

TRUTH, whether you like it or not. •Earth curvature doesn't exist b/c Math •Independent •Husband •Former USMC •Biblical Literalist •IT Guy/Techie •Handyman

Wisconsin, USA
Se unió en abril de 2009


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  1. hace 4 horas
  2. retwitteó
    26 dic.

    By destroying Nagasaki, home to 50,000 Christians, the Zionist Deep State ensured Christianity would not fill the spiritual void Japan was left with when the Emperor was forced to renounce his divinity. See my review of David Dionisi’s ATOMIC BOMB SECRETS

  3. retwitteó
    27 dic.

    Under Obama the unemployment rate among black Americans hit 16.7%. Under Trump it has hit a 17-year low of 7.3%. Begs a question: why did 19 of every 20 black voters vote for Obama?

  4. 27 dic.

    It's going to be a good year!

  5. 26 dic.

    Perhaps there are even more examples... 🤣

  6. retwitteó
    25 dic.

    Oh look, seems like Twitter just deleted @JulianAssange for the crime of WrongThink. How "progressive."

  7. 24 dic.

    I have no idea what this is, but I'm intrigued. I'll check it later

  8. 23 dic.

    Saw Star Wars Last Jedi last night and now had a day to reflect on it. I really didn't like it.

  9. retwitteó
    19 dic.

    Meryl Streep is a hypocrite. and she has always known. She can no longer hide behind her inflammatory anti-Trump comments, while calling Harvey Weinstein "God" and proclaiming her "love" for Polanski.

  10. 20 dic.

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