Destiny headed to PS4, will receive exclusive content

Destiny, Halo developer Bungie's recently revealed "always connected" first-person shooter, is headed to PlayStation 4, Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision publishing, announced today at an event that also revealed Sony's next-gen console.

After announcing the port, Hirshberg stepped off the stage. A video rolled that included new footage from the game, filled with aliens, grand vistas and capes blowing in the wind. You can watch the video, which was narrated by Bungie co-founder Jason Jones, below.

Bungie president Harold Ryan then took to the stage and announced that both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions will include "exclusive, playable content just for the PlayStation community."

Details surrounding Destiny first leaked last year in legal documents pertaining to a lawsuit between Destiny publisher Activision and former Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella. Last November, a marketing document and concept artwork leaked online, showing some of the same artwork that Bungie would later reveal.

Bungie officially revealed the concept, art and musical collaborations behind Destiny earlier this week alongside a video documentary outlining the upcoming game and its story. Before we were there to see Destiny, Polygon visited Bungie's studios in Bellevue, Wash. to learn what makes the developer tick, so be sure to check out our feature.

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