree with Spiderman 3, Prometheus , Wolverine, The spirit, Big let downs! But maybe before doing this Total film should have looked back at their reviews they got so many so wrong!

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    • piffle

      Aug 24th 2012, 9:44

      This list is fine if we take disappointing as "should have been better". Even the films that aren't terrible here are also not classics, but if the stars had aligned differently they might have been. Prometheus really is a great example, the over whelming feeling from the group I went to see it with was disappointment, all of us on balance enjoyed it. but felt there was a huge missed opportunity.

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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Aug 24th 2012, 9:55

      How else could we take disappointing?

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    • jackstarr

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:22

      I thought Kill Bill Vol. 2 was a masterpiece, probably even better than the first. I loved it. And am I seriously the only one around here who liked Sucker Punch?

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    • Hadouken76

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:31

      The list should be long to include every M. Night Shymalan movie after Unbreakable...

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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:43

      @Hadouken76 Did you like Unbreakable? I loved it but struggle to find other people that did. It's an out and out superhero film but never gets included in lists of superhero films.

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    • piffle

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:47

      @Jeffbiscuits: We were already seeing the whole 'but some of these films are good' argument popping up. My point is that a film can be good enough to enjoy, but still disappointing.

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    • piffle

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:49

      Surely its impossible to be disappointed by an M Night Shyamalan film now because the expectation has to be that it will be utter a**e gravy?

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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:52

      I think I'm in a weird minority that enjoyed Southland Tales too. It was pretentious, nonsensical and bonkers but I found it quite compelling. And Alien 3 is brilliant. A downbeat, logical conclusion to what should have remained an awesome trilogy of films. Still to make my mind up about Prometheus. It's flawed in every imaginable way but there's something there that appeals to me. Not made my mind up what that something is yet.

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    • Hadouken76

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:53

      I loved Unbreakable. the way Bruce Willis' character discovers his powers and Samuel L. Jackson as Mr Glass. It is classic comicbook. But the sequel has been 'cannibalised' (Nights words) for his 'Night Chronicles', thus solidifying the directors downward spiral.

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    • MikeyRix

      Aug 24th 2012, 10:54

      Surprised "Public Enemies" was on here; I really enjoyed it m'self. And I seem to be the only one who liked "Kill Bill: Vol. 2" - no, it ain't "Vol. 1", but it was the more emotional half. Good to see "Prometheus" and "Alien 3" (hah, two "Alien" 'verse-related films) in there - former left me with a bad taste in my mouth and the latter is nestled snugly in my bottom five. And I don't even like the original "Indiana Jones" trilogy but I was forced to watch "Crystal Skull"...and that's all I'll say about that. On the flipside, am I seriously the only one who liked "The Golden Compass" and "Green Lantern" (ironically, the only film I like Ryan Reynolds in thus far)? @jackstarr I liked "Sucker Punch" too! I thought it was great, despite trying to be something it wasn't.

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    • dex2010

      Aug 24th 2012, 11:22

      @ Hadouken 76 Unbreakable is so under rated its easily one of my fav films of all time. I just think its shot beautifully and the story of a man whos never been sick gives this non comic book movie a real grounded and realistic feel. But to say all shyamalans movies after Unbreakable belong here is b******t!

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    • apo1978

      Aug 24th 2012, 11:38

      I knew Indy IV would be number 1. The flack that film gets is really starting to P*ss me off. I know its not perfect but nor is.......(think of an example)......your mum.

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    • 2Dglasses

      Aug 24th 2012, 11:39

      Is it fair for Revolutions to be in there as Reloaded was not only pap but pretentious pap, Architect, i know because i must know etc..at least the third was mostly a brainless shoot em up. i dont remember people laughing out loud in Revolutions, but then again maybe they'd fallen asleep or left after monicca beluccis pointless 1 line cameo

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    • TheDigitalZombi

      Aug 24th 2012, 11:52

      Didn't Matthew Vaughn cast Vinnie Jones before quiting X-Men 3?

