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Open-Enrollment at Linux Training Centers

The Linux Foundation offers open-enrollment classes in designated Linux training centers and via the internet, allowing you to chose a class, location or delivery method that best suits your needs and preferred learning style.

Classroom Linux Training

Our Linux classroom training for developers and system administrators gives you the ability to interact one-on-one with experienced Linux instructors and receive hands-on learning designed to accelerate your efficiency and performance with Linux. The courses pack in valuable Linux skills that will position you for success in the competitive Linux marketplace.

With our open enrollment courses being offered in major cities throughout the United States and the world, you have the opportunity to receive Linux training from the organization that knows Linux the best.

To get started, find a Classroom Linux Training course near you.

Online Linux Training

Want to participate in Linux training but have no travel budget? The Linux Foundation now offers live instructor-led online Linux training that has all the benefits of in-person training, minus the time and cost required by travel. Since the material is the same as for our Linux classroom training and you’ve got a live instructor, you’ll be able to actively participate in the class right from your home or office.

Instruction Delivery Method

Our online Linux courses are delivered using a live audio conference bridge and a live Java-based virtual collaboration tool. Students will be able to put forth questions at any time to the Linux expert teaching the course, see the instructor's slides and terminal screen, share their terminal screen with the instructor during labs, and learn from other students' questions and challenges. The general format for the course includes a constant mix of instruction and hands-on exercises, rotating between the instruction and labs for a total of eight hours of training each day.

The instructor-led online Linux courses have proven to be very successful, with students praising the quality of instruction, interaction, and learning. It is an excellent choice for those who cannot find Linux classroom training from our Linux school in their area and for those who cannot afford to travel to a Linux training center.

View the online Linux training course schedule.

Hardware Requirements

Hardware requirements depend on the Linux course. For courses that do not involve kernel work, a recent Linux distribution will usually suffice. Courses that do include kernel work have more stringent requirements. A telephone connection that can be used throughout the class is needed for all online Linux courses.

See online Linux training requirements for more information.

Training Materials

Course manuals are provided for all classes. Registration for a class should be completed at least 3 weeks before the start of a class to ensure timely delivery of course manuals. Later registrations are possible, but may incur charges for premium shipping rates or cause classes to begin before course materials have been received.

Once registration has been completed, instructions for any required software installation and for joining the virtual class will also be provided. Most classes are scheduled to start at 9:00am U.S. Central Time (4:00pm Central European Time) to accommodate students from both the Americas and Europe. By special request and if a minimum number of registrations have been received, we can also offer a virtual class in other time zones, including those for Asia Pacific countries.

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