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Why Flog When You Can Blog?

23 Apr, 2013
smarter copy

The Best Way to Fuel Your Blog? Your Employees!

As we've said before, web search results are driven by content.  The best way to drive content?  A blog.  The best way to write a blog?  Incorporate your company’s biggest asset -- your employees!  Your employees can be a great way to brainstorm ideas that engage your customers, solve problems, and tell the story of your company.  However, not all employees are writers.  Content for your business blog should be written with specific goals in mind.  Ghostwriting can help foster good content and keep the creative machine moving forward.

Remember, a blog is not all about selling, it is about sharing knowledge and experience to demonstrate your business value.  Don’t be a flogger, be a blogger! 

Do you have a favorite industry blog you always turn to for information?  How does this blog influence your buying decisions?  Your market?

Photo/Video Credit:Victoria Jones