Aussie Anti-Air Umbrella: The Hobart Class Ships

FFG F100 Visits Sydney 2007-03
F100 visits Sydney
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Under the SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer program, Australia plans to replace its retired air defense destroyers with a modern system that can provide significantly better protection from air attack, integrate with the US Navy and other Coalition partners, offer long-range air warfare defense for Royal Australian Navy task groups, and help provide a coordinated air picture for fighter and surveillance aircraft. Despite their name and focus, the ships are multi-role designs with a “sea control” mission that also includes advanced anti-submarine and surface warfare capabilities.

The Royal Australian Navy took a pair of giant steps in June 2007, when it selected winning designs for its keystone naval programs: Canberra Class LHD amphibious operations vessels, and Hobart Class “air warfare destroyers.” Spain’s Navantia made an A$ 11 billion clean sweep, winning both the A$ 3 billion Canberra Class LHD and the A$ 8 billion Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer contracts. The new AWD ships were scheduled to begin entering service with the Royal Australian Navy in 2013, but that date has now slipped to 2016 or so.

Displaying 340 of 14,465 words (about 37 pages)

SEA 4000: The Program

The Hobart Class

SEA 4000: The Process

SEA 4000: Industrial

SEA 4000: Contracts & Key Events

2012 – 2013







2004 – 2005

Appendix A: The SEA 4000 Design Competition

Appendix B: SEA 4000 Program Phase Organization

Additional Readings & Sources

AWD Firing
AWD Concept
(click to view full)
RAN AWD Concept
(click to view full)
Spain’s F101, 2005
(click to view full)
Harpoon RGM-84 Launch
RGM-84 Harpoon launch
(click to view full)
Mk.45 MOD 4 Naval Gun
AN/SPY-1 emitter
AEGIS Combat Control
(click to view full)
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Early DoD concept
(click to expand)
SHIP FFG F124 Class F219 Sachsen
Sachsen Class
(click to view full)
AWD Evolved Design
(click to view full)
Spain’s F100 Frigate
(click to view full)
Australia DoD Logo
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Subscribe and gain immediate access to DII's coverage of the multi-billion dollar Australian SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer program, with information about:

  • The 'Australianized' F100 AEGIS frigate: around 5,800t, with 48 vertical launch missile cells, a Phalanx defense weapon, an integral helicopter hangar, and more
  • Economic benefits: "The AWD Programme will eventually employ around 3,000 Australians in a variety of engineering and related fields working for a range of companies and suppliers throughout Australia"
  • Details of awards to contractors Navantia, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Systems, Northrop Grumman, and others.
  • Components of a "design-driven" including the goal to design to a budget, desire to meet user expectations, and long-term life support considerations, among other attributes of the plan
  • 9 photos and illustrations including Spain's design winner - and its competition.

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