World War Z

World War Z


Film description

World War Z will see Brad Pitt as a U.N. employee travelling across the world trying to stop a deadly zombie pandemic in this film adaptation of the cult novel of the same name by Max Brooks.

Directed by Quantum Of Solace's Marc Forster and written by science fiction legend and Thor scribe J. Michael Straczynski, along with Matthew Michael Carnahan (The Kingdom), World War Z will take a slighlty different approach to the novel by choosing to focus on the inital zombie outbreak that will lead to the so called Ten Year Zombie War that's detailed so well in the book. World War Z will follow the exploits of Brad Pitt’s UN representative who is charged with tracking the growing zombie pandemic that looks set to wipe out human civilisation once and for all.

Interestlingly enough, Prometheus scribe Damon Lindelof has rececently been drafted in to pitch some ideas as the ending is going to go and have bit of a rewrite, with Drew Goddard (Cabin In The Woods) the man who's having his hands sellotaped to the keyboard to do it.

You'd think with the book having a ready made, post apocalyse ending for you already *SPOILER ALERT*  (REDACTED becomes the banking centre of the world, REDACTED becomes completely abandoned and REDACTED's population entirely disappears) but perhaps not...

Paramount are thought to have been planning a potential trilogy, although that will very much depend on whether this first film can be salvaged and converted into an audience-pleasing opener. 

What do you think of World War Z? Does the rewrite and reshoots fil you with confidence?

Leave your comments below and come back to this page for all news and development ahead of World War Z's 21 June 2013 UK release.

World War Z news stories

Release Dates

UK Cinema release
June 21st 2013
US Cinema release
June 21st 2013




      Nov 1st 2012, 23:45

      how do you watch the god damn films i cant find it

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