Posted on Thursday 21st Feb 2013 at 10:28 AM UTC

PS4: Every video of all the games

Plus footage of tech demos and engines supporting Sony's new system

Last night's PlayStation 4 reveal was filled with game trailers, gameplay footage and tech demos. If you didn't stay up late to watch the whole show, or you want another closer look at what was on offer, we've gathered everything that was shown in one handy video gallery.

[PS4: All the news | All the facts | Every video of all the games | Official pictures | PS4 Specs]

Killzone: Shadow Fall

inFamous: Second Son

Drive Club

The Witness

Deep Down



Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs (with developer commentary)

Media Molecule tech demos

Quantic Dream tech demo

Unreal Engine 4 elemental demo

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26 comments so far...

  1. IplayVideogames on 21 Feb '13 said:

    They just look like slightly prettier PS3 games. Really unimpressed.

  2. MattyR95 on 21 Feb '13 said:

    I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far. Stupid to expect a huge graphical leap like from PS2 to PS3 but it still looks like a pretty big step forward.

  3. kirankara on 21 Feb '13 said:

    They just look like slightly prettier PS3 games. Really unimpressed.

    Tbh, if you're expecting anything other than that, you're delusional. Even higher end PC's only offer better graphics and frame rates, with scribal physics etc.

    What were you expecting? It would cook your dinner?

  4. Bambis Dad on 21 Feb '13 said:

    As I'm not watching the vids, but just posting whilst searching for a job, can some one clarify something for me? Killzone 4 is it graphically? :

    A. Better than anything available on a PC.
    B. A slight improvement on what the PS3 can do.
    C. Worse than that.

    I ask as I've seen all the above claims all made about the same clip.

  5. Ali_ on 21 Feb '13 said:

    As I'm not watching the vids, but just posting whilst searching for a job, can some one clarify something for me? Killzone 4 is it graphically? :

    A. Better than anything available on a PC.
    B. A slight improvement on what the PS3 can do.
    C. Worse than that.

    I ask as I've seen all the above claims all made about the same clip.

    Between A and B. A substantial jump from PS3, but not beyond a high spec PC. The most impressive video is the Quantic Dream one for me. If that's where we're going then it's going to be pretty damned impressive. Killzone's environments look hugely impressive, as do Destiny's, but the character models on the citizens look like placeholder from PS3. Certainly didn't quite look finished. Though, of all the games on show, I have to say that I want The Witness the most. Not graphically a leap forward, but it looks intriguing. Everything else was just generic. I also hope Evolution are going to sort the handling and steering of Drive Club. That initial in car view looked worryingly reminiscent of TDU2 with the epileptic hands.

  6. shellster2 on 21 Feb '13 said:

    As I'm not watching the vids, but just posting whilst searching for a job, can some one clarify something for me? Killzone 4 is it graphically? :

    A. Better than anything available on a PC.
    B. A slight improvement on what the PS3 can do.
    C. Worse than that.

    I ask as I've seen all the above claims all made about the same clip.

    Answer B is the best fitting. It is doing a lot more than PS3 i think but still doesn't look that great. Hard to tell on a video though.

  7. Soviet1918 on 21 Feb '13 said:

    I only want to know one thing , will the games shown be on disc?

  8. FixBeatGames on 21 Feb '13 said:

    well i've got a s**t hot pc, usually connected to my 1080 monitor, and i've not seen anything as impressive as that killzone 3 video as of yet.

    if it's actual un-treated gameplay for a ps4 game, a console about £300 compared to a £800+ PC you'd need to run that, just WOW. bring it on sony...

  9. neilsinc on 21 Feb '13 said:

    I don't get all this wii u hating I read. The PS4 looks awesome no doubt about it, but what does it do that I can't already do on my very high-end PC? Most of the games that will come out for the PS4/Nextbox will be available to me on my PC, therefore I probably won't buy either of these consoles. The reason why I got a wii U is because I love nintendo games, and as good as GTA is completing the missions was nowhere near as hard as collecting all the green stars on mario galaxy 2. That's why I own a PC and a wii U, the PC to play the most beautiful graphically amazing games which will continue to play better than the PS4 and Nextbox, and my wii U for the nintendo exclusives where graphics don't matter it is just the amazing gameplay nintendo continue to offer, and especially after hearing about the plan for the new zelda-U this just confirms that nintendo continue to offer the best games, regardless of graphical capability.

