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Old 07-10-2012, 09:51 PM
PScoins PScoins is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Kickstarter FAQ / issues / concerns

Hello. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I wanted to express questions I have regarding this Kickstarter project. I was watching the Vampire Variations posting last year, and highly interested in owning a physical copy of it, but at the time I saw OCR remix forum members and DJP himself expressing concern about the team charging for that. Although they were accepting donations, and not, to the best of my knowledge, charging the album to be for profit. The uproar over this seemed to be enough that the team abandoned any idea for Hard copies to be made. And many OCR posters expressed a high level of negativity for them even considering such an idea.

So my question is thusly: What is this difference between that and what you are doing here?

I do understand albums cost money to make, but you essentially are charging $50 for this album, and subsequent "bonus" albums end up costing even more since donations levels only yield them at higher amounts. I would also find it extremely hard to believe a 4 Disc album would cost $50 to make. If you are producing 1000 of them, and only allow those who donate $50 to receive a copy, then that would be 50k to you. Or am I missing something? It is unlikely you would actually "sell" all those 1000 copies through this kick starter, so what would happen to the rest? would they still be $50 a copy? or what would happen to them?

Although reading your information about "where does the money go" actually says you will be making 1500 of them. Which is a bit strange.. to say you will make 1000 only, then list 1500 as the real number. But I digress.

OCR will make this money they are asking for, and more. I congratulate you for it, and I am actually quite interested in this album. But I would like to use this example to make sense of why other album projects are not allowed to do identical methods, just because they are not OCR. It is sometimes argued that because OCR has their albums digitally for free as well, then that is different than most projects in that regard. Perhaps it is, but not all are this way. I know Vampire Variations was not. It was a digital free release with physical copies as a possibility, but OCR and it's staff balked and crucified them.

I have since learned that Vampire Variations was not the only project given this type of treatment, and I would truly like to understand what OCR is doing here that is that different, and thus, acceptable. If I ever become involve in an album project, it would be nice to understand better, because it seems far worse to me in terms of "profit" possibility.

Maybe it is because it fulfills a double purpose as acting as a donation driver, But that is a grey area since you would then actually be collecting "profit". Just using it to fund the website.

Sorry for the long response. I find this to be a confusing topic.
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