Jim Carrey

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Actor Jim Carrey!

Los Angeles · http://www.jimcarrey.com

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  1. USA Today.Harvard study says states wth most gun laws have 42% less gun mortality thn states wth fewest gun laws n 37% less gun suicide. ;^)

  2. I need to repeat that! When it comes to food and drugs, I don't know why but that really makes me laugh! 2;^D

  3. Protein veg legumes rice fruit nuts water contain all we need 2b healthy happy n sharp minded.I believe ths diet more healing thn drugs. ;^)

  4. End of day14.Diet is kicking in.Feeling relaxed content and even blissfull,like i just got up from a good nap.(4 details chck prev twts) ;^}

  5. 2 jokes walk into a bar.1 joke says to the other joke,"You know any good jokes?"the other joke says,"Get a life!" 2B^D

  6. "Why don't you notice me, Jim!""Jim never answers me!" I will never respond to these! Guilt doesn't work! ;^P

  7. I've been doing that for months and I don't have foggy brain anymore! Read Wheat Belly you will never want to eat wheat again :)

  8. I eat eggs meat fish n veggies cooked in olive oil fruits nuts water tea wth honey or stevia gluten free crckrs n almond butter 4 snack. ;^d

  9. Clarity!Contentment!Youthfullness! Longevity!This diet,though tough at first,gives me that!Can u handle it?Just 3 wks and you'll see! ;^)

  10. Tomorrow,day 14,no wheat dairy sugar coffee soda drugs alcohol or tobac.A few more days till tht sweet feeling bt right now ain't bad! 2;^>

  11. Vegas has everything except a hotel window you can open.Not gonna lie,being forced to breath super dry central air freaks me out a bit. ;^\

  12. Wakin' up in Vegas.8:15am.Actually quite pretty and something most visitors rarely see!I also had a nice quiet night, cuz i'm a rebel! }:^]

  13. I don't hate 1 single person on this earth.Not even Cardinal Mahoney or the deviant priests he allegedly protected wthout any remorse. ;^•>+

  14. Catholic Reg thnks I hate Church folks.NOT TRUE!I don't hate any1.I hate whn ppl who have sex with kids tell us what sex should be. ;^•>+.

  15. Shoulda said i wanna c if i cn throw a rck wthout hitting an acrobat frm Cirque du Soleil.Sorry.I ws distracted by a wild pck of showgirls.

  16. Just landed in Vegas. Gonna throw a rock with my eyes closed and see if I can hit an acrobat from Cirque du Soleil! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! ;^>

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