Voodoo Extreme » News » Bioware Pulse Shows A More Dynamic Shepard In Mass Effect 3

Bioware Pulse Shows A More Dynamic Shepard In Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3's going to be even more dynamic according to the development team. They've improved the cover system, melee attacks, and how enemies react to impacts.

Man, I really need to get back to Mass Effect 2 and finish it up before this comes out.

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Dec 9 2011, 2:03 PM

Well its true RPG's have been streamlined and simplified for the console community and its control schemes. ME3 should be fun non the less, do miss all the trinkets of the old RPG games and the expanded adventure allot had, we will see how it goes. I believe ME3 will be at the very least BETTER then ME2 which I felt was a little lack lustre (have yet to get around to trying the expansions as I lost my saves).

Dec 9 2011, 12:44 PM


Also, GoG is awesome.

Dec 9 2011, 12:09 PM

Gears of War with more talking and less roid rage.

Dec 9 2011, 11:35 AM


oh wow, looking around corners and rolling around.

Quick, everybody go vote at the circle jerk awards!

Look at the production quality of their marketing videos compared to the quality of the game's actual mechanics beyond the visuals. Redonkeyless.

Dec 9 2011, 9:29 AM

I don't even consider the mass effect (or any "new" bioware game for that matter) as an RPG. They're more of action games with "rpg" elements in them.. that's about it. Same goes for a lot of the other games out there as well.

chinesespammer replied to Jrakosik's post
Dec 9 2011, 10:30 AM

I think a sign of the times is that since every other game genre has been implementing RPG elements, the RPG genre itself lost definition.

RPGs used to be the only genre to offer open world gameplay, heavy story, and character customization. Now that's not enough for the genre. Simple menu driven mechanics or turn based mechanics rarely pass for a solid game for this generation's standards or even if solid have a limited audience. The answer of course is to look to other genres to implement RPG mechanics into.

The result is that it's very difficult to tell what is an RPG any more.
People have been frequently classifying Zelda as an RPG on the basis that it has swords and open world mechanics. I've seen people classify Fallout 3 as a shooter. I've even had someone try and convince me that Devil May Cry 4 was an RPG.

Dec 9 2011, 6:08 AM

All thats required for an RPG these days is a shit tonne of VA and cinematic style conversations. Lets face it the "RPG" has practically disappeared these days. There are few real RPG games left and most have been replaced by hollywood cinematized garbage.

neverko replied to Sup71's post
Dec 9 2011, 7:05 AM

Sadly, yes.

I am truly thankful that a Japanese developer like From Software steps up and creates the two best western style RPGs in the past decade. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are light on character interaction, but they get gameplay, exploration, itemization, customization and atmosphere nailed to near perfection. And instead of holding your hand they kick your arse in such a way that you just have to come back for more. Bravo!

The current Bioware formula is as good as dead to me. The games are so focus group driven that they become vomitous at times. They've lost the passion and have replaced it with something else... RPGs in the past were designed by people with a deep passion for creating intelligent and deep RPGs, these days most of them are designed by suits who don't know shit about gaming and their focus groups of peons who like furries, big manga swords, crying emo-'tard characters and as little gameplay as possible to get in the way of their interactive movies. Pathetic!

bloodyhell2 replied to neverko's post
Dec 9 2011, 7:49 AM

Exactly - It's hard to believe it's the same company who developed Baldur's Gate and BG2. Thank God for sites like GoG where you can go back and get a lot of the oldies that have actual gameplay. I have about 3 back ups for all my old RPG's because God knows we will never see the likes of them again.

And yes, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are among the best games to grace this generations hardware.

neverko replied to bloodyhell2's post
Dec 9 2011, 8:27 AM

GoG is great. Even though I still have the discs and original boxes for most of them I've bought the Baldur's Gate series, Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Stonekeep, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Temple of Elemental Evil, Lands of Lore 1+2 and more I can't remember without checking. I love having these great games as DRM-free installers - and I still play them for the superior, deep gameplay.

bloodyhell2 replied to neverko's post
Dec 9 2011, 9:08 AM

LoL, I've done the same thing. I guess I want to keep my disks pristine and it's nice to avoid the disk swapping without messing around.

Speaking of Stonekeep, have you watched the Legends of Grimrock game video. It reminds me of the good old days.

neverko replied to bloodyhell2's post
Dec 9 2011, 9:28 AM

I am very much looking forward to Legend of Grimrock. About time someone took a stab at that classic game type. What they've shown so far looks really good.

I've played so many of these, mostly on the Amiga... Dungeon Master, Black Crypt, Captive, Hired Guns, Eye of the Beholder 1+2+3, Lands of Lore etc. etc.

I hope the PC versions of Eye of the Beholder show up on GoG at some point. Lands of Lore was added recently and that's also a great game. The classic 2D graphics hold up better today than the early 3D games which just look fugly today.

prplemnkeydishwashr replied to neverko's post
Dec 9 2011, 12:10 PM

the problem with that game, which i remember seeing the video for, well before ve3d posted about it, is that its going to be a set in stone format, linear, etc etc.

what they need to do is take that and make it like fantasy realms unlimited adventures, , and basically just keep churning out new tilesets, and make it easy to use creation set, and youd see the playerbase for the game just sky rocket.

bloodyhell2 replied to neverko's post
Dec 9 2011, 1:50 PM

"I hope the PC versions of Eye of the Beholder show up on GoG at some point".

I've got my fingers crossed for this one as well.

chinesespammer replied to Sup71's post
Dec 9 2011, 9:56 AM

Eh, Skyrim is shines a glimmering hope.
Bioware seems to be going the way of streamlining all of their games since Kotor and going further to hybrid genre them since Jade Empire.

I would love to have Bioware have a branch division that would make less budgeted games based on an updated Infinity Engine.

neverko replied to chinesespammer's post
Dec 9 2011, 10:26 AM

Bethesda needs to do something about the horribly bad melee combat in Skyrim (TES in general). It really detracts a lot from the overall experience. But I am enjoying exploring the game at the moment and it is a much, much better game than Oblivion. For me it is not winning any awards in any categories, but the whole package has enough worthwhile content to stay on my drive for a long time as something to play as a secondary priority between other games. Some of the content is even genuinely amusing and surprising. Lots of little gems to discover. Too bad the actual gameplay and game systems are mediocre when compared to all the games that did them better.

Sup71 replied to chinesespammer's post
Dec 9 2011, 6:19 PM

Skyrim is a FPS with axes and magic in the places of guns and powerups.

Dec 9 2011, 5:20 AM

Gears of War with red choice and blue choice = Awesome RPG!

CorranSatet replied to neverko's post
Dec 9 2011, 9:22 AM

push "x" button to win....

Dec 9 2011, 5:07 AM

Whoah look at all that awesome original chest-high wall level design... sad thing is the final game will be the same but with textures obviously.

By comparison, the level design was pretty organic in ME1, then ME2 introduced the tunnel-with-random-cover-boxes-spammed-around-for-no-apparent-reason design. Looks like they are sticking to the "next gen" formula.

Dec 9 2011, 4:08 AM

I'm a little more forgiving for Dragon Age II than most... but best RPG? NOoooooooooo.

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