50 Goriest Movie Moments

There will be blood. And guts.


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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Apr 16th 2013, 8:37

      No Ghost Ship? I know it's a c**p film but I honestly expected the opening scene to be at no1.

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    • craigmustdie

      Apr 16th 2013, 9:12

      C'mon guys, that list is garbage. The Godfather? Are you kidding me? So many that didn't warrant inclusion, but the ones you missed! Good to see Haute Tension/Switchblade Romance in there, but other french horror movies like Martyrs, Frontier(s) and (especially) Inside leave it in the dust. Father's Day is not that well known I guess, but features a man's member being bitten off in close up. The hammer scene in Kill List? The fire extinguisher in Irreversible? Emile's gooey death in Robocop? You also failed to choose the goriest moment from Ichi the Killer in my opinion. This is not to mention the wealth of truly hardcore underground horror movies that make every entry on that list look like Saved by the Bell. The whole article is a wasted opportunity, you could have steered people towards some great underground horror flicks instead of sticking with such mainstream material. 1/10, must try harder, or just try.

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    • Toursiveu

      Apr 16th 2013, 10:37

      50 Goriest movie moments... and not a single scene from Piranha 3D? It has to be one of the goriest films ever made!

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    • PsycoSaurus

      Apr 16th 2013, 11:22

      What about the scene in Shaun of the Dead where Dylan Moran gets pulled through the window and his guts are being ripped apart and eaten by about 10 different zombies. Then his leg gets pulled off and used as a weapon against the zombies :)

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    • marc96

      Apr 16th 2013, 11:42

      Would have had the skinning alive scene from Martyrs

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    • SiMan

      Apr 16th 2013, 12:52

      Not exaclty luncthime reading is it though, eh?

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    • apo1978

      Apr 16th 2013, 15:38

      Ditto on Martyrs - how was that NOT in there? Also, the eye scene in Hostel is laughably bad. It looks so fake!

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    • Jareth64

      Apr 17th 2013, 12:03

      @craigmustdie - Or you could try not being a pretentious, hypocritical c**t. Worth a shot, eh? It's a fun list. Lighten up.

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    • craigmustdie

      Apr 17th 2013, 15:06

      Wow, nice one Jareth, your folks raised you well, lol. It's a terrible list, that's my opinion, I wonder if perhaps the comments section is here to allow the sharing of opinions, rather than to insult strangers in a laughably pathetic and juvenile manner. Do feel free to point out where I was being hypocritical too, as I feel that you don't actually understand the meaning of the word. If it weren't painfully obvious how mentally subnormal you are I'd feel insulted, as it's I'd just suggest that your carer keep you away from the computer when you're tired.

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    • rhiwan123

      Apr 17th 2013, 18:26

      I really don't understand how the fire extinguisher scene in Irreversible isn't featured, one of the hardest to watch scenes I have ever seen and the only one which truly, unfortunately, stuck with me. And like everyone one else is mentioning HOW IS MARTYRS NOT HERE?!?! An okay list, but more foreign cinema should of be included though.

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    • Winky381

      Apr 17th 2013, 18:44

      @craigmustdie got to agree with @Jareth64, it's a fun list and maybe it wasn't within the writer's remit to direct the reader to "hardcore underground horror movies". Bleurgh. You sound a bit weird.

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    • craigmustdie

      Apr 17th 2013, 18:59

      Feel free to agree with the a*****e who posted purely to insult someone, "you sound a bit weird"? Grow up sunshine, just because I think there's more to cinema that mainstream Hollywood I'm weird? As to the remit, it was 50 goriest movie moments, those are not the 50 goriest moments in movies, not even close, therefore its a failure. Neither of you had anything constructive to say in regards to the above piece, other than it being "fun", clearly you're just attention hungry, lonely trolls. You have my pity.

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    • Ichi1

      Apr 17th 2013, 19:48

      Fun list.

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    • Jareth64

      Apr 17th 2013, 20:49

      @craigmustdie - Look up the following words; "pretentious", "arrogant", "narcissist", "hypocrite", and "t**t". Also, you seriously need to lighten up you belligerent t**t.

