Posted on 25th Mar 2013 at 12:00 PM UTC

BioShock Infinite review: Cloud nine

Irrational Games' latest creation is bold, beautiful and as far from God as heaven is wide...

"If you have nothing to hide," inquires a demented robot dressed as an American patriot, while indiscriminately firing into a crowd, "then why do you run?" Welcome to the skybound state of Columbia, where madness, paranoia and state-funded terror rule. Welcome to BioShock Infinite.

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The reality is a far cry from first impressions. You gingerly ease yourself out of the cramped vessel that brought you to this place and survey the strange new surroundings. There's the same sense of fear and foreboding knotting your stomach as when you first descended into Rapture all those years ago. But the vibe here is different. BioShock's underwater city quickly marked itself out as hell on earth, but this time it seems you've ascended to a better place.

The room is a brilliant white, your path demarcated by candles dripping with religious subtext. Endless, chaffing, maddening whiteness eventually gives way to a picturesque garden, where hummingbirds zip around your head like something out of a Disney film, and robed disciples drink in the nectar of tranquility. Despite the soothing surroundings, there's still a stifling menace about the place, as though you're in the eye of a storm.

BioShock Infinite Screenshot

"Where am I?" your character asks, vomit from the journey still evident in his throat.

"Friend, you're in heaven," comes the reply, "or at least, the closest we'll ever get to it." But as you'll come to learn, Columbia is as far from heaven as angels can fly.

Infinite boasts a bold and intelligent storyline that's unafraid to touch upon subjects which are traditionally seen as taboo in games


This is what the BioShock series does so well. It creates a beautiful, fantastical, improbable new universe, and then dumps you right in the middle of the hornet's nest without even telling you that the wasps can sting. As with Rapture, you begin your voyage with a clean mental slate. You know nothing about this new world you've been rudely thrust into, and so around every corner is a new discovery. As before, you learn the surreal through the mundane - posters on the walls hint at the populations's unhealthy preoccupation with ideas of patriotism and nationality; audiologs and kinetographs reveal the tumulterous events that have led Columbia to its current precarious state, one reveal at a time.

BioShock Infinite Screenshot
Again mirroring Rapture, these messages are presented with an upbeat, optimistic slant, but it's already too late for a happy ending. By the time you start to piece together the true story about the foundations on which Columbia have been built, they've already long since begun to crumble.

An imperious city levitating high above the clouds, Columbia does seem at first glance to be closer to heaven that hell. But like Icarus, it's floating too close to the Sun, and it's on the verge of crashing and burning. Since seceding from the United States, the ruling Founders of Columbia have grown paranoid and weary, and their politics of hate - most notably their hardline stance against ethnic mixing - has raised the ire of a renegade group known as Vox Populi. The whiff of Civil War hangs in the air like a gas leak, and you're the one that's about to light the fuse.

As Booker Dewitt, an indebted New York investigator, you're catapulted into Columbia with the task of rescuing and returning a young woman to his creditors. Easy, right? Not only is said woman the apparent heir to the throne, but she has also been imprisoned in a giant statue for the last 12 years, where she's guarded by a metallic winged guardian named Songbird.

The whiff of Civil War hangs in the air like a gas leak, and you're the one destined to light the fuse

Busting Elizabeth (for that is her name) out of jail marks the beginning of the story rather than the end. For the most part she accompanies you in your attempt to escape an increasingly anarchic Columbia. Although unskilled in combat she is adept at avoiding confrontation, and occupies herself during firefights by scavenging dead bodies for health, ammo et al and tossing them to you on demand. As Elizabeth learns more about her fearsome powers, she gains the ability to drag in objects from another dimension - such as turret guns, grapple hooks and cover.

BioShock Infinite Screenshot
But this is no buddy movie. Booker and Elizabeth endure an ever-fluctuating and difficult relationship as the games progresses, as Booker learns of Elizabeth's terrible true nature and Elizabeth learns of Booker's ignoble intentions. More pertinently they seem to learn about themselves too, as the plot escalates and reality turns out to be not what it seems.

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96 comments so far...

  1. beastie on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Picking it up at midnight

  2. TheAmazingDaler on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Original strapline, rejected by CVG's editors: "Cloudy with a chance of amazeballs"

  3. 360_Fan on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Want this so bad. Too many good games out at the moment. Not even touched tomb raider or gears, now this comes along. Need a holiday.

  4. FishyGinger on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Original strapline, rejected by CVG's editors: "Cloudy with a chance of amazeballs"

    Good, that would have been totes crap.

  5. cupoftea on 25 Mar '13 said:

    No 2 was a bit of a joke but this 1 from wat ive seen looks good . Going to trade games in at the weekend got 89£ last weekend witch was funky

  6. stato257 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Pre-loaded with my finger on the trigger come midnight. Now just hurry up....

  7. Zabba 2 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    This will be a fantastic reward for when I finish my dissertation next week.

  8. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:


  9. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

  10. MrPirtniw on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Been playing this since Friday (bought it from simplygames for only £29.99) and I'm inclined to agree with the review- though I haven't completed it yet. The world they've created is absolutely amazing- full of things to look at and despite being ridiculous is totally believable in the way its presented. The opening part of the game had more 'wow' moments than most games have in their entirety!
    The creepy setting, slower pace and moral decisions seem to have gone and been replaced by combat which to be honest I have found a bit disappointing. It's pretty cool combat, forcing you to think on your feet (and a million times better than Bioshocks), but i was kind of hoping for more than just a shooter with a few interesting powers thrown in. So far simply exploring Columbia has been my favourite part of the game all the while getting to know Booker and Elizabeth's characters as the story unfolds.
    This is still very much Bioshock in that you still scavenge money, health and ammo, you still explore a bizarre and brilliant new world, you still pick up voice recorders to learn about the history and side characters and you still essentially have plasmids but replace the creepy splicers and big daddies with soldiers and patriot robots- except make them far, far more numerous.

    So far I wouldn't be giving it a score as high as CVG but I'll wait until I've completed the game until I fully decide.

  11. TheAmazingDaler on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    Oh, don't be so tedious.

  12. Rob Crossley on 25 Mar '13 said:

    This will be a fantastic reward for when I finish my dissertation next week.