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    • Jareth64

      Aug 24th 2012, 11:53

      Prometheus deserves to be higher up. It's truly awful, the more I think about it. What a mess of a film!

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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:16

      @piffle Aye I do know what you mean. A few of the films on the list are great films. Alien is my favourite film ever, Aliens is up there too. Alien 3 is flawed and disappointing compared to the first 2 but as far as I'm concerned it's still one of the best scifi/horror films of the last 20 years. Plotwise and thematically it was great and it took Ripley's character arc to a suitable conclusion but still compared to what came before it was a let down.

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    • maxime

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:18

      Well there are a lot of truth in this ranking, well done but come on iron man 2 is quite pleasant, Troy is not bad at all and my good Kill bill 2 is better than the first one and can't have a place in this !!!!!

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    • Bennyj75

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:21

      Sorry TF, but unless I missed someone mentioning it above, "The Spirit" was a Will Eisner character, so Frank Miller would not have been doing his own character justice.....(Even had it been good, which it wasnt)

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    • SiMan

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:23

      For me a disappointing movie isn't necessarily a bad one, just one that wasn't not as good as was hoped it would be. So even a 'good' film could be on here, for me this would include TDKR. Although a 'good' film, it wasn't the greatest film since sliced-bread (or its sequel, Sliced bread 2: This time you're toast) as i'd hoped it would be, therefore i found it disappointing. One thing on the list i would change though is that surely Phantom Menace has to be number 1. Crystal skull was no classic, granted, but it was a bonus for us to even have it. There wasn't really anything left from the first trilogy to expand on, wheras Lucas had characters speak about major events prior to the events of Star Wars that left scope for a story to be told. Pity he told that story a bit sh*t.

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    • SiMan

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:24

      Oh and Congo - forgot all about that. Sign-Language using Gorrilla. Brilliant.

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    • NeilP13

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:42

      I'd personally have Lord of the Rings on this list. It was good, but not "amazing".

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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Aug 24th 2012, 12:49

      My gorilla doesn't even know sign language. I resent Congo for that. My gorilla can only make cups of tea and run me baths. Other than that I just use it as a pillow.

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    • Kerryman

      Aug 24th 2012, 13:29

      Congo is an out and out classic when viewed as a comedy.

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    • ChrisWootton

      Aug 24th 2012, 15:01

      Not a bad list.. I actually agree with most of these. Have to say that Kerryman's point about the hype is spot on.

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    • JohnJDuffy

      Aug 24th 2012, 15:04

      Errr What's with all the Ernie Hudson bashing TF? Watchmen should be up there number 1. Oh and controversial one The Dark Knight Rises!

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    • anaanic

      Aug 24th 2012, 15:04

      So basically almost every movie with Johnny Depp in it..... Hmmmmmm

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    • barryc

      Aug 24th 2012, 15:48

      Good article Total film, have to say I completely agree with Kill Bill 2 being on this list. Not saying its a bad film but it was definitely a bit of a let down and anti-climax. After the spectacular fight between O-Ren Ishii and the crazy 88 at the end of the first one I was anticipating the greatest duel of all time between The Bride and Bill,, instead, he gave a long boring speech about superheroes and she killed him while still sitting in her chair,, disappointing!!!

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    • Murphy0806

      Aug 24th 2012, 16:30

      The aliens didn't ruin Crystal Skull for me. Too many characters (taking some of the focus off Indy), unremarkable settings (Cairo, Pankot, Venice, were all memorable, Peru, not so much). In fact they didn't shoot a single scene in Peru, the majority of the film was shot in the states and a lot of it on sound stages and it showed. Also the journey that lead them to the temple was too easy, "I might be able to read it if I walk it through Mayan first" 10 seconds later he's reciting it without even looking at the page. These little things bothered me more than any alien plot. They may be minor problems and on their own I could have let them go but all together they made an Indiana Jones film feel not like an Indiana Jones film. I'd have to agree on The Dark Knight Rises being in there too, brilliant film but I left the cinema saying "so close".

