Posted on Monday 4th Mar 2013 at 4:47 PM UTC

Assassin's Creed 4 will not have multiplayer naval battles

Ubisoft rules out player versus player ship combat

Ubisoft has ruled out multiplayer naval battles in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag Screenshot
Speaking to CVG, lead content manager Carsten Myhill said that although multiplayer will be a big part of the Assassin's Creed 4 experience, ship versus ship battles on the high seas won't feature.

"We're going to be communicating big on multiplayer in the coming weeks," he said. "However, what I can say is that unfortunately we won't be doing naval multiplayer for Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag."

According to Myhill, the lack of multiplayer naval battles is down to Ubisoft's dedication to realising the vision of an open-world pirate experience.

"The reason for that is that we really wanted to take it to the next level for an open-world pirate experience, and all our effort has gone into that. Of course, it would be great, but sadly not."

Ubisoft officially revealed Assassin's Creed 4 this morning. Hit the link for all the Assassin's Creed 4 details and trailers.

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6 comments so far...

  1. zinaptik on 4 Mar '13 said:

    big mistake ubi really big, this was one of the biggest missing elements from AC3, upgrading and making a ship your on is in single player so why not allow this in multiplayer, even 4v4 would have been great, not to mention the amount of DLC (download lost content) they could have released.

  2. MysticR on 4 Mar '13 said:

    I would rather all the effort that's gone into any multiplayer component be diverted to the single-player game. I tried the multiplayer in Revelations and it was ok, but I don't think Assassin's Creed needs online play. For me, AC is about the story, the characters and the setting, not whether I can beat some randomer to a kill. I guess I'm just old-school.

  3. sammikid on 4 Mar '13 said:

    big mistake ubi really big

    Agreed. I thought this was almost a certainty as it makes sense for its inclusion. This was one of the elements I was most looking forward to and would be better than the MP experiences from past AC games (though I had my fun with them)

    Make it Happen UBI

  4. altitude2k on 4 Mar '13 said:

    But considering the popularity of the idea, you can probably expect premium DLC.


  5. corkscru74 on 4 Mar '13 said:

    The reason for that is that we really wanted to take it to the next level for an open-world pirate experience, and all our effort has gone into that.

    They've got 8 studios working on this. WTF are they all doing if just one of them isn't working on Multiplayer Naval Battles?

    What was that guy from Ubisoft saying about this being the Pirate game we were all waiting for? :lol:

    Still, I'm tempted by this for the sheer fact that I love Pirates!!!1! But they seriously need to work on their pacing. AC3 was awful for this. I spent 3 hours tw@ting about as Haytham Kenway and nearly stopped playing there. I persevered but was then bombarded by a million different aspects of the game in the space of about 15 minutes of playtime. Here's hunting! Now there's a boat but you can't use it coz it's a complete wreck! Here's your homestead! Here's your supply chain! Now you can use your boat as it's miraculously fixed by 6 planks of wood! It's like it was designed for ADD sufferers only. Give me a new mechanic and let me get used to using it before hurling the next one my way. Don't worry, I can wait. :roll:

  6. KK-Headcharge78 on 5 Mar '13 said:

    Well that's a missed opportunity, but I'm sure they can do some DLC :wink: