What's the best phone? Our verdict on the best smartphone / best cell phones - constantly updated

Sometimes choosing between two phones is easy. Just look at the specs and it becomes woefully clear that some phones (even those positioned directly against one another) aren't created equal.

But most of the time it's not as easy as just reading numbers. A phone is something you'll use everyday for two years (if you're lucky). It needs to be durable, adequately future-proof, and feel right in your hand.

Where do we begin?

Our pre-release list of new mobile phones is a great spot to start, but if you're craving more, we're happy to oblige. Because here we have our continually-updated comparison of the top 20 best cell phones you can get in the U.S.

We've given you a brief overview of every phone and why we love it. But feel free to check out our incredibly extensive mobile phone reviews for a more in-depth look to decide for yourself which cell phone is best.

If you've been wondering which is the best cell phone, we've got answers for you. Here's our list of the best cell phones in the U.S.