07Feb 2013

New Assassin's Creed game announced - new character and time period confirmed

Game to arrive during publisher's financial 2014

Ubisoft has revealed a new Assassin's Creed game to investors during its financial year 2012-2013 third quarter earnings call. The game stars a new character, takes place in a new time period, and is due out in the publisher's financial 2014 - no earlier than 1st April 2013, and no later than 31st March 2014.

As reported by CVG, the game will probably go public at E3 this year, and is being developed by several of Ubisoft's studios. More as we get it.

There's a rumour doing the rounds that Assassin's Creed 4 is set in Brazil. Thoughts?

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18 comments so far...

  1. Have Ubisoft been headhunting new staff from Activisions 'how to rape a franchise' department? It seems like they bring out a new Assassins Creed every week, I wouldn't mind but it's not even that good.

  2. Jesus, would it kill them to take a break from the series for a bit?

    If it's even half as boring as Assassin's Creed 3 was then I'll wait until it cheaper. Hopefully this new character and setting isn't bland either.

  3. Bet this has nothing whatsoever to do with the enormous sales figures for AC3 i saw they'd reported earlier today? DRM/U-play/questionable DLC aside i don't have much against Ubisoft (why, oh why do i always think of Log shouting "Boooo-bisoft" when i think of them!! :) ) but i suspect they'll have their work cut out matching this years figures after so many were disappointed with 3. Not fair of me to comment on it really yet as not far in, but the fact i'm not that far and have no real desire to go further is a series first for me and not exactly encouraging...

    I like AC, but i wish to god they'd focus on substance over style a little, and within that substance, quality over quantity. Clichés within clichés? What was i thinking? Has obviously been a long day!

  4. If they say the new character is called something like Mitsuhide Akechi and it's set in Feudal Japan then I swear I'll load my kecks with happy fun juice.

  5. Very Nice, I like 3 and the multiplayer was pretty good to. Really hoping they find a better time period this time round.

  6. I've still got Revelations and 3 to play, why not add another AC to the queue? It's a popular series and a lot of fans will buy any AC game regardless, but it really would be nice to see Ubisoft take a little more time with each game to produce something spectacular. The games are good, but if they could spend a bit longer putting everything together, they could potentially be great. If only they'd do what Rockstar do with the GTA series - release one game every few years, but really take their time and put a lot of effort into it.

  7. If they say the new character is called something like Mitsuhide Akechi and it's set in Feudal Japan then I swear I'll load my kecks with happy fun juice.


    I'd quite like to have something in feudal Japan, it would certainly make a nice setting and the opportunities for different gadgets/weapons would be immense.

  8. If they say the new character is called something like Mitsuhide Akechi and it's set in Feudal Japan then I swear I'll load my kecks with happy fun juice.


    I'd quite like to have something in feudal Japan, it would certainly make a nice setting and the opportunities for different gadgets/weapons would be immense.

    It does strike me as odd why they think japan would be dull, given their last location.

  9. Ed, how long have you been at the end of the articles? lol Just saw this now and feel I've missed out on funny blurbs by other writers too.

  10. Each games plot is very very dull. At first I thought maybe it was all the Italian accents that put me off actually paying attention to the cutscenes but with AC3, which did start off great and had me quite engrossed up until you actually get to play as connor then it reverts back to really boring cutscenes where the characters just talk more nonsense. I still havent completed it yet as I just cant be bothered with it.
    I think a reboot is needed or at least talk the story in a new direction completely, no more ancient races with superior technology, its been done a million times.

  11. Not fair of me to comment on it really yet as not far in, but the fact i'm not that far and have no real desire to go further is a series first for me and not exactly encouraging...

    Same here Sid. I've played every AC - even got 100% on the first two, but AC3 is just plain boring. I gave it my best shot to get past the (documented on forums) dull bit and still lost interest. I'm in no rush to order AC4 (or whatever it'll be called). :(

  12. Ed, how long have you been at the end of the articles? lol Just saw this now and feel I've missed out on funny blurbs by other writers too.

    Click on their avatars down the bottom of the Home page to read their blurbs. Ed's is the funniest, and Matts was really good (lots of hair in the wind gags) but they're all quite interesting. It's where I found out Log had written a book.

    On topic: Is this Ubisoft's subtle way of admitting they made a huge cock up with character and setting in AC3? Certainly an annual instalment is easier if you follow the Ezio route, so I can't think of any other reason for the newness.

  13. AC3 took me a while to get into - sequences 1&2 were ok, 3-7 pretty dull, but 8-12 redeemed it a little in my eyes. Just finished the main storyline, and now looking forward to going back and completing the homestead and naval missions and other things I've left. Was it great? Far from it, though I would advise anyone who has left it midway through to go back, not least because Ubisoft finally gave us some answers and tied up some long-running storylines at the end. Overall I'd give it an 8/10, but you do have to persevere though some dull sections to finally see it as such.

    I picked AC3 up on day-one, and the lack-lustre story meant I dropped it like a hot potato when Halo 4 arrived. Without rave reviews, AC4 will probably not be a day-one purchase.

  14. Just had a thought. Patrice Désilets, the head writer/director of AC2, one of the guys who managed to make Ezio such an interesting well rounded character and reinvent the game from the repetative slog of the first, left Ubi half way through Brotherhood to go and work on a new IP.

    Which studio did he go and work for? THQ.

    Really hope Ubisoft have done the sensible and obvious thing and rehired this guy for AC4 since the series has been getting more jumbled and worse since he left.

  15. Am I seriously the only one wanting the series to go to Egypt (preferably 12th century). I mean pyramids (tombs), deserts (frontier), the cities (cities :wink: ), and Darim went there at the end of Revelations and I liked him as a character and would like to continue the story there.

  16. Geeeezzzzish! Already!?! they haven't even giving AC3 time to breathe! :|

  17. Am I seriously the only one wanting the series to go to Egypt (preferably 12th century). I mean pyramids (tombs), deserts (frontier), the cities (cities :wink: ), and Darim went there at the end of Revelations and I liked him as a character and would like to continue the story there.

    Nope, that's a great location too. Bring it on. I'd just rather Feudal Japan first as we'd basically be playing a modern Tenchu (the actual Tenchu game from this gen seriously doesn't count).

  18. assassins yawn 4?.......... yaaaawn....