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    • DravenCage

      Apr 17th 2013, 21:02

      I would have enjoyed the article if I didn't have a f*cking Hunger Games banner cover the text for each damn entry, meaning I could read what was written. It completely covers the "Look away when" section on every entry.

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    • traceelord

      Apr 17th 2013, 21:41

      Martyrs - I agree. And the frickin' Hunger Game commercial is blocking half of the text and videos...! Makes it a lot less enjoyable...

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    • rumandcokeslurp

      Apr 18th 2013, 3:26

      A great list! I don't agree with every pick, I'd leave some out, but most of these are spot on! For me, there is a scene in The Human Centipede 2 which belongs on this list, though a lot of scenes from either of those movies fits. It's the scene in the car as the girl is trying to escape... that's all I'm saying.

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    • jukeboxjunkie

      Apr 18th 2013, 5:34

      I thought the opening beach landing scene from Saving Private Ryan had its moments. And the film Creep, where the eponymous creep decides to give one of the characters an abortion.

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    • RubberJoshy

      Apr 18th 2013, 12:19

      I was just about to come in with cries of Martyrs! Irreversible! Kill list! Antichrist! But craigmustdie you've beaten me to it, and even more examples.... Kudos to you! Don't listen to Jareth, the obvious troll is obvious (and methinks not particularly literate)... and Winky381 while this kind of list is supposed to be fun, it's also supposed to cater to people with a good general knowledge of cinema while steering them towards a few classics they might have missed. I feel that though many of these lists are totally adequate, this one was slightly lacking.... Besides both Kill List and Irreversible are triumphs of cinematographic inventiveness and are certainly not "underground horror movies" .

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    • craigmustdie

      Apr 18th 2013, 14:27

      I tried to look those words up Jareth (cos if anyone is going to educate me it's going to be you, lol), one was obscured though, are you calling me a tent? LOL. Cheers RubberJoshy, good taste there ;)

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    • youngnedyoung

      Apr 19th 2013, 11:26

      I'm with @craigmustdie on this one. Not sure he deserved the abuse though. Lots of other missed opportunities to add - The Proposition, Headhunters, Inbred, any of the Guinea Pig films. It seems TF are contractually obliged to publish a gory list every 6 months or so to entertain all us tents! At least we got some decent stills this time...

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    • Jareth64

      Apr 19th 2013, 12:14

      craigmustdie - The fact you use "lol" as a means of expression is the only proof I need that you're a total c**t. Run along now, dear, and pollute some other forum with your pretentious warbling.

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    • youngnedyoung

      Apr 19th 2013, 20:23

      I like you Jareth64. You're a special kind of hypocrite. I can almost hear you screaming at the computer as you reply to craigmustdie. Its very entertaining. Please carry on. Lol.

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    • FBYBrown

      Apr 20th 2013, 3:54

      What I REALLY love about the Chest-burster scene from Alien is that it's the actors actual reactions. I always rewind it just to see the looks on their face. Priceless.

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    • craigmustdie

      Apr 21st 2013, 23:42

      Well I just thought that "lol" was a clear and concise way to demonstrate that I was genuinely laughing you, I really was, you make me roar through your total ineptitude and desperate need for the oxygen of attention, though it's a laughter tinged with pity and a genuine sadness for you and the terribly lonely, empty life you must live. Sometimes I like to debate or even argue about movies with folks online,.always respectfully though, but sometimes you come across a Jareth, somebody so empty headed and totally devoid of wit or imagination that it just isn't any fun at all. Think I'll leave it there Jareth, we'll even say you won! Go on! Claim your all important Internet victory, put it on your CV maybe. Tell the world, bet your mum will be dead proud and you'll get an extra mashed up fishfinger come tea time. Later troll :)

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    • RubberJoshy

      Apr 22nd 2013, 16:20

      @Jareth. Do you need some Aloe Vera? 'Coz you just got buurrned! (Thanks for that one Shelly Cooper...)

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    • RubberJoshy

      Apr 22nd 2013, 16:20


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