
The department has recently moved from Austender Level 1 to Level 2 functionality. All open approaches to the market will now be available via the Austender website only.

AusTender Level 2 Reporting

AusTender is the Australian Government’s procurement information system. It provides the mechanism for publication of business opportunities and the mandatory reporting of Contract Notices and Standing Offer Notices with a value of $10,000 or more.

Further information about Australian Government procurement can be found in the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines.

The use of AusTender to post business opportunities is separated by three levels of functionality:

Level 1 Agencies advertise open approaches to the market (ATMs), on the AusTender website.

Level 2 In addition to Level 1 functions, agencies use electronic document distribution functionality to allow suppliers to download ATM documentation and associated addenda from the AusTender website.

Level 3 In addition to Level 1 and 2 functions, agencies use the electronic lodgement functionality to allow suppliers to submit tender responses to a secure tenderbox via the AusTender website.

Fraud control statement

A comprehensive Fraud Risk Assessment and Fraud Control Plan is maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines May 2002 (CFCG). The fraud control plan is an important strategic document that links with our risk management framework and draws together all fraud prevention and detection initiatives that have been adopted into one consolidated document. As with our business risks, our major concern is a risk to our reputation as a result of fraudulent activity. Accordingly, we periodically review our fraud control framework to take account of any relevant changes in our environment. In addition, the Fraud Risk Assessment and Fraud Control Plan is reviewed regularly.

The contractor’s conduct is to be consistent with the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct, and must comply with the department’s directions and procedures relating to security and prevention of fraud.