    Well done mate. Keep working hard, stay off this website for now, keep your head down, make your dissertation perfect and get playing! :)

  13. Tamoor on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.


  14. Tamoor on 25 Mar '13 said:

    This will be a fantastic reward for when I finish my dissertation next week.

    Good luck Zabba, show that dissertation who's boss.

  15. FishyGinger on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    I know, it's the same with that mario character. So cartoony yet always gets good scores. I reckon it's an anti-nintendo conspiracy. How do these reviewers live with themselves, getting paid to review things and whatnot?

  16. BenThomasFoster on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Review is bad, I'd say you score is in correct though: less replaybility, weapons are boring, story ain't as great, and most importantly for me that it's more disappointing that bioshock 2!! How can a game be a 9 if its only as wonderful as bioshock 2. I had a feeling this game wouldn't be bioshock 1 amazing. I agree with the other comment, this review does say its a bit of a bland shooter just with a unique setting. Some of you guy should actually read the review.

  17. TheLastDodo on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Anyone else kinda wish you could just explore Columbia without having to shoot anything?

    The combat looks fun but the setting is the draw for me with Infinite.

  18. Lt Fatman on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Glad to hear it's a great game, looking forward to playing it. :mrgreen:

  19. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    I know, it's the same with that mario character. So cartoony yet always gets good scores. I reckon it's an anti-nintendo conspiracy. How do these reviewers live with themselves, getting paid to review things and whatnot?

    what are you talking about dude?

    you've missed my point i think, i love B 1 and 2, the world you play in is scarily realistic and believable. floating islands in the sky is not. you can't call B 1 and 2 'bland' or say that the weapons 'have been plucked out of any cod clone'.

    so excuse me if it sounds like my favourite shooter ever has been toned down gameplay wise and put into a total opposite world. (going by the review) :roll:

  20. sbradley88 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Review is bad, I'd say you score is in correct though: less replaybility, weapons are boring, story ain't as great, and most importantly for me that it's more disappointing that bioshock 2!! How can a game be a 9 if its only as wonderful as bioshock 2. I had a feeling this game wouldn't be bioshock 1 amazing. I agree with the other comment, this review does say its a bit of a bland shooter just with a unique setting. Some of you guy should actually read the review.

    Some people prefer setting to shootery. Like Dodo said, just want to be able to explore the world without shooting anything

  21. runadumb on 25 Mar '13 said:

    For PC gamers get to GMG quick. I just pre-ordered it today and got it with the original Bioshock, The darkness 2 and ...wait for it...X_COM, all for £24!(other deals instead of Darkness 2)

    I've never used the site before but I hear it's legit. Got the steam codes right away. The deal is so good I'm still slightly worried though but I heard people on here getting Tomb Raider for a song so hey, risked it.

  22. flash501 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    They must've given a brown envelope to everyone who reviewed this then because it's getting 9s and 10s across the board!

  23. WHERESMYMONKEY on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    No it doesn't. the text says its a brilliant shooter, and it is. I know for a fact that everyone who wasn't sodding IGN got their review copy in the post on Saturday. I know because thats when i got mine.

    Alex no doubt worked all weekend to put this out for you the second the embargo broke you ungreateful arsehole.

    Personally i disagree with his score. I think it should be higher. Thats how brilliant this game is.

  24. havoc33 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I have yet to watch a trailer of the game, not even clicked on a high res screenshot. I was just waiting for the review scores to confirm it's not a total disappointment, so needless to say I'm purchasing this NOW.

    I'm actually refusing to read any of the reviews as well. I'm sick of having every aspect of the game laid out to me b4 I play it. Now that I have resisted for so long, I'm finally going to enjoy this! :twisted:

  25. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    They must've given a brown envelope to everyone who reviewed this then because it's getting 9s and 10s across the board!

    yeah, they must've wanted another generic shooter, with the same weapons in it, and a totally different colourful cartoon world to play a generic shooter in then.

    it's mental, the eerie setting and the vast possibilities with unique weapons is what makes bioshock 1 (and 2) so good and unique. all the reviews said this too.

    meh, who cares i guess. yet another IP that's been totally changed. :cry:

  26. flash501 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Don't buy it then. I loved Bioshock 1 and 2, and I love the look of this!

  27. TheLastDodo on 25 Mar '13 said:

    you've missed my point i think, i love B 1 and 2, the world you play in is scarily realistic and believable. floating islands in the sky is not. you can't call B 1 and 2 'bland' or say that the weapons 'have been plucked out of any cod clone'.

    so excuse me if it sounds like my favourite shooter ever has been toned down gameplay wise and put into a total opposite world. (going by the review)

    You have a problem getting your head around with a floating city but you're fine with a city at the bottom of the sea where people shoot bees out of their hands? Rapture is an awesome world sure, scary too, but it's not really believable is it?

  28. Tamoor on 25 Mar '13 said:

    For PC gamers get to GMG quick. I just pre-ordered it today and got it with the original Bioshock, The darkness 2 and ...wait for it...X_COM, all for £24!(other deals instead of Darkness 2)

    I've never used the site before but I hear it's legit. Got the steam codes right away. The deal is so good I'm still slightly worried though but I heard people on here getting Tomb Raider for a song so hey, risked it.

    Does it register on Steam?

  29. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Don't buy it then. I loved Bioshock 1 and 2, and I love the look of this!

    i wont. i'll just hold out for bioshock 3, instead of a game that's bioshock by name, but not location, characters or weapons. 8)

  30. runadumb on 25 Mar '13 said:

    For PC gamers get to GMG quick. I just pre-ordered it today and got it with the original Bioshock, The darkness 2 and ...wait for it...X_COM, all for £24!(other deals instead of Darkness 2)

    I've never used the site before but I hear it's legit. Got the steam codes right away. The deal is so good I'm still slightly worried though but I heard people on here getting Tomb Raider for a song so hey, risked it.

    Does it register on Steam?