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    • johntatevosyan

      Aug 24th 2012, 16:37

      Eyes Wide Shut, are you joking? Disappointing? Ok first of all when the film came out after Kubrick's death, people would have eaten with their eyes closed anything that kubrick would have made. Secondly, how does it have not enough to say? Why is it then that film critics and film students have written 100 page analyses (ok i am over-exaggerating, just to make a point) for this particular film. For instance I am one of them, having written dissertations on Kubrick's career and work and being a huge fan, i find it hugely insulting to the genius of Kubrick to be considered disappointing. I guess I am taking this too personally since this is my favorite Kubrick film after 2001.

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    • Hadouken76

      Aug 24th 2012, 17:50

      So George Lucas was responsible for 1 and 2? Seems apt, while his colleagues were busy winning accolades and Oscars, he was still playing with his Star Wars toys. Whats his film for next year? Attack of the Clones 3D!! The guy is a joke.

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    • LSJShez

      Aug 24th 2012, 18:18

      I'd almost forgotten how bad SuckerPunch was, until you reminded me. I won't stop worrying about Superman till I've seen it.

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    • franciscomoraga

      Aug 24th 2012, 18:42

      @Bandit1 totally agreed with you. why kill bill vol.2? it's better than vol.1, I really liked hangover 2, if they had made it like the first, people would have said "it's the same thing" this one took you to Thailand and is a really different show. I liked planet of the apes, tim roth looked awsome and fantastic four 1 was not bad, number 2 should had been. I actually liked green lantern, it can't be the dark knight totally different hero and profile, green hornet, yes that was bad! oceans 12 the worst movie I've ever seen. indy 4 liked but not loved it, matrix revolutions the ending was awful but the movie was not so bad and where's the mummy 3 and terminator 3 instead of salvation?

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    • penelopequail

      Aug 25th 2012, 2:14

      Prometheus was AMAZING fu%k this piece of sh&t; article. Put The Dark Knight Rises up in there. Not THAT was a disappointing train wreck of a film.

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    • danielzelter

      Aug 25th 2012, 3:11

      Speed Racer is an anime. A manga is a comic book.

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    • RobGrizzly

      Aug 25th 2012, 4:28

      The list is actually damn good. I agree with about 95% of it. I even sympathize with some of the films that aren't that bad, but overall, its hard to deny people weren't let down by them (Hulk, Vanilla Sky, Troy, Prometheus) Of course I would move things around, and if they're talking about ALL TIME they can include more older movies. (Blair Witch 2, anyone?) But for my money, Batman and Robin is the most disappointing movie I've ever seen. I only strongly disagree with one: KILL BILL VOL 2! That movie is every bit as brilliant as Vol 1. One has the action, the other has the story. They compliment each other. It puts the whole bloody affair in a neat layer of perspective, and I think the late David Carradine should have gotten a Supporting Actor nod there

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    • abcshopping102

      Aug 25th 2012, 4:29

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    • simonaustin

      Aug 25th 2012, 10:27

      Not sure if it has been mentioned, but The Spirit is a Will Eisner property and not Frank Miller, he drew a few pages for an anthology comic (I think) in the mid 90s, but other than that, he hasn't worked on The Spirit comic.

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    • bollywood12t

      Aug 25th 2012, 12:26

      Hi, welcome to using the forum site, at this time i am unable to answer your thread. i suggest you to take consult your expert or friends. thanks, Bollywood Cinema http://bollywoodque.com/

