This Is The End

This Is The End


Film description

This Is The End is one of two starry apocalyptic comedies landing in 2013, although it's set to be a very different beast to Edgar Wright's The World's End.

A ludicrously starry project (expanded from a short), This Is The End shows the end of days from a very specific perspective: that of the hip young movie stars of the Hollywood hills.

Everyone stars as themself in the latest collaboration from writers Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen (who also share directing duties). Rogen welcomes his Canadian, LA-averse buddy Jay Baruchel to Hollywood for the weekend, taking his reluctant guest to a party at James Franco's house.

It's there that some seriously messed-up occurences begin (and we're not just talking about Michael Cera's bathroom antics), and before the party's over, an enormous earthquake is renting the neighbourhood in two, with Franco's swish pad the only viable hideout.

The first clip and poster promised A-list antics of the highest (read lowest) order, and the full-on red-band trailer came with a sneak 'preview' of Pineapple Express 2.

This Is The End opens in the UK on 28 June 2013, after hitting the US on 12 June.


This Is The End news stories

Release Dates

UK Cinema release
June 28th 2013