    Don't know, I won't get home until 6:30pm :cry:

  31. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    you've missed my point i think, i love B 1 and 2, the world you play in is scarily realistic and believable. floating islands in the sky is not. you can't call B 1 and 2 'bland' or say that the weapons 'have been plucked out of any cod clone'.

    so excuse me if it sounds like my favourite shooter ever has been toned down gameplay wise and put into a total opposite world. (going by the review)

    You have a problem getting your head around with a floating city but you're fine with a city at the bottom of the sea where people shoot bees out of their hands? Rapture is an awesome world sure, scary too, but it's not really believable is it?

    yes it is, far more believable than floating islands. (though somebody said they do explain it and it is to do with quantum physics, which is nice).

    we already have underwater 'bases', just not anything the vastness of rapture obviously. i love sci-fi that exagerates reality, as opposed to makes a 'new reality' (that if not written well ruins everything else).

    yup, i'm a geek.

  32. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Does it register on Steam?

    Don't know, I won't get home until 6:30pm :cry:

    don't worry, it's legit, a few people i chat too (online) have already done it and confirmed. 8)

  33. FishyGinger on 25 Mar '13 said:

    The shooting mechanics were never that great in the bioshock games, it was all about the setting. As dodo says rapture wasn't that believable but it was interesting. As is this. If you're not a fan of the direction they've taken it is a shame obviously but insinuating that the reviewer must have been paid for this review is a bit mental when it's completely in line with every other reviewer.

    That and cartoony games must be rubbish right?

  34. TheLastDodo on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Don't buy it then. I loved Bioshock 1 and 2, and I love the look of this!

    i wont. i'll just hold out for bioshock 3, instead of a game that's bioshock by name, but not location, characters or weapons. 8)

    EA presents

    Powered by Frosts**te 2


    If it's in the sea, it's IN the sea.

    Is that you want? ;)

  35. darry on 25 Mar '13 said:

    meh, who cares i guess. yet another IP that's been totally changed. :cry:

    Developers just can't win, can they? Do you really just want the same game over and over? Bioshock 2 was nowhere near as exciting as the orginal, precisely because it was set in the same place.

    we already have underwater 'bases'

    And we did in the 60s too...? Also, we have 'bases' floating IN SPACE that ROCKETS LEAVE THE PLANET and FLY PEOPLE THROUGH VACUUMS to get to. If you can't get from that to a city in the sky, maybe your imagination isn't up to scratch.

  36. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    The shooting mechanics were never that great in the bioshock games, it was all about the setting. As dodo says rapture wasn't that believable but it was interesting. As is this. If you're not a fan of the direction they've taken it is a shame obviously but insinuating that the reviewer must have been paid for this review is a bit mental when it's completely in line with every other reviewer.

    That and cartoony games must be rubbish right?

    still missing the point. i give up after this time.

    quote me saying cartoony games are rubbish. that isn't my point, rayman origins is probably my fav game of this gen.

    my point is, bioshock 1 and 2 isn't cartoony. this new one is. it's different, then.
    the powers were more important than guns in bioshock 1 and 2. not in this new one. it's different, then.

    can't explain it any simpler. it looks different, and plays different. according to ALL the reviews (i've read). so i was looking forward to bioshock 3, and it looks like a different game with 'bioshock' put on the title to me.

    sorry for being dissapointed.

    i give up. carry on bigging up your new generic cod clone in the sky.....

  37. Barry316 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I hate every game that isn't based on reality as well. So that's basically all of them that don't include gravy, snow or trips to the doctors for help with a water infection.

  38. Metagen on 25 Mar '13 said:

    yes it is, far more believable than floating islands. (though somebody said they do explain it and it is to do with quantum physics, which is nice).

    we already have underwater 'bases', just not anything the vastness of rapture obviously. i love sci-fi that exagerates reality, as opposed to makes a 'new reality' (that if not written well ruins everything else).

    yup, i'm a geek.

    How do you ever enjoy games with all this over-analytical nonsense? Just go with it dude and enjoy it for what it is. I don't see why you'd be calling it a COD clone but whatever, your opinion is your own.
    I'm really looking forward to giving this a go, personally, after the disappointment that was 2.

  39. OfWolfAndBiggs on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I don't know why but I can't seem to get excited about this game which is odd considering how much I loved BioShock. Its been getting great reviews so I'll guess I'll pick it up at some point even if I'm a bit worried about the increased focus on gunplay, the shooting was my least favourite part of the original.

  40. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    meh, who cares i guess. yet another IP that's been totally changed. :cry:

    Developers just can't win, can they? Do you really just want the same game over and over? Bioshock 2 was nowhere near as exciting as the orginal, precisely because it was set in the same place.

    yeah they can win. they can stop drastically changing their IPs.

    let's look at a franchise that knows what it's best at: Super Mario Bros. even the brand new one, is the same game as the original but with shiny graphics and new things to do ON TOP of the basics that've been there forever.

    it's still innovated, it's still progressed. but it's essentially more of the same. that's what i want when i buy a mario game. that's what i want when i buy any sequel to a franchise.

    if i want drastically different, i'd buy a different game.


  41. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    yes it is, far more believable than floating islands. (though somebody said they do explain it and it is to do with quantum physics, which is nice).

    we already have underwater 'bases', just not anything the vastness of rapture obviously. i love sci-fi that exagerates reality, as opposed to makes a 'new reality' (that if not written well ruins everything else).

    yup, i'm a geek.

    How do you every enjoy games with all this over-analytical nonsense? Just go with it dude and enjoy it for what it is.

    it's a sci-fi, with emphasis on its setting and story. kinda too big to ignore for the sake of a 'generic shooter'

  42. gayrath on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I don't think I am wrong in saying that this is set in the same universe as Bioshock 1 and 2. So whilst it isn't set in Rapture, it is in the same game world? How the two cities relate to each other I don't know (I haven't played it yet).

    I do think it is a bit odd to believe in a completely unbelieveable city like Rapture (it really is ridiculous!) and then somehow not believe in Columbia which is just as manic and crazy. I don't really get that at all. Both cities are stupid, but they managed to make Rapture believeable in the first game and there is absolutely nothging to suggest they they won't succeed in doing that again with Columbia.

    I can't wait to get my mits on it, and will be the first thing I buy come payday. It looks just as exciting, scary and thought provoking as the first game, but with some polished fighting mechanics at last.

