Hong Kong


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Hong Kong Outlook

7-Day Weather Forecast

Hong Kong Weather News

"Most people are unhappy not about bad weather disrupting their time at work, but their time at play," said David Grimes, president of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), who is in Hong...


Desperate travellers blamed poor arrangements by airlines for their confusion and delayed trips, as thousands were still stranded at Chek Lap Kok airport yesterday in the aftermath of Severe...


The city struggled to recover yesterday after Severe Typhoon Vicente left it bruised and battered.

There was traffic chaos on the land and in the air and at least 138 people were injured,...


International Weather News

Most parts of southern China should expect another round of downpours, thunderstorms and gusty winds, the National Meteorological Centre said, with hailstorms also possible in several areas.


Snowfall that swept across northern China over the weekend helped ease pollution that had choked parts of the country last week, but concerns about air quality were replaced with travel woes...

    Non HK Forecasts Provided by World Meteorological Organisation


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