LifestyleFood & Wine

The Taste Test: Beetroot

Tuesday, 19 March, 2013 [Updated: 10:22]

Straumeni Living Slow Dried Beetroot

HK$49 for 100 grams, Just Green

Raw organic beetroot is slow dried at 38 degrees Celsius to preserve its enzymes and vitamins. It takes 445 grams of fresh beetroot to produce one 215-calorie pack. It's said to help control obesity and cure colds.

Verdict: dense and chewy, the natural sweetness of beetroot shines through but its juiciness is missed. It's a convenient way to enjoy the vegetable.


Lydia's Organics Rawkin' Beet Chips

HK$65 for 85 grams, Just Green

These aren't just beetroot; the thin crisps also contain carrots, parsley, celery, lemon, green onion, and sunflower and flax seeds. Chilli powder, cumin and cayenne give it some heat.

Verdict: earthy and spicy, the beetroot flavour is lost among the other ingredients. It is not particularly crisp, and it tastes a bit too dry.




Terr'loire Red Beetroots

HK$37.90 for 500 grams, Gourmet

This is as basic as it gets: peeled and steamed beets from France with no added preservatives.

Verdict: I love beetroot, but I hate the way it stains almost everything. Sliced and tossed with some salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar, this is a brilliant way to enjoy one of my favourite foods.

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