Tom Bramwell


Super Mega Content Rocket for . Silver ADC. Gaming, esports, dad jokes. Used to work at Eurogamer and Greenlit Content.

Summoner's Rift
Έγινε μέλος την περίοδο Φεβρουάριος 2009


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  1. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 22 ώρες

    "Do we want the EU negotiating our trade deals for us," asked the PM rhetorically at Question Time. Yes. Who after the last three years would not prefer the EU to be negotiating on our behalf, rather than against us.

  2. πριν από 22 ώρες

    How the devs imagined it: riding through a country you couldn’t bring to heel, the burdens of your past weighing you down, tender music ringing in your ears The reality: cursing the stupid cinematic music sequence because you just want to fucking save and go to lunch

  3. πριν από 24 ώρες

    My kids are into My Little Pony at the moment and they all sound like bosses from the best From Soft game never made. Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle. Starlight Glimmer.

  4. 27 Μαρ

    Nobody: Center Parcs: Here is an owl that looks like a man wearing an owl jacket doing a wee

  5. 27 Μαρ
  6. 26 Μαρ

    I don’t know why everyone’s so exercised by Theresa May’s stance on indicative votes, I regularly ask people’s opinion on what we should do and then completely ignore them

  7. 26 Μαρ

    Eldest child, pointing at some freckles in a crowded cafe: “BIG MEASLES!!!”

  8. 26 Μαρ

    Person in the street: Good day, sir Me:

  9. 24 Μαρ

    Is there really no way to get rid of/replace worn weapons in Red Dead 2?

  10. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    24 Μαρ

    This is the collection of quotes that he has blocked me for broadcasting. It would be very childish if you were to retweet the original tweet below with, say, his twitter handle attached. Very childish. Pathetic, in fact.

  11. 23 Μαρ

    “Thank you for playing FIFA so much. Here is an Ultimate Pack, which usually costs about £18, where the highest rated item will be 83 OVR Gerard Moreno, just to really make you pause and contemplate your endless bad mtx decisions.” Happy birthday FUT...

  12. 22 Μαρ

    Thank you in advance for supporting The Unsuccessful Follow-up To The Stadia Tweet.

    Εμφάνιση αυτού του νήματος Tweet
  13. 22 Μαρ

    Me: There is literally no point in buying Sekiro. I am barely halfway through The Cowboy Game. Also me: 🎵 SEKIRO SEKIRO 🎵

    Εμφάνιση αυτού του νήματος Tweet
  14. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    22 Μαρ

    Danny DeVito is surprisingly good at shadow puppetry.

    Εμφάνιση αυτού του νήματος Tweet
  15. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    20 Μαρ
  16. 20 Μαρ
  17. 20 Μαρ
  18. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    19 Μαρ
  19. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    20 Μαρ

    Are you studying in the UK? Then get yourself down to one of 's Realms events to take part in fun tournaments, get your hands on exclusive swag and meet a 20-foot poro.

  20. 20 Μαρ

    Plan is still to force us into her deal then. Theresa May’s strategy is basically seeing how much we need to be dying of thirst before we’ll drink our own piss.


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