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  • Neal Stephenson on a Mildly Feminist Question

    Jason Pontin asks the science fiction author whether he typecasts female characters in his books. This past spring, Jason Pontin, editor in chief of MIT Technology Review, conducted a wide-ranging but informal conversation with science fiction writer Neal Stephenson about his craft, preoccupations, influences, and inspirations. Enjoy a six-part weekly series of video shorts based on their conversation.

  • Neal Stephenson on the Future of Books and the Ubiquity of Gadgets

    Author Neal Stephenson discusses his views on the appeal of printed media and the recent developments in sci-tech that have captured his interest. This past spring, Jason Pontin, editor in chief of MIT Technology Review, conducted a wide-ranging but informal conversation with science fiction writer Neal Stephenson about his craft, preoccupations, influences, and inspirations. Enjoy a six-part weekly series of video shorts based on their conversation.

  • Jack Dorsey Talks Technology

    At a Technology Review event in San Francisco, the creator of Twitter and Square explains his guidelines for creating good technology.

  • Neal Stephenson on Predictions and Surprises

    The science-fiction author reflects on how real-world technology has been working out differently than he imagined in his novels. This past spring, Jason Pontin, editor in chief of MIT Technology Review, conducted a wide-ranging but informal conversation with science fiction writer Neal Stephenson about his craft, preoccupations, influences, and inspirations. Enjoy a six-part weekly series of video shorts based on their conversation.

  • Neal Stephenson on the Hieroglyph Project

    Neal Stephenson explains his “Hieroglyph Project,” and how it is intended to inspire us with optimistic visions of getting “big stuff done.” This past spring, Jason Pontin, Editor in Chief of MIT Technology Review, conducted a wide-ranging but informal conversation with science fiction writer Neal Stephenson about his craft, preoccupations, influences, and inspirations. Enjoy a six-part weekly series of video shorts based on their conversation.

  • Neal Stephenson on Optimism

    Acclaimed author Neal Stephenson addresses the following question: Is there a categorical imperative for science fiction to be optimistic? This past spring, Jason Pontin, Editor in Chief of MIT Technology Review, conducted a wide-ranging but informal conversation with science fiction writer Neal Stephenson about his craft, preoccupations, influences, and inspirations. Enjoy a six-part weekly series of video shorts based on their conversation.


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