PlayStation video invites you to 'see the future,' possibly teasing next-gen reveal Feb. 20

Sony has uploaded a video inviting viewers to "see the future," possibly teasing a next-gen PlayStation reveal, as seen in the clip above.

The video slowly pans over the iconic four shapes that appear on the DualShock controller — circle, square, triangle and X — before dropping a date which, presumably, will reveal the cause for the teaser: Feb. 20, 2013. A website uploaded alongside the video also lists a specific time for said date: At 6 p.m. ET, whatever Sony has to reveal, it's going to reveal. That same website allows visitors to sign up for a mailing list, offering them a chance to "Be the first to know."

We've received an invite to an event called "Playstation Meeting 2013" at that date and time, and will bring you any announcements from the event as they come. It's also worth noting that the date falls a little bit before Sony's Destination PlayStation event, which runs Feb. 25-28.

Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida tweeted a two-character exclamation following the video's publication.

Industry analyst Michael Pachter also weighed in on Twitter, saying he thinks a new console announcement is inevitable, given the folks who've been invited to the PlayStation Meeting event.

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