Posted on Monday 11th Feb 2013 at 3:09 PM UTC

Tomb Raider: 11 minute gameplay video released

Part one of 'Monastery to Medical Helicopter'

Square Enix has released an 11 minute Tomb Raider gameplay video.

Tomb Raider (2013) Screenshot
Part one of 'Monastery to Medical Helicopter' demonstrates Lara's combat skills and strategy choices, the publisher says, as well as how she uses her Survival Instincts to navigate to points of interest on the new game's Japanese island.

Part two of the gameplay segment will look at "how enemies adjust their attacks depending on Lara's approach to combat and an introduction to the Challenge Tombs," it says.

Square Enix has confirmed a Tomb Raider release date of March 5, 2013.

It was recently confirmed that a Tomb Raider demo won't be made available prior to the game's release.

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17 comments so far...

  1. EvilWaterman on 11 Feb '13 said:

    Please please can somebody create a vid app that isn't banned by my work! lol

  2. TheCrimsonFenix on 11 Feb '13 said:

    My interest in this just kept getting lower and lower over the last few years and I think unless some sort of rental magically impresses me, I won't be getting it for sure. You just know this thread will go the same way as the others but... Uncharted. I welcome games that don't have to copy some greatly successful franchise like FPS games do with the CoD formula but did they really have to stick so very close to the Uncharted formula? I realise it's got third person combat and adventuring with puzzles but that doesn't mean every game involving those features has to look like a reskinned version of the same thing. Uncharted may have been inspired by that adventurer archaeologist idea but you didn't see that being a reskin of Tomb Raider. Uncharted had it's own identity with those features. This game just doesn't seem to have it's own and just replaces the archaeologist idea with yet to be archaeologist, surviving idea. I just don't get any feeling of being a desperate survivor in these gameplay videos other than the cutscenes. She's panicking and on the brink of tears for her friends in cutscenes but when it comes to playing she's just crouching behind cover shooting away at human beings without a care in the world and an arsenal of automatic weapons in her pockets.

  3. squarepyramids on 11 Feb '13 said:

    Hmm I have been more excited for this, but looks alright still... I'm a bit unsure of the gritty realism combined with the OTT ridiculousness of some of the set pieces shown. Uncharted had these crazy set pieces but they were believable within the world ND created. Here I just expect Lara to keel over and give in to death from the amount of stuff thrown at her...

  4. gmcb007 on 11 Feb '13 said:

    The amount of armed enemies ruins my intrest. I thought this game was supposed to be about Lara being shipwrecked and learning to adapt to her surrounding teaching her to become an explorer? I find it funny how a game called Tomb raider only use tomb exploration as a side feature.

    Now it just looks like Far Cry 3 in the sense that you're out for revenge and must become a killing machine in the process.

  5. middle finger on 11 Feb '13 said:

    I am not watching any minute of it.

  6. jmaddison on 11 Feb '13 said:

    why all the hate and whinging.....why is everyone so F'ing miserable? You do get to raid tombs, you do shoot enemies yes, you do have to 'survive' in tough conditions, and yes, it is OTT and cinematic. I mean what game is realistic? It is meant to be fun and a tour of escapism.....and so what if it is a re-skin of a great franchise? More to enjoy I guess! I never see anyone complaining about how COD is a rehash and clone of hundreds upon hundreds of shooters out there! If you are really that picky, then don't buy the game. Simple as! If you like the game and just want some fun, then by all means buy and enjoy!

  7. JD_Method on 11 Feb '13 said:

    I never see anyone complaining about how COD is a rehash and clone of hundreds upon hundreds of shooters out there!

    You must be new to the internet.

  8. middle finger on 11 Feb '13 said:

    I just don't want to spoil it.

  9. ________________ on 11 Feb '13 said:

    Cheap script.

  10. sammikid on 11 Feb '13 said:

    I just don't want to spoil it.

    You're right, don't watch it. I just did and what interest I may have had in picking this up, just spoiled it for me.
    I haven't gone around like most people calling this an Uncharted clone, but even if it was/is, it doesn't even succeed in doing that well. Unlike Uncharted, this won't win or even be considered for GoTY.
    This went from a day one purchase, to a consideration once its cheap enough.... maybe. Though i'm interested to see what reviewers think of it.

  11. Gambini on 11 Feb '13 said:

    I don't know... it just doesn't seem to have that polish of certain other developers. I think I'll pick it up during the Steam Summer Sale.

  12. kirankara on 11 Feb '13 said:

    Looks beautiful to me, albeit a Little uncharted-esque in terms of being bit linear

  13. Mmmmgrolsch on 11 Feb '13 said:

    This is the first Tomb Raider I've been interested in as I thought all the demos I've played in the past have been pretty crap to me. Personally I think this game is going to be great, can't wait.

  14. dwhlufc on 11 Feb '13 said:

    The only two things I'm not keen on are the automatic cover and the fact the ai knew where the shots were fired from even when it wasn't obvious where Lara was. Otherwise it looks like it could be a lot of fun.

  15. Vhyper1985 on 11 Feb '13 said:

    Woah woah .. hang on wasn't the reason for them not having a demo so that the storyline wouldn't be spoiled .... soooo why put out videos like this then? why not let us play this segment of the game to see if we do actually enjoy playing it?

    what the sense make?

  16. middle finger on 12 Feb '13 said:

    Looks beautiful to me, albeit a Little uncharted-esque in terms of being bit linear

    Isn't the whole game open world?

  17. gmcb007 on 12 Feb '13 said:

    Looks beautiful to me, albeit a Little uncharted-esque in terms of being bit linear

    Isn't the whole game open world?

    I think it uses a hub-base setup.