
This website has been designed to meet the Australian Government standards, including those that relate to access for people with disabilities. This site meets all A (lowest) and most AA and AAA (highest) success criteria set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
It has been developed to display on all commonly used browsers and to work effectively with accessibility hardware and/or software. To accommodate a range of connection speeds, page sizes have been kept to a minimum.  Our web pages are scalable to accommodate various common screen resolutions and, where possible, documents and announcements are made available in multiple formats to accommodate the diversity of our stakeholders.

This website contains links to a number of departmental documents that are only available as a download in PDF. If you would like this information in another format such as Word or RTF please make your request to:

We will respond to your request within three working days.

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