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jak2364 avatarjak2364
So...anyone's copies of Fallout 4 ship yet? ;~; I get the feeling I'm going to be let down again by Amazon.
Rad Party God avatarRad Party God
I pre-ordered Valkyria Chronicles for PC last year and... I haven't played it past the tutorial ever since... Please don't hurt me :(
ikiryou avatarikiryou
The new Japanese trailer for The Force Awakens is kinda awesome and reminds us that it's only a month away [youtube][/youtube]
Cannibal Steven avatarCannibal Steven
[youtube][/youtube] Ooooh man. Cannibal Steven is really feeling this Warcraft trailer!
Jed Whitaker avatarJed Whitaker
Best Buy had zero copies of Yo-Kai Watch on the shelves and no tag for it. Could have been human error, but who knows. It made me sad. I'm going digital anyways.
psychot75677 avatarpsychot75677
F*ck the werid mushroom, Super Mario kun is whole lot weirder. Yeah!
MeanderBot avatarMeanderBot
I'm thinking of getting some Christmas cards made. What do you think? Would you want one? [IMG]HTTPS://[/IMG]
Torchman avatarTorchman
The Dyslexic Laywer avatarThe Dyslexic Laywer
Playing SMTIV and it's fun and all but why oh why is the map system so horrifically atrocious?
jasondm300 avatarjasondm300
The humble monthy was surprisingly good: saints row 4, Valkyria chronicles, besiege, towerfall ascension, legend of grimrock 2 lethal league and sanctuary rpg
Mike Martin avatarMike Martin
Pixie The Fairy avatarPixie The Fairy
Downloading Child of Light on Vita since it's $4.95 and I like giving Ubisoft the least amount of money I can. I
CO Jakyl avatarCO Jakyl
So we got us a new artist and everyone is starting to learn coding so things go a little smoother. Other than that, nothing new to report....but we are back at it :)
FriedCritic avatarFriedCritic
Black Ops III is the best Terminator game ever.
Pixie The Fairy avatarPixie The Fairy
Pyramids were built for predators to hunt xenomorphs. Vote for Pixie in 2016!
Archelon avatarArchelon
Having never seen an episode of Arrow before, I had no idea whatsoever what was going on during the episode otherwise, but boy was it great to see Matt Ryan as John Constantine again. If only he would be allowed to play Constantine in the film universe.
Flegma avatarFlegma
In 1997, I thought Quake 2 wasn't a particularly fast-paced game. Today, I find myself unable to keep up with the game - I died on normal already in the level where Parasites first show up.
FlanxLycanth avatarFlanxLycanth
I got bored at work so I made this. Enjoy. [youtube][/youtube]
absolutfreak avatarabsolutfreak
Received an email stating my Steam Link is ready to ship. Can't wait to check it out early next week!
Gamemaniac3434 avatarGamemaniac3434
I stumbled out of bed when pangs hit me. Visions of a light too bright, but the sun was still gone. A poison wind spread across me, cells rebelling, becoming something new while old sloughs off. I shake it off, sweat drenchs. Fallout 4 releases in 4 day
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