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Google CIO thinks today's lawmakers aren't the best for making tech policy


If you're of the opinion that politicians are unqualified to create tech policy, then know that Ben Fried, Google's chief information officer, largely agrees with you.

"The current generation of lawmakers are probably not the best informed [about technological issues]," Fried told an audience at Columbia University today. And for that reason, according to Fried, they're likely not the best...

Google asks FTC and Department of Justice to investigate 'patent privateering'

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In the latest of several swipes against patent trolls, Google has taken aim at the companies who sell off their patents so they can be used in lawsuits. Writing to the FTC and US Department of Justice, Google warned against "patent privateering" — by which it means outsourcing patent warfare by going through firms that don't make anything themselves and therefore can't be countersued. Patent trolls are almost universally reviled for aggressively suing companies on vague, sweeping patent claims. But Google claims the US government should turn its attention to the companies who created those patents in the first place.

"PAEs [Patent Assertion Entities, which litigate patents] impose tremendous costs on innovative industries," writes Google in a letter co-signed by BlackBerry, Earthlink, and Red Hat. "These costs are exacerbated by the...

Are big companies using patent trolls as 'competitive weapons?'


Facebook Home is beautiful, but what if your friends aren't?

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Facebook Home, a lock screen and launcher replacement for Android, looks very good. In fact, maybe it looks too good.

In the social network’s promo trailer for Home, you first witness a woman picking bright orange pumpkins in a field. A white digital clock typeface contrasts beautifully against the blue sky behind her. An image on Facebook’s Home website shows a woman donning a bright blue life vest paddling through crystal clear waters. Another shows a group of friends climbing a...

California bill would require companies to tell you what personal data they're storing or selling

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One of the basic bargains we've struck in modern society is that "free" tools and convenience are often paid for with personal information: Facebook, for example, targets ads using consumer information bought from offline loyalty programs in addition to its own massive data farm. And while European data protection laws give citizens options for seeing what advertisers know about them, most Americans have no such options. That's what California...

Details of Mark Zuckerberg's immigration reform group reportedly revealed in leaked memo

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Mark Zuckerberg's entry into politics through a rumored immigration reform group made up of Silicon Valley industry pioneers appears to be going forward, but not without a little bit of controversy. Politico apparently got its hands on an internal email from Joe Green — Zuckerberg's former Harvard roommate and rumored leader of the reform group —which contained a prospectus document outlining the group's launch plans. Among the details...

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