    So for all the nintendo haters, instead of wasting money on a PS4/Nextbox that is less powerful than my current PC, why not at least try mario kart, mario 3d, zelda, battalion wars, f-zero, smash bros, donkey kong, metroid, games that get better with each and every system before bashing nintendo. And whilst I loved my PS2, I sold both my PS3 and xbox360 as they had hardly any games that I couldn't get on my PC, and my PC is so powerful it has already beaten the next-gen consoles, so why would I invest in a PS4/Nextbox.

    PC and nintendo are gamings future. I am also sick of hearing how nintendo doesn't cater to hardcore gamers, collecting the green stars on mario galaxy was much harder and rewarding than completing missions/zombies on black ops 2 or GTA. A game doesn't need violence for some 12 year old noob to call it a casual game.

    Whilst PS4 and undoubtably Nextbox are impressive, and I may well get one, there will still be plenty of people who buy nintendo's console because guess what... we love nintendo games and like to be challenged. Some of you 'hardcore gamers' should try completing super ghouls n ghosts or super mario world on the SNES before thinking your any good at games.

    Rant over. And no I am not a fan boy having owned almost every console since the SNES, and loved my PS1 and dreamcast dearly.

  10. DAEDALUS79 on 21 Feb '13 said:

    So for all the nintendo haters, instead of wasting money on a PS4/Nextbox that is less powerful than my current PC, why not at least try mario kart, mario 3d, zelda, battalion wars, f-zero, smash bros, donkey kong, metroid, games that get better with each and every system before bashing nintendo.

    No thanks, pretty sure I completed all those games on the Nintendo 64

  11. budge on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Capcom's deep down impressed me the most graphically but Knack put the biggest smile on my face.

  12. Kezwar on 21 Feb '13 said:

    They just look like slightly prettier PS3 games. Really unimpressed.

    There was never going to be a huge leap and even if there was you're not going to see it in the first generation of games. Whilst I do mostly agree with your comment, apart from the really un-impressed bit, Deep Cover showed enormous potential to show what it's capable of.

  13. nefariousbig on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Whilst PS4 and undoubtably Nextbox are impressive, and I may well get one, there will still be plenty of people who buy nintendo's console because guess what... we love nintendo games and like to be challenged. Some of you 'hardcore gamers' should try completing super ghouls n ghosts or super mario world on the SNES before thinking your any good at games.

    Awwwww bless, he thinks Nintendo make difficult games. And that 'completing the missions' is the ultimate goal of GTA. Good one.

  14. kirankara on 21 Feb '13 said:

    well i've got a s**t hot pc, usually connected to my 1080 monitor, and i've not seen anything as impressive as that killzone 3 video as of yet.

    if it's actual un-treated gameplay for a ps4 game, a console about £300 compared to a £800+ PC you'd need to run that, just WOW. bring it on sony...

    Doesn't look as s**t hot as crysis 3 on ultra on my 14 40p monitor, but no doubt it looks great.

    Also doesn't look is running at 60fps, probably 30 fps, which obviously a big performance difference

  15. Solm on 21 Feb '13 said:

    They just look like slightly prettier PS3 games. Really unimpressed.

    Tbh, if you're expecting anything other than that, you're delusional. Even higher end PC's only offer better graphics and frame rates, with scribal physics etc.

    What were you expecting? It would cook your dinner?

    Have to agree with Kirankara all next gen games are only marginally better than previous gen, give it a couple of years for the devs to get the most out of the hardware.

  16. rhyfel on 21 Feb '13 said:

    They just look like slightly prettier PS3 games. Really unimpressed.

    your hard to please, these are just the first batch of games give it 18 months and the games should look unbelievable seriously there's no pleasing some people.

  17. Solm on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Quantic Dream tech demo - First attempt and it looks that good imagine what a few years of experience with PS4 hardware will do. Can't wait.

  18. Bambis Dad on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Whilst PS4 and undoubtably Nextbox are impressive, and I may well get one, there will still be plenty of people who buy nintendo's console because guess what... we love nintendo games and like to be challenged. Some of you 'hardcore gamers' should try completing super ghouls n ghosts or super mario world on the SNES before thinking your any good at games.

    Awwwww bless, he thinks Nintendo make difficult games. And that 'completing the missions' is the ultimate goal of GTA. Good one.

    To actually complete a Nintendo game one hundred percent generally requires skill and the ability to master the game. You are very deluded Mister Nefarious if you think otherwise. Also shouldn't you be at school? Wednesday afternoon is games, isn't it? Maybe, and I'm only speculating based on your comment, it'll be colouring in followed by afternoon nap and then Jenny hanging from the monkey bars, where you can see her knickers and your stomach and winkie get a little squiffy.