  43. darry on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Yeah they can win. they can stop drastically changing their IPs.

    let's look at a franchise that knows what it's best at: Super Mario Bros. even the brand new one, is the same game as the original but with shiny graphics and new things to do ON TOP of the basics that've been there forever.

    it's still innovated, it's still progressed. but it's essentially more of the same. that's what i want when i buy a mario game. that's what i want when i buy any sequel to a franchise.

    if i want drastically different, i'd buy a different game.


    You've got me there, the increasingly stale NSMB series is definitely the best thing about platform gaming at the moment.

    And well done for skillfully dodging my second point.

  44. gayrath on 25 Mar '13 said:

    sorry for being dissapointed.

    i give up. carry on bigging up your new generic cod clone in the sky.....

    That is a massive over-simplification isn't it? For starters the review makes it quite clear that it isn't a cod clone. It says that the weapons available are 1910 versions of cod weapons, but I think that it is obvious from the review that the setting, story and characters elevate it up from anytihng remotely cod-esque.

    Bioshock games have always been about the setting and the characters that inhabit it. The original would be nothing without Rapture and fantastic characters like Sander Cohen. Infinate doesn't seem to stray from that. Its created yet another beautifully realised and fantastic city, and filled it to the brim with amazing characters to engage with. This time with (at f**king last!) some decent weapon and fighting mechanics.

  45. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    so the review's text blatantly highlights that it's a bland shooter, ANOTHER bland shooter, only set in a unique setting (that is laughably unrealistic except for in 'cartoon land').

    yet it gets 9.1

    cool. when a 2 page review spends a page and a half teasing the story, kinda reeks of a paid for review to me.

    I know, it's the same with that mario character. So cartoony yet always gets good scores. I reckon it's an anti-nintendo conspiracy. How do these reviewers live with themselves, getting paid to review things and whatnot?

    lol, you're just repeating yourself. so trolling as opposed to missing the point. go you.

  46. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Yeah they can win. they can stop drastically changing their IPs.

    let's look at a franchise that knows what it's best at: Super Mario Bros. even the brand new one, is the same game as the original but with shiny graphics and new things to do ON TOP of the basics that've been there forever.

    it's still innovated, it's still progressed. but it's essentially more of the same. that's what i want when i buy a mario game. that's what i want when i buy any sequel to a franchise.

    if i want drastically different, i'd buy a different game.


    You've got me there, the increasingly stale NSMB series is definitely the best thing about platform gaming at the moment.

    And well done for skillfully dodging my second point.

    to be fair, Mario is on his, what, 20th game now? (yet the latest still got great reviews, go figure :lol: )

    sorry about missing your 2nd point. i see what you're saying, but bioshock is set in a alternative history where technology was advanced way beyond what it actually is in our actual history. so yeah, the things in it can be explained in a sci-fi fashion.

    it seems i'm wrong about the city in the sky anyway, as it is apparently given an explanation in the game. so i humbly back down from that one gripe.

    i'll humbly back down from this thread too, i'm clearly winding you all up and i'm not even trying to lol. it looks and sounds pants to me, which is a huge dissapointment after the first 2 games for ME. resident evil and dead space have done the same. it's like all my personal favourite franchises are being s**t all over the last year or so.

  47. FishyGinger on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I'll change the record then. It's a cod clone.

    That better?

    I genuinely am sorry it sounds disappointing to you though :(

  48. NinjaWizard on 25 Mar '13 said:


    Ok, not only are you judging and slagging off a game that you haven't even played, but you're also accusing CVG of being paid off to of given it a high score because they don't agree with your opinion..... even though they have played the game and CAN judge it.... while you haven't played it and CAN'T judge it.
    By your logic you must think all the websites have been paid off aswell as they have all given it high scores?!

    You're entitled to your opinion of what you have seen of the game so far, but don't be surprised when people take offence to you when you word your opinion in the manner that you have.

  49. runadumb on 25 Mar '13 said:

    don't worry, it's legit, a few people i chat too (online) have already done it and confirmed. 8)

    Ah cheers. What a deal :shock:

  50. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:


    Ok, not only are you judging and slagging off a game that you haven't even played, but you're also accusing CVG of being paid off to of given it a high score because they don't agree with your opinion..... even though they have played the game and CAN judge it.... while you haven't played it and CAN'T judge it.
    By your logic you must think all the websites have been paid off aswell as they have all given it high scores?!

    You're entitled to your opinion of what you have seen of the game so far, but don't be surprised when people take offense to you when you word your opinion in the manner that you have.

    i read a review written by someone who CAN judge it. that review said the powers are toned down, the weapons are more like cod's, and the world is totally different.

    can't put it any simpler why i've been turned off this game by the reviews of it.

    reviews are there so you can judge a game before you buy it / play it, so you know whether it's got the possibility of being worth the £40 price tag.

    what do YOU think reviews are for? :lol:

  51. TheAmazingDaler on 25 Mar '13 said:

    i read a review written by someone who CAN judge it. that review said the powers are toned down, the weapons are more like cod's, and the world is totally different.

    can't put it any simpler why i've been turned off this game by the reviews of it.

    reviews are there so you can judge a game before you buy it / play it, so you know whether it's got the possibility of being worth the £40 price tag.

    what do YOU think reviews are for? :lol:

    This is why it's important to not fixate too much on review scores. I liked the game a lot, but there are elements that will disappoint fans too and I have strove to outline them in the text.

    It seems, FixBeatGames, that you've read my review and come to the conclusion that you won't enjoy this game, and I would agree with that assessment based on what you're looking for from this game. While we can both agree that this is a shame since you clearly hold a lot of love for the first BioShock, if I've saved you from wasting your money then that is very gratifying from my point of view. That's what I'm here to do - act as a buying guide.

    If I were you, I'd hunt out System Shock 2 instead if you haven't already. Many consider that BioShock 1 was a simplified version of that game.

  52. NinjaWizard on 25 Mar '13 said:


    Ok, not only are you judging and slagging off a game that you haven't even played, but you're also accusing CVG of being paid off to of given it a high score because they don't agree with your opinion..... even though they have played the game and CAN judge it.... while you haven't played it and CAN'T judge it.
    By your logic you must think all the websites have been paid off aswell as they have all given it high scores?!

