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For information on sponsorship opportunities at LinuxCon North America 2011, please contact Angela Brown, Events Director.

LinuxCon North America 2011 | Speaker FAQ

This FAQ is a guide for those speakers presenting at LinuxCon North America 2011.

I received an email that my submission has been approved. What do I do now?
With your approval email, you will have received a registration link and a speaker code with which to register. By doing so, this confirms that you agree to speak at the event. If you do not register by the date indicated on the email, your slot will be given to a waitlisted talk.

What if I need travel funding in order to speak at the event?
It is helpful to apply for travel funding as soon as you receive your submission approval email. Please submit your application for travel funding and don’t’ forget to indicate that you have an accepted talk. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that travel funding can be provided because your submission was approved. If we are unable to fund your travel, and you cannot speak because of that, please let us know as soon as possible.

Where should I stay?
We recommend all speakers stay at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver where LinuxCon is being held, and where we have secured a discounted block of rooms. There is limited availability, so please reserve your room as soon as possible. Make your reservation online.

What equipment will be provided for my talk? Do I need to bring my own computer?
Each conference room will include an LCD projector & screen, a podium with microphone (wireless lavaliere), and small table for the speaker. Speakers need to provide their own computers for presentations. If you require any additional equipment, such as an HDMI cable, flipchart, whiteboard, additional microphones, or anything else, you need to email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by August 1, 2011 with your special requirements.

We do not provide a template for speakers to use nor do we require you present in any particular format, so feel free to use any presentation format of your choosing.

Do I need to provide slides before my talk?
Yes. It is extremely helpful to attendees to be able to review slides on the conference website prior to and during the event. It assists them in determining which sessions they would like to attend. We understand that many speakers are working on their slides very close to the event, however anything you can allow us to post at least a week before the event will benefit you in having the right attendees at your talk. Please send your slides to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by August 5, 2011 to ensure that we can load them on to the website.

For keynote speakers, it is also extremely helpful to have your slides beforehand, both for the abovementioned reason, as well as to allow us to provide you with the best audio/visual experience.

What if my presentation runs longer than it should?
Please be aware of how much time you have for your presentation and pace yourself accordingly. Each session will be timed by a staff member, who will both let you know when to start, and when to end your presentation. They will provide you with a visual reminder as your time nears the end. Please be respectful of our need to stay on schedule and follow the instructions of the staff member.

What are the expectations around dress code and language? There is no dress code at LinuxCon, and most attendees tend to wear either causal or business causal attire. It should go without saying that all speakers should behave in a respectful and conscientious way to all attendees of the event. For more information, please review our anti-harassment/anti-descrimination policy.

What are some tips you can provide on content and style for my slides and presentation?
When creating your presentation, please be aware of the following:

Slide Content
Please remember that LinuxCon includes an audience from around the world, and English might not be the first language for many attendees. Please speak clearly and concisely, and prepare your slides so that they will be helpful and clear to those that might need to use them as a guide. Also be aware that each session room holds about 180 people. Be sure that your slides will be legible from even the back of the room.

Length of Presentation
Please be aware of the amount of time you have for your presentation, and prepare accordingly. It will not benefit you or your audience if you have to rush through the end of your presentation. Pace yourself, and be sure to leave time for Q&A at the end of your presentation. If you do not have time for Q&A at the end of your presentation, please let your audience know that they will need to ask you questions in the hallway.

Are there any speaker-only events I should be aware of?
Yes. In addition to our 20th Anniversary Gala event on Wednesday, August 17th, which is open to all attendees, speakers and sponsors are invited to join us for a VIP dinner taking place on Thursday, August 18th at the Terminal City Club. When you register as a speaker, you will be offered the option to RSVP to this event. We hope to see you there.

If I register online before the event, what do I do when I get onsite? You will still need to check-in onsite to receive your name badge and conference materials. Please follow the signage at the hotel for Conference Registration. There will be a dedicated counter for Speaker Check-In.

How can I get the word out about my talk?
Thanks for asking! We really need our speakers help in getting the word out about this excellent conference. Please consider blogging, tweeting, FBing, etc. Also, if you are interested in submitting an article about your talk for please contact us.

More questions? Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to LinuxCon North America.