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    • aragorn01

      Aug 25th 2012, 14:01

      out of all on this list...i'm getting sick of reading or hearing how BRETT RATNER screwed up X-Men 3. i mean, i ain't exactly a fan of his, but i must defend whoever's being treated unjustly. the story's already been developed under BRYAN SINGER's watch..so blame the "deaths" of cyclops and Prof. X on Singer, NOT Ratner. sides, people...they weren't KILLED. Cyclops is just GONE..not necessarily dead..his fate's still a mystery (to be revealed in X4, if it were ever to be made). and Charles...well, if you stay tuned til AFTER the end of the end credits, you'll see that the good professor has transformed his 'essence' into a patient of Dr. McTaggert (played by Olivia Williams). and like a poster stated above, Vinnie Jones was cast by Matthew Vaugn BEFORE he dropped out and replaced by Ratner. the same with Kelsey Grammer/Fraser as Beast. X 3 ain't perfect..but, somehow i like it just as much as the first one. the second one's a tad better than either one..but just a little. what you gotta appreciate is that Ratner's finally have Bobby ice up as Iceman. something Bryan Singer did and COULD not do...whining that he didn't have enough budget for it...oh, boo hoo... i think he should stay away from super hero movies and go back to his Usual Suspects roots.

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    • aragorn01

      Aug 25th 2012, 14:03

      oh yeahh...the list leaves out the latest MOST DISAPPOINTING movie from this year....THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Nolan should redo it and break it down to TWO movies instead of just one. otherwise, he gotta keep the number of new characters smaller. no catwoman and no john blake.

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    • MikeyRix

      Aug 26th 2012, 15:16

      "Nolan should redo it and break it down to TWO movies" Holy s**t, aragorn01, I bet no-one in Hollywood has ever thought of that - splitting the last film of a trilogy into two films (!) Besides, the $915m global gross of "Rises" disagrees with you ;)

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    • danielmutchler

      Aug 26th 2012, 15:40

      Man, this list should just be called "Johnny Depp's Filmography"

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    • Ali1748

      Aug 26th 2012, 19:43

      Remember how Peter Jackson had a big row with Ryan Gosling because he came to the movie unshaven and out of shape and then decided to re-cast him, I bet Peter regrets that decision.

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    • Ali1748

      Aug 26th 2012, 19:47

      And I don't care what anyone says but I loved Troy, it's easily features one of the best sword fights in movie history.

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    • Ali1748

      Aug 26th 2012, 19:53

      Never mind the Nuclear Fridge scene it's the part where ShiaLad****e starts swinging with monkeys that really took the p......

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    • movieshateutoo

      Aug 27th 2012, 1:40

      I disagree about Congo, Vanilla Sky, Eyes Wide Shut, Quantum of Solace, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Prometheus, Miami Vice, and even Jennifer's Body which I thought was a pretty enjoyable satire.

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    • HaoSs

      Aug 27th 2012, 12:22

      who retard made this top ? some of the best movies i like are in there

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    • Hadouken76

      Aug 27th 2012, 16:01

      For a horror-comedy, Jennifers' Body was painfully scare-free and unfunny. Overloaded with characters that didn't so much resemble people but hollow props used to spout 'ironic' direlogue written through a hipslang generator, where the references were already dated before the movie came out. But that my opinion.

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    • Oishiimaru

      Aug 27th 2012, 16:40

      Where are The Dark Knight films? They have to some of the most overrated tween schlocks of all time. As a trilogy, quite possibly THEE most overrated! The top two are accurate, however.

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    • nanzcalrissian

      Aug 27th 2012, 21:09

      the spirit was NOT a frank miller property. He had nothing to do with the comic strip which was created in the 40's by will eisner. Frank miller only mad the movie, thats it, and it sucked.

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    • joefiore

      Aug 27th 2012, 23:57

      What a stupid frakkin' list. Classic films like Indiana Jones & The Crystal Skull, Superman Returns, Green Lantern, and GhostBusters 2 on a list of 'disappointments'? That's just b******t. Those are all great movies. And what's this b******t about Green Lantern and Indy 4 having bad CGI?? What planet are these jackwagon writers from??

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    • Playhouse

      Aug 28th 2012, 0:46

      'Miami Vice' is horrendously underrated. Both the original intent of the series and the movie update were to show the stark world of vice. Yeah, everybody got sidetracked in the '80s by the music and the fashion, but the intent of the movie wasn't to show that kind of culture. It was to get down and dirty into the war on drugs and it accomplished its task with aplomb. Made for a fine crime film. It's not necessarily up in the best work that Mann's done -- 'Heat', ' Mohicans', 'Manhunter', 'Collateral' -- but it's quite a bit better than most of the junk that passes in the genre. The Director's Cut is especially wonderfully done.