    You're entitled to your opinion of what you have seen of the game so far, but don't be surprised when people take offense to you when you word your opinion in the manner that you have.

    i read a review written by someone who CAN judge it. that review said the powers are toned down, the weapons are more like cod's, and the world is totally different.

    can't put it any simpler why i've been turned off this game by the reviews of it.

    reviews are there so you can judge a game before you buy it / play it, so you know whether it's got the possibility of being worth the £40 price tag.

    what do YOU think reviews are for? :lol:

    Well looks like im using reviews the proper way rather than you.
    High scores across the board for a game im looking forward to means its a purchase for me.
    While you ignore all the good scores and focus on one sentence from one review then use it against a game you had clearly made your mind up about before seeing any reviews and then accusing said website of bribes..... *slow clap*
    You are allowed not to like the look of the game, each to their own. But you coming across as if Ken Levine personally butthurt you over the design choices he made for the game and you aren't happy its getting good reviews.
    You need to work on your constructive criticism.

  53. jimmity on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Ah cheers. What a deal :shock:

    Anyone got a spare bioshock code going spare from this deal?

  54. runadumb on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Ah cheers. What a deal :shock:

    Anyone got a spare bioshock code going spare from this deal?

    Yeah actually. I will make sure none of my mates want it first (unlikely).

  55. Rammsoldat on 25 Mar '13 said:

    (looks at the article picture)

    that pringles dude hit the gym hard...or maybe the lab

  56. GlynCR on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Cant wait to explore cloumbia looks just as amazing as rapture im really hoping my local sainsburys has broken the street date and are selling it when I finish work

  57. tanukilou on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Got this on it's way soon. This always looked good, right from the first I'd heard about it.

  58. roland82 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Im gonna avoid the review to stay completely spoiler free. Might have to wait for the game of the year edition as my hard drive is getting very full.

  59. CatfishMurphy on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Yeah, it looks like this thread is descending into the usual mountain of embedded b*****ks and bulls**t, but I'm overjoyed that it's actually happening about a game, a piece of culture, rather than the usual heaps of spurious shinola that collects around sales figures and GDDR5 vs GDDR3 type things.
    I view this as progress.

  60. richomack360 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Guys - would you suggest I try the previous games in this series or jump in with this one ?

    Honest answers appreciated...

  61. wwinterj on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Good reviews everywhere it seems. Should have this delivered tomorrow. :P

  62. FishyGinger on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Guys - would you suggest I try the previous games in this series or jump in with this one ?

    Honest answers appreciated...

    I'd suggest you try at least the first one. No idea if there is a relationship you'd notice beyond the name but the first one is a quality game if you hadn't heard so already.

  63. Marlonjb on 25 Mar '13 said:

    If CVG found anything wrong with this game they were nitpicking. End of.

  64. DAEDALUS79 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Guys - would you suggest I try the previous games in this series or jump in with this one ?

    Honest answers appreciated...

    Play Bioshock but skip the second one. I dont think it will hurt if you dont play them, I dont think the story is connected much at all, but Bioshock 1 is a must play.

  65. Taus on 25 Mar '13 said:

    i read a review written by someone who CAN judge it. that review said the powers are toned down, the weapons are more like cod's, and the world is totally different.

    can't put it any simpler why i've been turned off this game by the reviews of it.

    reviews are there so you can judge a game before you buy it / play it, so you know whether it's got the possibility of being worth the £40 price tag.

    what do YOU think reviews are for? :lol:

    Fixbeat, you're descending into a bit of a pompous bore to be honest but let's go with your unbalanced critique; what is the 9/10 score supposed to tell you?

    The sheer weight of high scores across different sites, IGN etc, what are they supposed to mean vis a vis your purchasing decision?

    Also accusing the reviewer of taking bribes to give a game a high score - cheap and kind of a boring nerd rage lyric

    Get a new put down, the brown envelope metaphor is played out

  66. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    i read a review written by someone who CAN judge it. that review said the powers are toned down, the weapons are more like cod's, and the world is totally different.

    can't put it any simpler why i've been turned off this game by the reviews of it.

    reviews are there so you can judge a game before you buy it / play it, so you know whether it's got the possibility of being worth the £40 price tag.

    what do YOU think reviews are for? :lol:

    This is why it's important to not fixate too much on review scores. I liked the game a lot, but there are elements that will disappoint fans too and I have strove to outline them in the text.

    It seems, FixBeatGames, that you've read my review and come to the conclusion that you won't enjoy this game, and I would agree with that assessment based on what you're looking for from this game. While we can both agree that this is a shame since you clearly hold a lot of love for the first BioShock, if I've saved you from wasting your money then that is very gratifying from my point of view. That's what I'm here to do - act as a buying guide.

    If I were you, I'd hunt out System Shock 2 instead if you haven't already. Many consider that BioShock 1 was a simplified version of that game.

    thanks for this, i'm glad you can see why i use reviews and that i wasn't attacking you personally or something!

    i did come to the conclusion from the review that is was more of a generic shooter than bioshock, was in a totally different setting to bioshock (which just in my opinion doesn't turn me on like rapture did/does) and seem(ed?) to have totally dumbed down the power abilities compared to bioshock.

    as you say i do rely on reviews, i can't afford every new game that's released every month so use reviews to see how games i had my eye on fare to the critics.

    i will give this a miss though, i love bioshock, but this sounds too far apart from previous games for me. thanks for your review anyway good sir. i'll accept 9/10 for this game as a shooter, but pompously not for a bioshock game :lol:

  67. flash501 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    You accused him of taking money to give it a good score, of course you were attacking him personally.

  68. runadumb on 25 Mar '13 said:

    For PC gamers get to GMG quick. I just pre-ordered it today and got it with the original Bioshock, The darkness 2 and ...wait for it...X_COM, all for £24!(other deals instead of Darkness 2)

    I've never used the site before but I hear it's legit. Got the steam codes right away. The deal is so good I'm still slightly worried though but I heard people on here getting Tomb Raider for a song so hey, risked it.

    Does it register on Steam?

    The codes are in, steam has accepted and I'm downloading now. What a stellar deal :D

    Not that I can play it until I finish Far Cry 3. Good job I'm nearly at the end of it. Great game.

