Red Hat CloudForms

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Hybrid cloud management:
Red Hat CloudForms

Manage your virtual, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures

Focused on gaining control of your virtualization environment? Need to build and manage a private or hybrid cloud? Red Hat® CloudForms can meet your needs today with a comprehensive management platform to do both.

Future-proof your management investment—evolve without lock-in

As your needs change, CloudForms evolves, protecting your investment and providing a continuum of capabilities as you progress toward Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) models. Red Hat gives you choice and flexibility along the way so you don’t get locked in to proprietary solutions, while letting you use your existing virtualization and cloud investments from Red Hat, VMware, Microsoft, and Amazon.

CloudForms benefits

Seamless user self-service portal

CloudForms supports web-based access to your specified service catalogs with role-delegated automated provisioning, quota enforcement, and chargeback across virtualization and cloud platforms, including those from Red Hat, VMware, Microsoft, and Amazon.

Complex task and resource orchestration and automation

With CloudForms, resources are automatically and optimally used via policy-based workload and resource orchestration, ensuring service availability and performance. You can simulate allocation of resources for what-if planning and continuous insights into granular workload and consumption levels to allow chargeback, showback, and proactive planning and policy creation.

Central operations management

CloudForms puts you in control with unified monitoring, management, and automation across enterprise clouds and globally distributed, virtualized datacenters. You get granular control of workload resources, configurations, capacity, and usage levels, with event timelines, and change and drift tracking to ensure that you stay in control at all times.

Capacity management and planning

Dynamically and automatically ensure the most efficient use of your resources, including the ability to:

  • Discover and track resource changes.
  • Provision and de-provision resources based on policies and demand.
  • Identify the current condition of resources and the best fit for new workloads across compute, storage, and network resources.

CloudForms also lets you anticipate and plan for future resource needs based on capacity, trending, data, and analytics.

A continuum of infrastructure management capabilities

Virtual environment

Private/Hybrid cloud


Monitoring and tracking Self-service portal and catalog Dashboards
Capacity management and planning Controls to manage request Reports
Resource usage and optimization Quota enforcement and usage Policies
VM life cycle management Chargeback and cost allocation Alerts
Policies to govern access and usage Automated provisioning Approval workflows