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    • fhmtsang

      Aug 28th 2012, 2:59

      where's avatar: the last airbender?!

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    • Legolasdu95

      Aug 28th 2012, 6:34

      Ce classement est une véritable abomination. Star Wars épisode 1 un échec ? N'importe quoi. Et si il s'agissait réellement des pires films, où sont passés la trilogie du Roi Scorpion, DragonBall Evolution, et surtout Eragon. Avant de taper sur A la croisée des mondes qui serait soi disa

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    • mehmetbal

      Aug 28th 2012, 9:42

      KILL BILL VOL2 is disappointing? lol... dont make me laugh... this site is a complete disappointment!

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    • ericrounds

      Aug 28th 2012, 14:56

      Yeah I gotta agree with other people I think those responsible for this list should maybe have a movie credit or two taken away from them. Some of the movies "Ghost Busters 2" is basically a classic. I'll give you it was no part one but it certainly was not a let down. Oceans 12 I'm not sure what was wrong with that all of the series have been good. And the Lovely Bones as I havent read the book I cant compare it to that however, it was just a flat out really good movie. So I'm not sure where some of these picks are coming from to make it on the list. Quite a few of them are just really entertaining movies to be considered the biggest let downs of all time.

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    • Binhoberde

      Aug 28th 2012, 15:13

      I just can´t believe both avatar movies are not on this list...

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    • GildaChase

      Aug 29th 2012, 13:42

      Ghostbusters 2 and Alien on the list ! Is not possible !

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    • TinEar85

      Sep 5th 2012, 1:41

      Yikes. The last decade of Johnny Depp's career surely has been brutal.

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    • wibilvlf

      Sep 12th 2012, 5:07

      Anything by M.Night Shyamalan and Tarsem Singh sucks c**p. Lady in the Water and especially Avatar: The Last Airbender and even Immortals. These guy should just stop directing and stop making me feel so disgusted by the amount of money being spent to create these s****y films. Mirror Mirror was ridiculously well casted and designed, the storyline wasnt half bad, but it was so badly put together. The bollywood references was completely unnecessary and made it too obvious that they wanted to 'commercialize' and make the movie more appealing to a larger demographic. So dear, Shyamalan & Singh, stop making the entire fire nation from Avatar: The Last Airbender, all Indians wearing Chinese styled uniform and who eats sushi. Stop making Julia Roberts do bollywood dancing in a show that is completely unrelated to India and stop ruining my image on these stories! Sorry for the rant, its just that his movies need to appear more on this list. ASAP! :)

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    • jackstarr

      May 3rd 2013, 16:04

      I actually liked Kill Bill vol. 2 more than the first - yes, it's mostly just dialogue, but it's bloody GREAT dialogue. Prometheus was pretty good. And there are far worse films than Indy 4.

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    • sinemaestro

      May 3rd 2013, 16:25

      Kill Bill pt.2? Really? It's better than the first one and definitely Tarantino's best work. Trash list.

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    • huttonjackson

      May 3rd 2013, 16:46

      Iron Man 3 will make this list shortly. Really disappointing.

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    • chrysler

      May 3rd 2013, 17:16

      TF should really delete the comments section if you're going to put up an almost 1 year old article with a new date on it. It wouldn't appear so superficially lazy if you did.

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    • Ali1748

      May 3rd 2013, 18:28

      You beat me to it huttonjackson.

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    • prime43

      May 3rd 2013, 20:46

      I will defend X-Men: The Last Stand, Indiana and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Alice In Wonderland until the day I die. Sure they weren't amazing, but they were good films that suffered from people having too high expectations.