  69. KK-Headcharge78 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Looks like COD.......


    In reality looks f**k all like COD or most other shooters. It's like looking at a Fiat Uno, seeing it has four wheels and proclaiming so this basically a BMW M1 :shock:

    Where do these people come from.

    Nice review, good game, sold. And Richo as others have said I pick up the 1st Bioshock for sure and going on the price of the 2nd it's worth a go if you lke the 1st imo.

  70. Onomatopoeia on 25 Mar '13 said:

    If CVG found anything wrong with this game they were nitpicking. End of.

    2 Weapon limit. That's the first thing that looks wrong to me already. Hopefully everything else makes up for it.

  71. richomack360 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I'd suggest you try at least the first one. No idea if there is a relationship you'd notice beyond the name but the first one is a quality game if you hadn't heard so already.

    I'd suggest you try at least the first one. No idea if there is a relationship you'd notice beyond the name but the first one is a quality game if you hadn't heard so already.

    Cheers guys, it's on the "to be played" queue !

  72. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    You accused him of taking money to give it a good score, of course you were attacking him personally.

    lol, calm down. i said the review had some huge (to me) negatives ("cod-like weapons") yet had a very high score which 'reeked of paid reviews'.

    hardly accusing him personally, calling the police, threatening his family... or something, was i? :roll:

  73. Onomatopoeia on 25 Mar '13 said:


    I can see where he's coming from. When I come on to CVG the background is replaced with a huge Bioshock: Infinite ad. You look all over on websites that review games on the internet and they have a similar huge advertisement from the game, they also give the game a ridiculously high score. Is Bioshock: Infinite a good game? Probably (I haven't played it yet). Is it a 9/10 and 10/10 game, highly unlikely. Why score games anyway and why give them . scores? This then brings game journalism in to question altogether and you have people saying "This is a paid for review". It definitely happens but is it as widespread as everyone thinks? I wouldn't say no.

  74. toaplan on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Is it a 9/10 and 10/10 game, highly unlikely.

    I'll be playing it soon, but based on what I've read and seen so far, I'd be surprised if I didn't find it a 9 or 10 out of ten game like the reviewers. Already the setting, premise of the story and characters are incredibly appealing to me. Much more so than Dishonored for example, even if that game has got more innovative game mechanics.

    So I'd say it depends on what you are looking for in the game. If you value the freedom and openess of a game like Dishonored above everything else, I could see why a reviewer would give Dishonored a higher score than Infinite. If you are just looking for a competent fun FPS, there are probably better options out there. But I'm pretty eager right now for a game that seems to be able to rival movies in portrayal of characters, aesthetic ambition and writing in terms of plot, setting and themes.

    Games like this are important for the development of video games as a medium and a form of art. I think it's neat that serious newspapers like the Wall Street Journal are also taking notice of the game: ... %3Darticle

  75. richomack360 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Guys come on, lets not go down the conspiracy / biased route again. Its a well worn place that doesn't need to be revisited, like Hull or Avonmouth.

    Reviews are just one persons' opinion - read the text rather than the score. Then download a demo and give it a go if it still tickles your gizzards

  76. flash501 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    You accused him of taking money to give it a good score, of course you were attacking him personally.

    lol, calm down. i said the review had some huge (to me) negatives ("cod-like weapons") yet had a very high score which 'reeked of paid reviews'.

    hardly accusing him personally, calling the police, threatening his family... or something, was i? :roll:

    Throw in all the rolly eye smileys you want. It was still a pretty serious accusation. And all because you personally don't like the direction they've taken with this one.

  77. Dalaeck on 25 Mar '13 said: ... 4-BioShock

    To be fair, I haven't played BI yet but the first one was vastly too easy for my metroid taste bud.

  78. richomack360 on 25 Mar '13 said:


    I can see where he's coming from. When I come on to CVG the background is replaced with a huge Bioshock: Infinite ad. You look all over on websites that review games on the internet and they have a similar huge advertisement from the game

    To get revenue through advertising right?

    they also give the game a ridiculously high score. Is Bioshock: Infinite a good game? Probably (I haven't played it yet). Is it a 9/10 and 10/10 game, highly unlikely.

    Why would you say that if you haven't played it? Could the reviewer not just have liked the game and decided it was well worth a good score?

    Why score games anyway and why give them . scores? This then brings game journalism in to question altogether and you have people saying "This is a paid for review". It definitely happens but is it as widespread as everyone thinks? I wouldn't say no.

    Why not? The score is a one digit reference / summary to how the reviewer rates the game. Why would you just read the score and make a judgment based on that alone? Plenty of games that scored 6 or 7 turn out to be hugely enjoyable.

    Fire Emblem scored a very high score, would you suggest a conspiracy on that too, or perhaps think it's an absolute belter of a game?

    In short - a review is an opinion, you don't have to agree with it, but to suggest a mass conspiracy theory on a game you haven't played yet is rather daft. Give it a shot, if you don't like it then fine, but I'm guessing this reviewer loved it

  79. FixBeatGames on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Throw in all the rolly eye smileys you want. It was still a pretty serious accusation. And all because you personally don't like the direction they've taken with this one.

    right ok, well the actual guy didn't seem to think so in his reply. so i'm happy with that. what you think, i frankly couldn't care as i don't know you / wasn't talking about you. so let's call it quits and have a good evening.

  80. flyfletch on 25 Mar '13 said:

    For PC gamers get to GMG quick. I just pre-ordered it today and got it with the original Bioshock, The darkness 2 and ...wait for it...X_COM, all for £24!(other deals instead of Darkness 2)

    I've never used the site before but I hear it's legit. Got the steam codes right away. The deal is so good I'm still slightly worried though but I heard people on here getting Tomb Raider for a song so hey, risked it.

    I use another place called Direct2Play, they are brilliant for PC games as well, really cheap.