  19. neilsinc on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Whilst PS4 and undoubtably Nextbox are impressive, and I may well get one, there will still be plenty of people who buy nintendo's console because guess what... we love nintendo games and like to be challenged. Some of you 'hardcore gamers' should try completing super ghouls n ghosts or super mario world on the SNES before thinking your any good at games.

    Awwwww bless, he thinks Nintendo make difficult games. And that 'completing the missions' is the ultimate goal of GTA. Good one.

    I seriously doubt you have completed half the games I have nefariousbig, so won't even waste my time with you.

  20. Zackarios on 21 Feb '13 said:

    This is my first post on this site, and I only just created an account just so I could respond to the comments on here.

    Maybe it's just fanboys, maybe it's just people who dislike sony or playstation. Or maybe it's just people who want to be highly critical and sceptical just for the sake of it.

    I simply cannot believe what I'm hearing. How can you look at these vids, and say your "not impressed", or "it's only a slight improvement over PS3".

    Are you actually kidding me? Are we watching the same videos? First of all, these are gameplay videos. Of the very first PS4 titles.

    Secondly, these aren't true hd quality, let alone 1080p. Watching this in true 1080p on a big screen would look far better, which is exciting in itself.

    But even then, these gameplay videos are absolutely stunning. Look at Killzone, then look at Deep Down. I mean, if you honestly think this is a slight improvement over the PS3 then your absolutely deluded. The PS3 does not come close to those visuals. Look at Deep Down. How can you look at that, and honestly say it's not impressive, or just a slight improvement?

    I'm absolutely bewildered. It's like you were expecting nothing short of literal photo realism to justify calling it a significant leap. Th graphical fidelity here is just stunning, and we're seeing it in what I would consider poor quality. Even watching a so called 1080p video of BF3 on pc looked like nothing compared to seeing it in true 1080p on my TV. Same graphics, same trailer, same hardware, but looked a leap above in itself.

    This is the very first footage of PS4, it hasn't even launched yet. Add that to the fact that the hardware is far easier to develop on compared to the PS3, imagine how incredible the games are going to look 3-4 years down the line.

    The hardware specs (as we know so far), are beyond my initial expectations of what it's going to be, and I'm sure that 8gb GDDR5 ram is beyond what anyone else was expecting. Couple that with the visuals we're shown here, and I haven't got a single criticism to say as of yet. I'm utterly impressed by the hardware and it's potential, and couldn't have asked for more to justify calling it a significant leap.

  21. Bambis Dad on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Welcome to the forums Zackarios. I think you'll find most people here just speak out of ignorance or brand loyalty and will be concerned by your rather balanced and well put point for a first post. I'd recommend confusing them by saying Waverace 64 deserves a real remake or that you like gravy on your fish and chips. Just don't admit to being northern, southern or irish and you'll get on fine.

  22. toaplan on 21 Feb '13 said:

    As I'm not watching the vids, but just posting whilst searching for a job, can some one clarify something for me? Killzone 4 is it graphically? :

    A. Better than anything available on a PC.
    B. A slight improvement on what the PS3 can do.
    C. Worse than that.

    I ask as I've seen all the above claims all made about the same clip.

    A *

    * Better than anything on my PC anyway. I don't have the very latest 6XX-series Kepler GPU (yet), but I can still run games like Battlefield 3, Skyrim and Arkham City in 1080p on high / ultra settings. Also I haven't got Crysis 3 yet. But the environments in Killzone look much better than those of BF3. I agree with Ali_ about the character models though, they could do with some polishing up.

  23. glavias on 21 Feb '13 said:

    What no fake Getaway game for the PS4.. like the PS3 one shown when it was launched!

  24. TheLastDodo on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Look at Resistance Fall of Man then look at Uncharted 3, Last of Us or God of War Ascension, same generation yet the latter look far superior.

    I was watching on a crap stream most of the night, 480p or less and even I could tell Killzone looked better than anything on PS3, certainly the Killzone's at least.

  25. IplayVideogames on 21 Feb '13 said:

    I think I was a bit quick to post in hindsight. The fact that the games are at least noticeably better looking than PS3 games is a good sign, and I had set my expectations way too high in the first place. I will be giving PS4 a chance.

    PS- I've bought the PS1,PS2 and PS3 and I've never owned either of the xboxes or the wiis as they don't interest me, so I'm not biased against sony.

  26. runadumb on 21 Feb '13 said:

    Thanks for this CVG, only getting to it now.

    That city flyover at the start of Killzone looks jawdropping, as does the explosion. Shame it goes way downhill after that.

    Watchdogs looks very impressive but extremely scripted.