1. Religion & Spirituality

Mythological Figures

Religions commonly (although not always) teach of individuals and beings who do not exist in the historical record. The most common form of mythological figures are divine beings whom followers honor and worship. Other forms certainly exist, such as aliens who have influenced humanity in some way.
  1. African Diaspora Religions (7)
  2. Satan and Satanism (12)
  3. Zoroastrianism Mythological Figures (4)

Which Religions Believe in God?
The issue of which religions follow God depends in large part how you define "God."

Scientology's Galactic Overlord Xenu
Xenu is considered by many critics to be Scientology's dirty little secret. Scientologists are reticent to publicly discuss or even acknowledge the existence of Xenu. Learn about Scientology's vision of creation and how Xenu affected human development.

What are Kami in Shinto?
Western texts on Shinto commonly translate kami as spirit or god. Neither term works well for the entirety of kami, which span a wide range of supernatural beings, from anthropomorphic "gods" to animistic spirits and ancestral souls.

The Elohim within the Raelian Religion
According to the Raelian church, the Elohim are a human-like alien race that created life through scientific processes on Earth. They are not gods, nor are they to be treated as such. The Elohim created humanity as an equal, just as their creators once created them as equals. Through this process, intelligent life continues to develop...

Monotheistic Religions
Monotheistic deities tend to much more closely resemble each other than do polytheistic deities, precisely because of the nature of monotheism requires they gods to be grand and all-encompassing. Many monotheists even accept that their monotheistic deity is the same deity that is being worshiped by monotheists of different religions.

Raelian Understanding of Judeo-Christianity
While the Raelian Movement is a UFO religion, seeing the creators of humanity coming from out space, it also draws significantly from Judeo-Christian mythology, albeit from a different perspective.

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