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Posts tagged @reviews

Crysis 3 review: Pernicious effects of patience

Crysis 3 distills its story down to an identifiable and simple problem – the big bad CELL corporation controls all of the power on the planet, and indentured servitude is pretty much the only way to survive. The alien race called the Ceph take a backseat for a majority of the campaign, which ...

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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance review: It's just a flesh wound

Once you know what you're doing, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance goes from power fantasy to full-on power arrogance. Maniacal is the best way to play this cutting game, dashing into gunfire and shoving your sword through any obstacle, no matter its size or perceived deadliness. The supporting ...

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Brain Age - Concentration Training review: Cram session

Nintendo's Brain Age: Concentration Training starts by describing my life in detail. Information is everywhere, says the polygonal, disembodied head of Dr. Ryuta Kawashima. He really says it, by the way, as this Brain Age features copious voice over. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, Dr. Kawashima ...

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Aliens Colonial Marines review: Bore to the corps

Aliens: Colonial Marines seems like a product developed over a series of Friday afternoons. You know, those long days where passion felt throughout the rest of the week has dissolved and all that's left are the moments you count off in your head as the clock inches toward closing time. Though my ...

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Dead Space 3 review: Take down the terror, just a notch

Dead Space 3 is excellent, meaning I didn't enjoy very much of it. The torture is self-inflicted, and I only increased the severity by playing the game without company, without light and without those regular breaks they used to warn you about in the manual (ask your parents). The inclusion of ...

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Skulls of the Shogun review: See you in Hell

Full disclosure: I've never died before. I have no idea what the afterlife looks like, where it's located, who runs its admissions process or if it even exists. I just don't. However, if an afterlife does exist, I'd be totally fine if it resembled the fantastical environment in Skulls of the ...

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Portabliss: Ikachan (3DS eShop)

This is Portabliss, a column about downloadable games that can be played on the go. Ikachan is a perfect snack-sized game. Coming in at around two hours, it offers a concentrated dose of pure Studio Pixel exploration. A precursor to Cave Story, It's the same kind of lovingly pixelated subterranean ...

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Fire Emblem - Awakening review: One life to live

Fire Emblem: Awakening is the best soap opera since CBS cancelled Guiding Light. If you've never played a Fire Emblem before, imagine Final Fantasy Tactics from an overhead perspective, or a particularly bloated derivation of chess. Nintendo's stalwart helped establish the turn-based tactical RPG ...

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The Cave review: Seven spelunkers, none decent

The Cave is an adventure game, obviously. It's littered with puzzles and pieces of junk destined to become the only objects in the world worth having. The cave itself is a sentient, subterranean narrator, enveloping seven different explorers in a patchwork of dream-like environments that not only ...

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Ni No Kuni review: Fairy tale wedding

You know the phrase "You should never judge a JRPG by its authentic adaptation of a cherished animation studio's art style?" Well, that happens to apply to Level-5 and Studio Ghibli's Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, in a good way. It's like a computer made entirely out of triple chocolate; ...

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The Joystiq Podcast

The Joystiq Podcast

Super Joystiq Podcast Special: PlayStation 4 revealed

Latest episode: Thursday, February 21st, 2013





