The 10 Best PC Game Trailers from E3 2012



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I think this is really great news for many online game fans , i think many will follow this information.I m very much impressed and looking forward to it.



You guys arguing console vs PC must be young pups. I remember when console video was 2D and the game was either side scrolling or top down play. If you were lucky you got a separate wired joy stick with two buttons. The console graphics got a little better looking as time went by and newer consoles models came out. Then PC gaming came into being. The PC graphics were about the same as a console sometimes a hair better given you were still using a CRT monitor or TV. But you now had a keyboard and mouse as a game controller and more game control options a game could have. As the years went by both console and PC video got better but PC video excelled and you could improve the PC video quality by upgrading your video card which you couldn't do with a console. Then came "3D" PC video games with more realistic looking graphics and stereo or surround sound audio cards. The PC graphics still had a cartoonish look to them though. I think some of you are setting your expectations too high as far as PC video quality and gameplay are concerned. Most PR out there today is hype. Most companies just want to get your money whether the product is good or not. PC video quality has come a long ways in the last say 20 to 25 years with more realistic looking graphics and most games look amazing but one can only go so far given todays technology. As far as gameplay goes I've played some modern console and PC games that were terrible. Some games gave you only a limited number of moves your character could do and gameplay was monotonous and boring. In some games you could only get to a certain level and quit in frustration. Those types of games were not fun and that's what a video game should be. There was one comment made on YouTube in one of the PC game trailers that stated "Is this a game or a movie?". Yeah, some PC games do have long-ass cutscenes between levels that sometimes I ask that myself. In the last couple of years or so I haven't played video games console or PC all that much. I've bought a few of the "last year" PC games at a much discounted price and downloaded some demos but for some reason I've lost interest in them. Maybe its just been a short lived hobby for me.



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Watch Dogs reminds me of the Matrix.



not sure how assassins creed made it on the list, all of them are the worst console ports ever. actually anything by ubisoft is a horrible console port.



South Park RPG isn't on this list? You're really missing out.



The meticulous craftsmanship put into that game is just worlds beyond anything I've seen in recent years.



Borderlands 2 is the only game that caught my attention along with God of war and
that Sony is working on Everquest Next.



Meh. All these games have too much story. Story and gameplay are for stupid little console kiddies. We want graphics. Screw single player, give us graphics and multiplayer.

Crysis 3 looked like complete garbage. Its gonna be for consoles so it can't possibly be as good as the first one.



Are you kidding? What good is a video game that looks great if it's not worth playing?



What's with the Elitism? *shakes head*



Just trying to fit in with the majority of people who comment here. I remember how much hate Crysis 2 got because it was available on console. It didn't matter that Crysis 2 actually did look better than its predecessor, the simple fact that it was on console too meant it could never live up to the hype of the first one.

In reality I'm excited about Crysis 3. I got on the Crysis bandwagon when 2 came out on PS3, bought the CryEngine 3 version of Crysis 1 for PS3 as well.

I see TONS of elitism on here. It just seems like to this crowd the only thing that matters is graphics. Doesn't matter about game play or if the game is even fun, as long as graphics are good nobody cares about anything else.



I'd have to agree with you... this other dude argueing with you just sounds like a clown... Lol don't like the nano suit turning on because he held shift? Stupid ass argument...



Clownish that you cant sprint with out it using up energy. whats the point of that?



Most people don't care if its on consoles. Most people DO care if its extremely dumbed down both game play and graphics wise to appeal to the masses on consoles. There is a difference.



Do YOU believe that's the case with Crysis 2? Do you think it's completely dumbed down graphically and game play wise?

I have both versions of Crysis 1(original on PC and CryEngine 3 version on PS3) and I personally think the CryEngine 3 version is better. It may not look as good to the PC elitists, but I prefer the controls and way the nano suit works as opposed to the original.

You are right most people don't care if it's on console, most people also don't read MaximumPC.



Do YOU believe that's the case with Crysis 2? Do you think it's completely dumbed down graphically and game play wise?

I have both versions of Crysis 1(original on PC and CryEngine 3 version on PS3) and I personally think the CryEngine 3 version is better. It may not look as good to the PC elitists, but I prefer the controls and way the nano suit works as opposed to the original.

You are right most people don't care if it's on console, most people also don't read MaximumPC.



Yes, i tried so hard to like Crysis 2 but the tube like way the game was designed was a snooze fest for me. They need to go back tot he more open environment and get rid of the extremely linear game play. As far as the graphics go, when they released the high res textures and the dx11 pack for pc it did look slightly better than the original but i still think the original overall looked batter( maybe because of the jungle VS city environments) They didn't have that at release which was a slap in the face to the audience that made your game famous in the first place. The nano suit was somewhat of joke compared to the first. If people are going to make a PC game they need to do it right.



The Nanosuit was a joke? Care to explain that? How exactly was it "somewhat of joke"? Because it was easier to switch between modes? That makes it a joke? Serious question. I hear that term all the time now. The "is a joke" quip.

Also what is your definition of a PC game "done right"?



a lot of the "features" of the nanosuit were done automatically. It maybe easier to use but the functionality was gutted because of it. All of the secondary features were gutted to fit the consoles. Plus it felt slow and clunky on the PC version. I didnt even use it after a while because it was almost pointless. PC games done right would be not a direct port from consoles, UI more suitable for the PC, not taking a game that was known for its graphics and releasing it with lower standards that your first game(mainly talking about crysis) etc etc.