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    • BenTramer

      May 4th 2013, 8:10

      Superman Returns suffered from plot inconsistencies (if Superman can fly, why does he crashland to Earth in a spaceship exactly at the farm where he grew up at the start?) and the fact that Lex Luthor and Superman have hardly any screentime together in the whole movie. Sean Connery had such a bad experience making The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that he retired from movies, that's why I hate that movie (it's watchable if uninspired). Even though Spielberg, Lucas and Harrison Ford had spent years arguing over scripts for Indy 4, Crystal Skull still feels like a script they rushed into production before they all changed their minds again. Darth Maul could have been the Darth Vader of the prequel trilogy but he was criminally wasted in an unconvincing way (if TWO jedis couldn't beat Darth Maul fighting him at the same time, how could one suddenly do it?)

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    • jared3710

      May 4th 2013, 8:47

      Given that 90% of this list are sequels or prequels I think mirrors most peoples sense of over expectation. Gearing themselves up for the cinematic experience of a lifetime and then getting all bent out of shape when it doesn't deliver. Take Prometheus, for example...everybody went to it thinking it was going to be a direct prequel to Alien, which it wasn't....and hadn't intended on being so since before the cameras rolled. It was more of a parallel story about the space jockey's. It has more in common with 2001 than Alien. And I don't know why people hate the third Pirates film so much. I thought it was quite good. Not as good as the first but better than the second one. But I will concede to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...why,oh why didn't George Lucas film Frank Darabont's original treatment!!!!

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    • Indianabones

      May 4th 2013, 16:32

      @Ben Tramer, Superman was visiting his home planet if I remember correctly, and Superman can't actually breathe in space, he can hold his breath for a fair while but I think to Kypton might be a planet too far.... so he needed a ship to take him! Pretty much agree with the list Prometheus should be number one for me or the Phantom Menace, waste of an amazing villian! Attack of the Clones was a worse film but I think we were all expecting it to be a let down. Dark Knight rises deserves to be on the list too! once Bane was found out to be another Henchman... it ruined it for me

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    • satanindrag

      May 4th 2013, 16:54

      There seems to be a mistake in this list. Where are 'Contagion' and 'Super 8'? - SID -

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    • Framehead

      May 4th 2013, 18:51

      1) Miami Vice? It's actually one of the best American movies of the last decade. A lot of people didn't "get it", and it was less grandiose than Mann's preceding Heat, The Insider, Ali & Collateral, but I thought it was super. Check out my piece on Miami Vice at pnabarro.wordpress.... 2) Southland Tales - I'm not saying it's great, but I think it's actually a bit of a 'curio' - a cult classic of its type. Unbelievable ambitious and a head-f*ck! 3) Star Wars: The Phantom Menace? I think there's a case that the entire Star Wars prequel trilogy is the biggest let-down and pile of cr*p ever! I actually II: Attack of the Clones is the worst of the three.... 4) I see other people have noticed the regularity with which Johnny Depp crops up in this list. What it reveals is that I think people incorrectly cast him as a 'lead man' - probably due to his high profile, celebrity, and good looks. He's actually an insincere actor, he appears opaque in a lot of these big vehicles, and in another lifetime would have been cast much more as the eccentric bit-part character actor he so clearly is.

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    • TheGreatWent

      May 4th 2013, 22:18

      Eyes Wide Shut & Kill Bill Vol.2? Come on, there is many more films worthy of their spots. Totally agree with Indy IV & Prometheus, utter b**lls. All Star Wars prequels deserve to be on here as well.

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    • FBLHealy85

      May 5th 2013, 11:01

      I LOVED The Day After Tomorrow! Cheesy, amazing action and a nanogram of vague science.

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    • ramadeloscar

      May 5th 2013, 15:32

      Love my job, since I've been bringing in $5600… I sit at home, music playing while I work in front of my new iMac that I got now that I'm making it online.(Click Home information) .....goo.gl/KR2Wx

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    • smellyhands

      May 7th 2013, 0:16

      Phantom Menace was released in 1999. Shame on you TotalFilm.

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    • RaveyDaveyGravy

      May 7th 2013, 12:33

      But I like Hulk!

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