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Dead Island: Riptide Video Review


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  • Apr 22, 2013

Mark goes in search of zombie-killing fun in Dead Island: Riptide, but finds little more than a frustrating mess of half-baked ideas and repetitive combat.


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Riptide has all the bits and pieces that make up a hit game.  It's got exp, it's got insane gameplay duration, it's got achievements, and it would dupe people into wasting hours of their time just going through the motions because they can.  Good on Mark for not giving Riptide a 9.0 just because you can spend time on it. 

Games should be fun.  Not work.


I can't take game critics seriously anymore. They place artsy and emotional games like bioshock infinite so high on a pedestal that games like these, that are not even close to 4.0 worthy (7.0 at the least) get left behind... why? This game isn't that bad, and fans of the original will love this game. So why a 4.0?

kerrman 1 Like

@RAD_RADIO The original Dead Island was one of the worst, most boring games I have played in awhile. It was utter crap. Can't see this being much better.


Ow look the personal reviews are saying 7to8 scores just confirming that Mark is a cynic and a terrible reviewer who just basicly cant take his own experience out of the equasion and review something based on how someone else will experience the game. Just a cynic with no understanding and they are by far the worst reviewers that are around and he is homed my Gamespot.


@EL_Bomberdor It's not just mark, it's become an epidemic with game critics all around. It's only going to get worse as the video game scene gets closer to the size of the film scene. Pretty soon game critics will no longer be gamers, or even understand that gamers play games for different reasons. I sometimes feel like this has already happened.


This is horribly, embarrassingly naive of you.

This game has achievements, it has progress, and that's about it.  Kudos to Mark for not giving a game an 8.0 not just because it doesn't crash and you can unlock achievements.


Good review for a very crappy excuse for a game but isn't this the kind of review that gets you fired from Gamespot?

picho86 1 Like

That's exactly what I thought about the first Dead Island. worst $4 Iv'e ever spent.


Damn it: "Iv'e = I've"


Are you kidding me? This game looks horrible. It took like what 9 shots almost point blank with that shotgun to kill the zombie. Wtf is that? Plus this looks boring as hell. Combat look stupid 


@BountyHunterX7 sorry its not call of duty, where you shoot people on the hangnail and get a kill.


l was hoping that this got a 10/10 ah well


@sam628 Plz tell me you are being sarcastic when you say that. BARELY any games get 10/10. And no way in hell would this gave get a 10/10.  The best of games highest they get is 9.5. 


This review is kind of meaningless because he says he found it repetitive. This varies so much from one person to another, what one person finds repetitive another finds addictive. I enjoyed Borderlands but some people found it as boring as can be and they'd be right, all you're doing is shooting waves of the same enemies and opening crates. Same goes for the Dynasty Warriors series that I enjoyed, others think it's the most repetitive game out there and I won't argue, it is, it just all depends on what kind of repetition ends up grabbing you.


@Kiriyama_X How is repetitiveness subjective? Even if it was, all reviews are subjective. What makes this review more subjective than any other review? Why watch reviews?


Wow it got really slated badly. I was thinking about buying it but with such a poor review i don't think ill bother. I know you can't just go on one person's opinion but 44 is hugely poor by gamespot standards. The first one was alright but nothing great...i would just stick with Left 4 dead 2 if i was desperate for zombie slaying.


@Conan1985 Don't listen to the reviewer. If you like the last one you will like this one. Simply put.

grenade1979 1 Like

This looks exactly the same as the first one, which I enjoyed, but if nothing has been improved the score fits and this won't get my money.

At least not until it's 10 bucks.


Why are so many people complaining about the review of Dead Island: Riptide by then saying, "The first DI was good, why is this review bad?"  Hate to say it, but he's not reviewing the first game, he's reviewing the second one.  Reading comprehension, everyone.  Reading comprehension.  Or I guess in this case, viewing comprehension.  Also, if someone else dislikes something that you like, just give them room to breathe.  He's not a bad guy for finding this game distasteful to him.  Man, it's so funny to me that people take things like this so personally!  And many of the comments are almost as entertaining as Feedbackula!