  81. Onomatopoeia on 25 Mar '13 said:

    In short - a review is an opinion, you don't have to agree with it, but to suggest a mass conspiracy theory on a game you haven't played yet is rather daft. Give it a shot, if you don't like it then fine, but I'm guessing this reviewer loved it

    Ads are understandable, it's when there's a huge ad everywhere on the site and the game gets a really high score people question it. As I said it looks good but is it worth a 9/10? In the past when a game got a 9/10 it was a rarity, now not so much. And yes reviews are opinions but not everyone sees it that way. People read a review on IGN and think that if it's on a website then it must be a great game when in reality it isn't.

    This game might surprise me, it may very well be one of the rare games that deserves its score but with everyone hyping this up I wouldn't bet on it. I've already learned my lesson when the Dragon Age 2, Skyrim and Mass Effect reviews were published. As for scoring games most of the scores don't fit with the content of the article.

  82. richomack360 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    Ads are understandable, it's when there's a huge ad everywhere on the site and the game gets a really high score people question it.

    Ok it may be understandable to get a conspiracy angle - but giant "grabbing" ads such as the ones around the border are always out upon a game release / before Bioshock's there were Sniper 2 (think that was the title) border ads - but the game got a lukewarm I think linking ad space to a review score is looser than the trousers worn by Slimmer of the Week down the missus' local fat fighters club.

    As I said it looks good but is it worth a 9/10?

    That is your decision to make once you have picked it up - I was dubious about the new GOWJ game, thinking "more of the same yadda yadda" saw it got a good score and if I was even more cynical I could have made a link like you have done above - but I played it and had a blast. Plus debating with the guys on the forums about why you like it and why people who dont like it are so so so wrong (tongue in cheek) Had I taken the review as gospel and bounded out a conspiracy theory I would have missed out on a good game and potentially spent 5 hours last Sunday trawling the shops for new shoes rather than gutting some grubs with a chainsaw :)

    in the past when a game got a 9/10 it was a rarity, now not so much. And yes reviews are opinions but not everyone sees it that way. People read a review on IGN and think that if it's on a website then it must be a great game when in reality it isn't.

    "People read a review" - let them. That's why so many copies of Resi 6 lay gathering dust in CEX. I prefer to try before I buy, same applies with cars, food and films. That way I can make my own mind up about a game before shelling out some cash. I did it with the Resi 6 demo, thank the heavens I did.

    This game might surprise me, it may very well be one of the rare games that deserves its score but with everyone hyping this up I wouldn't bet on it. I've already learned my lesson when the Dragon Age 2, Skyrim and Mass Effect reviews were published. As for scoring games most of the scores don't fit with the content of the article.

    You said it yourself - most scores don't match, so what better way to decide for yourself then powering up your console and grabbing a demo if one is about.

  83. KK-Headcharge78 on 25 Mar '13 said:

    I must admit I was surprised to see adverts for Bioshock Infinite on this site so close to a review for the very same game. This is up there with the greatest conspiracy theories of all time!!

    Nah I'm pulling your leg this is 2013 and most forum/news focussed sites have adverts funnily enough about the same kind of subject matter, remember when Resi, Spec Ops the Line, Colonial Marines and MOH Warfighter came out? Remember the ads then (Spec Ops was wall to wall) were they all getting 9+ scores- nope.

    I recall Super Mario 3 getting 98% in Mean Machines with it plastered throughout- we can argue all day whether it deserved it but did anyone really think it was a conspiracy? If I thought a site was heavily biased you know what I'd f**k off elsewhere and not attempt to convince others of my paranoia.

    Sleep well and have one of these; :roll:

  84. Taus on 26 Mar '13 said:

    Throw in all the rolly eye smileys you want. It was still a pretty serious accusation. And all because you personally don't like the direction they've taken with this one.

    right ok, well the actual guy didn't seem to think so in his reply. so i'm happy with that. what you think, i frankly couldn't care as i don't know you / wasn't talking about you. so let's call it quits and have a good evening.

    Agree with flash but so be it; you started the day like a petulant kid, accusing the reviewer of taking brides, but thankfully you're finishing on a mature note

    Personally I would have done it the other way around; constructive start to the day culminating in drunken, juvenille behavior.

    It's more fun that way

    And now......onto my next beer

  85. Skullet on 26 Mar '13 said:

    I absolutely loved Bioshock, from the second the game started I knew it was something special so much so that I immediately spent £400 on a better graphics card, Bioshock 2 was a disappointment though and having played Bioshock 3 for an hour or so last night I'm still not sure how I feel about it, I wanted to love it but I don't think I do.

    So far one of the games biggest strengths has been it's biggest weakness for me and that's the setting, Columbia while looking pretty just doesn't feel right or more to the point it doesn't feel like Bioshock, it's too bright and colourful and feels a bit cheesy, also the world seems to be filled with people and objects that you can't interact with. I've only played it for an hour or so, so I'm hoping that with more time today I'll get a better feel for the game and it can win me over.

  86. Chris Scullion on 26 Mar '13 said:

    In the past when a game got a 9/10 it was a rarity, now not so much.

    To be fair, that's because the quality has had to improve these days. In the past games were relatively cheap to make (compared to today, at least) and were still getting sold for £39.99, meaning it was a lot easier to make back the money on them. Take Clayfighter on the SNES - terrible game, but it sold enough copies to justify a couple of sequels.

    Nowadays games cost millions to make and so publishers are less willing to greenlight them unless they're absolutely confident it's going to sell enough copies to make the money back - either by being based on a well-known licence (step forward, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct) or by being a game that's so good a combination of reviews and word-of-mouth will get it off to enough of a great start that it'll eventually be profitable.

    On top of that, we're now nearly seven years into this current generation. Developers know the 360 and PS3 inside-out now and it's much easier for them to push the systems to their limits.

    In short, the reason you see more 9/10s right now is because there are more quality games being released right now. It's a boring answer but it's the honest one.

  87. Skullet on 26 Mar '13 said:

    I absolutely loved Bioshock, from the second the game started I knew it was something special so much so that I immediately spent £400 on a better graphics card, Bioshock 2 was a disappointment though and having played Bioshock 3 for an hour or so last night I'm still not sure how I feel about it, I wanted to love it but I don't think I do.

