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The Gallup Legacy

G&R was founded in 1948 by Drs. George Gallup and Claude Robinson, two of the pioneers in survey research. Claude Robinson was a giant in his own right - founder of Opinion Research Corporation (ORC), innovator of public relations science, and the first presidential pollster. George Gallup's vision and reach continue to grow. Here are a few interesting vignettes about one of the 100 most influential figures in American history (The Atlantic Monthly, December 2006).



A Conversation
about Advertising
with George Gallup
[George Gallup - A Conversation About Advertising]


An Interview
with Susan Ohmer about George Gallup
[George Gallup in Hollywood]

Ogilvy on G&R

David Ogilvy reminisces about George Gallup and G&R
[David Ogilvy on Advertising Research and G&R, ARF]