
We've set up a couple of areas on MobyGames where you can get in contact with us:

  • can be use for inquiring about advertising on MobyGames.

  • use this address for:
    • To report bugs with the site.
    • To ask us questions about the use (and misuse) of MobyGames.
    NOTE: We do not support any games, we're not a developer or publisher, you need to look at your game's documentation on who to contact for help as it is most certainly not us.

    If you find any incorrect information on the site, there is a correction wizard for every aspect of a game/developer/company that you can submit to.

  • can be used to contribute information to MobyGames that you can't find a specific place for on the website. You should also use this address for questions regarding the contribution of a particular item, or problems with the contribution interface(s).

  • can be used to find out how you can help support the project. The harsh reality is that MobyGames costs money to run. If you want to help defray some of the costs or donate old, unused games we will happily accept the support.

  • can be used for all other communications, such as what you like about MobyGames, what you dislike, and any suggestions you may have.

  • Non electronic communication can be directed to our traditional address below.
        PO BOX 482
        Englewood CO 80151-0482

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All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

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