    So far one of the games biggest strengths has been it's biggest weakness for me and that's the setting, Columbia while looking pretty just doesn't feel right or more to the point it doesn't feel like Bioshock, it's too bright and colourful and feels a bit cheesy, also the world seems to be filled with people and objects that you can't interact with. I've only played it for an hour or so, so I'm hoping that with more time today I'll get a better feel for the game and it can win me over.

    Well I've spent a bit more time playing Bioshock Infinite and if I'm being honest if I hadn't bought it on Steam I'd be trading it in later today, I just can't get into it at all. There is far too many people shooting at me and the AI is horrible, people run straight at you through a hail of bullets armed only with a melee weapon, and they somehow keep running if you shoot them in the legs, even a shot in the neck isn't enough to slow them down, I thought we'd moved beyond that years ago.

    I'm also not feeling the skyhook stuff, I have absolutely no idea where I am in the world because I'm randomly whizzing about on rails, there is a lot to be said for just using doors to move to the next area, at least it gives you a feel for where you are in the world.

    Think I'll go back and play Bioshock 1 and try to forget about this bad purchase.

  88. StonecoldMC on 26 Mar '13 said:

    A few people wearing funny hats trying to pick up a signal in this thread

  89. FishyGinger on 26 Mar '13 said:

    Have you ever seen that blue thing before?

  90. GlynCR on 26 Mar '13 said:

    Guys - would you suggest I try the previous games in this series or jump in with this one ?

    Honest answers appreciated...

    Like others have said definitely play bioshock, excellent game rapture is amazing and id say play bioshock 2 as well its not as good as the first but it worth a playthrough also BS2 has an excellent single player dlc campain called minervas den brilliant my personal fave story of the 3 rapture based bioshocks

  91. Onomatopoeia on 26 Mar '13 said:

    To be fair, that's because the quality has had to improve these days. In the past games were relatively cheap to make (compared to today, at least) and were still getting sold for £39.99, meaning it was a lot easier to make back the money on them. Take Clayfighter on the SNES - terrible game, but it sold enough copies to justify a couple of sequels.

    Nowadays games cost millions to make and so publishers are less willing to greenlight them unless they're absolutely confident it's going to sell enough copies to make the money back - either by being based on a well-known licence (step forward, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct) or by being a game that's so good a combination of reviews and word-of-mouth will get it off to enough of a great start that it'll eventually be profitable.

    On top of that, we're now nearly seven years into this current generation. Developers know the 360 and PS3 inside-out now and it's much easier for them to push the systems to their limits.

    In short, the reason you see more 9/10s right now is because there are more quality games being released right now. It's a boring answer but it's the honest one.

    Most games in the SNES days were a gamble to buy. People bought games purely judging on very misleading advertisements with one or two screen shots.

    Square-Enix spent millions on turning one of the greatest franchises in the past 20 years and turned it in to a Triple A game with tons of marketing and it still flopped. Over 3 million sales is great but with the "everything needs Call of Duty numbers" and very high expectations it fell short of SE's targets and may not get a second game. Most games today make their profit in the very early time it's released then everyone gets it preowned.

    As for the growth of quality in games I disagree. A vast majority of games today (especially FPS games) are now linear Micheal Bay rides that sell on hype and last under 10 hours and have little to no replayability. If people rate games on the smallest things that matter (graphics and story) then the medium suffers for it at large and this is exactly what we are seeing with games taking the route of a narrative and not the gameplay. I love a good story in a game but it should accompany the gameplay, the gameplay should not accompany the story.

  92. Marlonjb on 27 Mar '13 said:

    The shooting mechanics were never that great in the bioshock games, it was all about the setting. As dodo says rapture wasn't that believable but it was interesting. As is this. If you're not a fan of the direction they've taken it is a shame obviously but insinuating that the reviewer must have been paid for this review is a bit mental when it's completely in line with every other reviewer.

    That and cartoony games must be rubbish right?

    still missing the point. i give up after this time.

    quote me saying cartoony games are rubbish. that isn't my point, rayman origins is probably my fav game of this gen.

    my point is, bioshock 1 and 2 isn't cartoony. this new one is. it's different, then.
    the powers were more important than guns in bioshock 1 and 2. not in this new one. it's different, then.

    can't explain it any simpler. it looks different, and plays different. according to ALL the reviews (i've read). so i was looking forward to bioshock 3, and it looks like a different game with 'bioshock' put on the title to me.

    sorry for being dissapointed.

    i give up. carry on bigging up your new generic cod clone in the sky.....

    Cartoony? Why because there's sunlight? As opposed to never ending darkness? yeah really cartoony. If you don't like it don't play it. I had high hopes (High, get it?) for this game and they've all been met so if you're disappointed because it's not exactly like the last two games then it sucks to be you I guess.

    "Generic cod clone in the sky"? I can't even begin to think of a way to think as stupidly as that to make a such a statement. Congratulations... :roll: All those reviewers out there must love generic cod rip offs then.

  93. tanukilou on 27 Mar '13 said:

    That's it. I"ve buckled. I'm building a gaming rig to play this landmark game. No more talk or putting it off. I tried to hold off for a while but this is the straw that broke the camels back. I could play it on the PS3 but it'll niggle me knowing how much better it could look. I've already chosen half of my parts and will hopefully put my orders in next week..

    The time has come..

  94. JDB on 27 Mar '13 said:

    There's nothing wrong with a generic clone. Well there's nothing stopping them atleast. Just look at all the generic clones on this website complaining about generic clones. I say let the clones do what a clones a always does. Complain about other clones or make copies of itself.
    See? with a little understanding we can all make the world a better place one clone at a time.

  95. fionn1 on 28 Mar '13 said:

    Why in all the 7 hells are people complaining ffs ....look what we get to play now adays!...I had friggin jet set willy to grind through as a kid, and now look at the games we get and people whine about it.....

    Stop crying and picking it apart and enjoy it....and seriously will people stop saying when journos review stuff there paid off, its got to be the worst insult to them ever....

    Happy easter everyone....ill be smashing bioshock eating eating eggs and enjoying time of work.... p.s. anyone wants to start a clan on crysis message me on live gamertag Breenington :)

  96. Picnic12 on 31 Mar '13 said:

    There are some nice comparisons in this review. The flames of hell leap at heavenly bound Columbia from the sky instead - the glaring sun and the heavily armed airships.