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Contribution Rating:899 (ranked 346th; 3 in last year)
Member SinceFeb 23, 2004
# Messages Posted:93
Location:In Your Head!
About myself:First Apperence: Amazing Moby# 15 Real Name: Unknown Rating: Awesome Powers: Sarcasm, and general assholeness. Can kill a bad game with a key stroke.


Still working on my next review.

I Upgraded to an Xbox 360 Elite with a 250 GB HardDrive. It came with Halo: ODST, which is much better than I thought it would be. It's kidna like Gears of War meets Halo. Forza 3 was also included, and like the previous games it is very good. One on the best non-arcade racers I have played in a long time.

I would like to play Heavy Rain, but alas I have no PS3. I may get one. As for me being a mutiplatform gamer is the only way to go.

I have a new feature. I call, Abstract Craziness. In which I will be posting what ever crazy ideas pop into my sick head. Stay tuned for more!

I am now playing Betrayal at Krondor, yet again. Perhaps I will review it soon?

I have aquired a iPod Touch. Now iPod games can feel my wrath!

I finished the Fallout 3 expansions. in record time. I plan to review them...eventually.

I just got Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, for the DS. am kind of a noob when it comes to these game. But so far I am digging on it's old skool stylings.

I buy new and used games all the time, check back if you care to know what I have procured recently, or don't. I don't care!

********! Quote Of The Moment!********

"To be popular one must be a mediocrity"-Oscar Wilde-

++++++++++++Abstract Craziness+++++++++++++

Why did Capcom insist on advertising the Resident Evil franchise as scary? When it is far more silly than scary. Even with the newer games which are more of an action genre. They still insist on the whole scary thing. I have to say that if those games scare you, you may be a wuss. Just saying.

Some of my favorite novels/literature include:

"The Man Who Was Thursday"(G.K. Chesterton) "The Man In The High Castle"(Philip K. Dick) "I Am Legend"(Richard Matheson) "The Hithickers Guide To The Galaxy Series, and the "Dirk Gently" novels(Douglas Adams) "Magician"(Raymond E. Feist) "Dune"(Frank Herbert) "Bridge Over The River Kwai"(Pierre Boulle) "Shogun"(James Clavell) "Watchmen", "The Killing Joke", and "V For Vendetta"(Alan Moore) Anything by Poe or Lovecraft.


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