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I Know This Guy, Who Knows This Girl That Designs Websites...

make more money

How Much Does a Website Really Cost?

True story!  We actually had a client call us with an extensive list of needs for a website.  After about 20 minutes of chatting, we asked for a target budget. The answer?  (And we’re not kidding...)  “How much can we get for $100.00?” 

If you're hiring a professional, understand that it does carry certain costs-- most of which are still very affordable. How much does a website cost?  Well that can vary drastically, based on needs

In this particular business case, the prospective $100.00 client didn't have a logo, website copy, or one bit of content.  We would have been starting from scratch.  Given the restrictive budget, we wished this business the best and sent it on its way.  We're sure this individual's brother’s girlfriend’s ex-roommate could have done it on-the-cheap.  However, warranty, training, support and the rest of the geek stuff, may not come included.  Just remember, you get what you pay for.  Just like buying car, we're sure you could probably find something with 4 wheels for $500.00, but how far down the road will it get you? 

Have a former brother’s girlfriend’s ex-roommate web design story to share?  Feel free to share with us on Facebook or in the comments below!

Photo/Video Credit: Victoria Jones Web Design is Cheap