Winthersnow 1 Like

@goggles123456I agree with your statement, It doesn't look like Riptide improved on any of Dead Island's faults (I found the first game was way too repetitive and boring for me.) The reason why it got such a low score is simple, it didn't bring anything new to the table (kind of like Call of Duty.) Which is why I don't understand why the CoD games get such high scores, it's just the same game with a different subtitle.

almightyfargoth 1 Like

@goggles123456 Most likely because the logic he used behind judging the game *was* based on his view of the first game O_o

In fact, he went out of his way to compare it to the first game. So herp derp massive logic fail on your part for that grandiose speech. Like really, hilarious irony you bringing up viewing comprehension when you just failed at doing that yourself.


@almightyfargoth @goggles123456 Where did he compare it to the first game?

The combat, quests and leveling seem about the same. You can't review this game without sounding like your'e reviewing the first because it's almost the same thing. 


@picho86 @almightyfargoth @goggles123456 Throughout nearly the entire video he was harking back to the old game when referencing things.

and what I'm saying is, by lamenting over people in the comments section bringing up the first game themselves....and not noting that the reviewer in the actual review video was totally doing the same thing, that's some might high levels of bs.

I have now played Riptide, and it is totally just like the first game too, so everything everyone is saying is correct, even the unfunny reviewer of the game used for their "official" review on here is correct, although he brought some mad levels of hate for the entire franchise apparently since he didn't like the first either.


why dont i see any live blood or gore when one gets shot with a shotgun?

whiteagle18 1 Like

I wish the reviewer had compared it more to the original. I had fun with dead island 1 and would like to know if I would also like this sequel. 


Anyone that buys this rubbish is a total f**k head. There are better games that deserve the money.

darkdealer 3 Like

that sounds like a laod of crap considering how good the old game was i found it quite entertaining despite the bugs in the first DI also DONT LET BRITS REVIEW ANYTHING THEY JUST WHINE damn gamespot what the hell were you guys thinking with this troll 


@darkdealer Wow, that was constructive!


@goggles123456 @darkdealer Actually, grammar aside it totally was.

and he's right, British people spend way too much time thinking of supposedly clever ways of describing things in games (which they call jokes somehow) and then end up saying basically a whole lot of nothing by the end of a supposed review. You aren't Jeremy Clarkson clones, and you can't do it just review the damn game and stay on point with actually valid logic behind the things you say. It's just obnoxious otherwise.


@picho86 @almightyfargoth

Also, not three comments ago of mine there is a comment where I didn't say a single insulting thing. The entire comment was me merely correcting a misinformed person about how wrong they clearly are.

If you can honestly find an insult in that comment, then your own comment of "not a single comment" will hold actual weight.

Until then, don't "insult" my intelligence with your pseudo intellectual nonsense and stay on topic to Riptide.


Also, the guy is totally saying that since he had so much fun with the first game it only seems natural he'd have fun with the second.

Notice how he said "sounds like crap" and not "is crap"?

One is based in fact, the other is based in what he believes.


@goggles123456 @almightyfargoth @darkdealer Hardly matters if it's a stereotype or not, when you see it happening all the time it's good enough to be considered fact.

It's like someone who says "my opinion can't be wrong, it's my opinion!"

Yup, that's true, but your opinion can be so insanely stupid that you should be embarrassed even thinking you're correct that it's just as good as being wrong.

Also, what are you...the review reviewer police? lol

goggles123456 1 Like

@almightyfargoth @goggles123456 @darkdealer Sounds more like stereotypes, to me.  The reviewer chose to point out the games flaws, which in his opinion stood out more than the strengths of the games.  The whole argument in the first comment doesn't make sense...that the first game was good so the second one should be getting a good review?  They are two separate titles, and should be reviewed separately.  I've played titles that are great and then have shoddy sequels.  It comes with the game industry.  Constructive criticism looks like this:  "I found the review to be biased.  In the future, I want to hear more about a game's strengths in reviews, even if the reviewer found the game to mainly showcase it's flaws."  The above statements are simply stereotypes and...more whining!


This game is meant to be played with a couple of whacky friends with which you can have a PRETTY DAMN GOOD LAUGH, playing it alone in singleplayer is just dumb. I had so much fun with my friends on the first one that I'm still laughing when I remember it. TIP: Don't play it alone!!

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