The functionality was gutted you say? How so? You said you "didn't even use it after a while because it was almost pointless" didn't use any nano suit powers because they were" almost pointless". I think you just want to find excuses to hate on the game because it "betrayed" you PC gamers. Every review, person I know or have read about(discussion of both games) has noted that the system used in (Crysis) 2 was world's better than the first one.



sprinting used up energy because when you sprinted it automatically put it in speed mode. Throwing objects is pointless because it uses up almost all energy and weren't effective in the slightest. getting shot used up energy whether you were in armor mode or not I didn't like suite powers activating because of scripted scenes( i would like the choice) etc etc. Were these mainly PC gamers or console gamers that said that? Did they play the hell out of Crysis and Crysis warhead before playing the 2nd one? if you call holding shift and going into "speed" mode and holding jump to enable "strength" then yes i guess i used. Ignored all the warning signs for this game being a pile of crap and bought it on release day for 50 bucks which i do for only 3 or 4 games a year. Played it and tried to see the good in it. There just wasnt much there at all.



They were PC fact I'll quote this very sites review of Crysis 2.

"The end result, then, is a stylish piece of sci-fi chic that—while at first glance appearing “dumbed down”—has been expertly refined. Now you have two central modes to aid in your almost unfairly one-sided manhunts: stealth and armor. That doesn’t mean your old pals strength and speed have abandoned you, however. Rather, Crytek has decided that there’s something to that whole “making sense” idea that everyone’s always talking about, so speed is now rolled into your normal sprint, and holding down your melee attack automatically gives you a hulked-out variation on the theme. All told, the new approach is even more empowering because picking a central mode is now a snap decision. One or the other: no more fumbling through superfluous nonsense. As a result, tailoring your play style to the task at hand quickly becomes second nature."

I can list more if you'd like, but I figured that MaximumPC's own review would carry more weight.



i know what the reviews said, i read both theirs and PC gamers Review. After playing i strongly disagree with both. Just because a few pc gamers from Magazines say its awesome doesn't make it true or does it mean the MAJORITY, if not most of the PC gaming community views it that way. If Crysis 3 goes back to the gameplay with open environments I will most likely enjoy it, But that's not the direction i think they're going. In which case i wont be buying it.



and the troll of the year award goes to? get off this website and off the internet, you're too dumb to be on it


The Corrupted One

Edward Khil just died, I though trolls ceased to exist three days ago, I was wrong.



Meh, this is all just a lot of hype. They give you pretty and flashy graphics but don't give any real explanation of the story or game play as if that shouldn't matter in any way.



I agree. If you got a great looking game but it's no fun to play what's the point?



But that's the point of PC games....



No, take a look at the fallout series, or the elder scroll series, those games started out as pc games



For Watch Dogs, you had me at "Open world techno-thriller". Ubisoft's Deus Ex. This and Borderlands 2 could occupy my gaming time, once I finish Anachronox (which will be done by then).

The trailer makes this look like a video game version of the CBS show "Person of Interest" (even the text overlays on cameras and such are similar), if the 2 leads of that show were rolled into one kick-ass techno-wizard character.

These graphics don't scream out "taking full advantage of my PC", they seem more like Deus Ex: Human Revolution's graphics, which did not take full advantage of the PC. Still better than DE:HR on the console.

There's some irony here when the trailer only goes up to a paltry, wimpy, anemic, Directx-9 video card level, console-capable 720p on YouTube. Srsly Ubisoft, where ams the 1080??!



If you wan't Planetside 2 game play TotalBiscuit on has 3 hours of ingame alpha video going live from E3. Not 100% sure on this but there is a few dozen PC's on the show floor and around 100 or so devs at SOE in San Diego playing in a locked down area (ie one base). So it's as good as we get until they go into beta and they can start hitting thta 1,998 pop per continent.



Bioshock Infinite not an option?



Beyond: Two Souls.. This should be listed also!!



Just the fact that he said made for high end PC on SW1313...Now if they don't deliver....I still want a new X-Wing/TIE Fighter game damn it!



I love how people are looking at the Watch Dogs reveal and going, "That's 360 gameplay!1!!" because of the 360-controller the dude's using. I'm sorry, rendering at 1080p/output at 1080p is nowhere near what the 360 can handle. He's just plugging it into a PC.

Anyways, uncalled-for rant aside, there were a couple surprises this year that... well, surprised me. Star Wars 1313, the aforementioned Watch Dogs, the unexpectedly-good Tomb Raider game, and (the completely different, yet badass in a different way) Splinter Cell reveals all caught me (and my wallet) off-guard.



Sadly Watch Dogs doesn't look to have graphics which will truly take advantage of PCs. These graphics are better than a current-gen console, but not by so much that the game couldn't easily run on a console with lesser graphics.

Also, the trailer is only streaming on YouTube via 720, which is still in modern console territory :(

Where's the 1080 trailer?



I think it was 1080 at E3, that's likely what he is talking about.

Game looked great by the way!!



watch dogs looks very cool..I don't usually go for games like that either!



Far Cry 3 didn't make the cut, eh?


The Corrupted One

That trailer was awesome wasn't it?

Have I ever told you, the definition, of insanity?

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