Posted on Wednesday 13th Mar 2013 at 2:00 PM UTC

Dishonored DLC: 'The Knife of Dunwall' announced

Take on the role of Empress killer Daud in the campaign add-on

Bethesda has officially revealed the next Dishonored DLC pack, which is titled The Knife of Dunwall.

The campaign add-on - and its follow-up DLC, The Brigmore Witches - will see players assume the role of Daud, the assassin who killed the Empress at the beginning of the main game, granting access to his weapons, gadgets, allies and supernatural abilities as he sets out on a journey for redemption.

Set for release on April 16 (April 17 on PS3 in Europe), the DLC will be priced at 800 MS Points (£6.85 / €9.60 / $10.00 / AUS13.20) on Xbox 360 and £7.99 / €9.99 / $9.99 / AU$14.45 on PS3 and PC. A release date for part two, which will conclude the story, hasn't been confirmed.

An official description of the content and its new features follows the debut screenshots:

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  • The Knife of Dunwall: After assassinating the Empress, and forever changing the fate of Dunwall, you embark on a search for redemption. The Outsider reveals the key to your atonement, but who-or what-is Delilah? Accompanied by theWhalers, your loyal bandof mercenary assassins, your search will take you through never-before-seen districts of Dunwall as you face off against new and terrible foes. Employ a unique arsenal that enhances Dishonored's dynamic combat, mobility and stealth systems. In the struggle to hang onto the last shred of your humanity, the choices you make will ultimately determine your fate.
  • New Powers, Weapons and Gadgets: The mark of the Outsider empowers you with unique supernatural abilities. Call upon the Whalers to assist in combat with 'Summon Assassin', track down hidden Runes and Bone Charms with 'Void Gaze' and learn to use new variations to powers, including 'Blink'.To aid in your dangerous exploits your customized arsenal of weapons and gadgets will include Chokedust to daze your enemies, whale oil powered Stun Mines to shock your targets, and a concealed Wristbow to launch sleep darts and explosive bolts.
  • Explore More of Dunwall: Make your way through the Legal District and infiltrate the Rothwild Slaughterhouse, a steaming factory filled with colossal whale carcasses and their hulking butchers.Revisit the decaying Flooded District, the location of Daud's hidden base, first seen in the original game. Return to the scenes of key events in Dishonored with a new perspective, including the fateful moment that sets off Corvo's journey.
  • Choose Your Path: On your search for answers, approach each mission with your own style. Your redemption - or your turn towards darkness- depends on your skills and the decisions you make.Discover the mystery behind Delilah in this stand-alone chapter, and then conclude Daud's story in the upcoming final add-on, The Brigmore Witches.

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6 comments so far...

  1. CatfishMurphy on 13 Mar '13 said:

    "Set for release globally on April 16 (April 17 2014 on PS3 in Europe)" - fixed that for you :wink:

  2. billybouffant on 13 Mar '13 said:

    I enjoyed dishonored, but I thought there werent enough assassination missions, the one with the twins was great, but so much of the game was too linear

  3. IbanezLewis on 13 Mar '13 said:

    I enjoyed dishonored, but I thought there werent enough assassination missions, the one with the twins was great, but so much of the game was too linear

    Linear!? Each level was essentially a mini-sandbox for you to explore. Sure, you have to go from A to B to C, but you could get there many different ways!

  4. Stigweird85 on 14 Mar '13 said:

    I had some fun with Dishonored, but I personally found it wanting.

    I realise I'm probably in the minority but the story never got me involved and the subsequently for me the game never really evolved beyond go there and do that - I'll be giving this DLC a miss.

    If you haven't played Dishnored its certainly worth a rental but not much beyond that.

  5. rick on 15 Mar '13 said:

    Can't believe I nearly let this game pass me by, it's already one of my favourites.

    Fingers crossed they are working on a new one for the next gen.

  6. Black Fox on 18 Mar '13 said:

    This looked very honorably good :D