Action RPG


It’s hard to argue with people when they say Skyrim has been made so simple for casual audiences when Bethesda releases such minimal DLC at a rather steep cost for what you get.  


Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is the video game your grandmother hates. A weird postmodern jumble of gratuitous gore, gaudy colors and vulgar creatures. Here a robot-legged panda will shoot at you with bouncing tic-tac-shaped lasers, as elsewhere a huge Spartan-masked scorpion spews waves of neon-bordered playing cards from its stinger. In this 2D platformer, your victims—98 more abominations like the ones above—must pay the price for having enjoyed humiliating photos of you in the bathtub. Anything goes.


Dungeon crawling games are definitely coming out of the woodwork as of late.  Diablo III no doubt has its fans, and I'm pretty sure Torchlight II has a huge following as well, judging by game sales.  And let's not forget the titles that are still fun to play on Xbox Live Arcade, including the original Torchlight and the sleeper hit Crimson Alliance, which is even better playing alongside a friend.  So, with that, we're trying to figure out what made Focus Home Interactive think that R.A.W.: Realms of Ancient War would stand out, especially considering the problems it possesses.


Have you ever wondered who would win the fight between a giraffe and a cheetah? Or between a panda and a kangaroo?  These questions have haunted human kind for centuries and have fed fierce debates through long nights. But fear not, my friends, for the answers are on their way. Fear not, for Tokyo Jungle is coming on the PSN.


Skyrim is a sprawling quest for anyone to undertake, packing a potential few hundreds of hours of gameplay to exhaust -- and that's not counting its previous DLC expansion, excellent as it was. It's a behemoth of a game that you approach when you've got the time and availability, because once you commit, you're in it for the long haul.


Sometimes I suspect that game designers don’t have a lot of respect for me. Though they’ve never met me, I think they tend to assume I’m not a very smart person, and that I’m insecure about it. I feel vaguely uneasy when I breeze through a level and I’m profusely congratulated with items and experience points. The rewards feel hollow. Did I even really earn them? If that last section wasn’t challenging, do I need or want them? A lot of modern game design is focused on accommodating the player: Scale the difficulty; make every play style equally viable in every situation; don’t punish failure.


Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is still to this day one of the most played games played on PC. With the Dawnguard expansion recently hitting Steam shelves, many have already have played 100 plus hours into the 2011 holiday hit. So what’s next for Skyrim? Bethesda recently filed out a trademark called Hearthfire, which could be linked to the Elder Scrol\ franchise.


COLOGNE, Germany -- The Witcher 2, distributed in North America by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, was the most awarded game during the European Games Awards ceremony at Gamescom 2012. CD Projekt RED, developers of The Witcher 2, started off this year’s Gamescom with a bang, dominating the European Games Awards and then following up with a well-received presentation of the REDkit, the mod engine for their award-winning RPG.


I wanted to review Dust: An Elysian Tail because it looked beautiful. That and because, being part of XBLA's Summer of Arcade, the game had a chance at joining the revered company of titles like Braid, LIMBO, and Bastion.


The term “browser-based game” is not one that typically sits well with gamers. It brings up the repressed fact that there are tons of ignored invites on your Facebook asking you to help plant crops on Farmville, or go hold up a bank in Mafia Wars, or guide a football into the endzone in Return Man. But there is the occasional diamond in the rough, and Drakensang Online certainly shines in comparison to other games you typically play on Chrome, Firefox, or even (*shudders*) Explorer.


Last year Robot Entertainment, the developers behind Halo Wars released Orcs Must Die, a tower defense game that puts players on the battlefield rather than sitting back from a distance. The action gets fast and furious as waves of enemies try to destroy your base. If you played the original, new additions have been added in Orcs Must Die 2, but much is the same, which isn’t a problem.  


Welcome back to your favorite Steam Summer Sale updates and recommendations. In personal news, I just got an email from my aunt saying she sent me a Gamestop gift certificate for my birthday, which is on Monday. I mean literally, she couldn’t have picked a worse time, right as the Steam Summer Sale has gotten started. Oh well, maybe I’ll get a bit of cash to help out the cause. Anyway, today is Saturday, so let’s look at some of today’s deals and bundles that you should take advantage of…


It’s the event that PC gamers have been waiting for since school ended. What all their hard months of working and saving up money have been for. It’s like Mardi Gras and Black Friday combined into one. The happiest ten days of the summer to anyone with a Steam account: the Steam Summer Sale. But with so many options and deals to choose from, how do you decide? Well, while many more deals are sure to come over the next ten days, if you want to start taking advantage of the savings right away, here are my recommendations.


Paradox Interactive is known to take an unconventional approach to the games they create. Now they're pulling inspiration from their own game, Mount and Blade as well as Pandemic Battlefront series for their upcoming game War of The Roses.