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For information on sponsorship opportunities at the 2012 Embedded Linux Conference, please contact Angela Brown, Events Director.

2012 Embedded Linux Conference | Presentations

Buildroot: A Nice, Simple and Efficient Embedded Linux Build System

Started in late 2001 by uClibc developers, Buildroot has grown over its 10 years history from a testing tool for the uClibc C library to a complete, vendor-neutral, embedded Linux build system. Until early 2009, the project was mostly unmaintained and the quality slowly decreased, frustrating many Buildroot users. Fortunately, since early 2009, Peter Korsgaard took over the maintainership of Buildroot, and the project has considerably evolved since then: stable releases are published every three months, the user and developer community has grown significantly, the existing features have been cleaned up, many other new features have been added, the project is no longer uClibc-specific and the quality has been vastly improved. Buildroot now offers a nice, simple and efficient mechanism to build small to medium sized embedded Linux systems, such as the ones found in many industrial systems or highly dedicated systems. Many users are amazed about how easy it is to get started with Buildroot, especially compared to other build systems. This presentation will show how Buildroot can be used to build embedded Linux systems, highlighting the new features and improvements made over the last few years, and detailing how the simplicity of Buildroot allows you to focus on developing the applications for your system. A quick overview of the future Buildroot developments will also be provided.


Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons

Thomas Petazzoni is an embedded Linux engineer and trainer at Free Electrons since 2008. With more than 900 patches merged into Buildroot since early 2009, he is the second most important contributor to the project, after the Buildroot maintainer himself. Thomas has also helped many Free Electrons customers in using Buildroot for various industrial products.