Verkhovna Rada
Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Deputies of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Депутаты ВР АРК 1-5 созывов
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TEMIRGALIYEV Rustam Il`mirovich

Deputy faction "The Regions of Crimea", elected in the multiseat electoral district from the Crimean republican branch of the "Party of Regions"

Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

TIKHOMIROV Aleksey Nikolayevich

Депутатская фракция "Коммунистическая партия Украины", elected in the multiseat electoral district from the Crimean republican branch of theThe Communist Party of Ukraine

Head of "Atan-Crimea" LLC

TSEKOV Sergey Pavlovich

Deputy faction "Russian Unity", elected in the multiseat electoral district from the Crimean republican branch of the Political Party "Russian Unity"

Chairman of the Permanent Commission of SC ARC on Culture