Author of "American Sniper" among the dead at Rough Creek

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Posted: Saturday, February 2, 2013 8:40 pm | Updated: 11:03 am, Mon Feb 4, 2013.

A former Tarleton State University student who wrote the best-selling book, "American Sniper," was one of two victims shot and killed at Rough Creek Lodge Saturday. 

Chris Kyle, 38, and another man were found dead at Rough Creek's shooting range between 3:30 and 4 p.m. Saturday, according to Sheriff Tommy Bryant.

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  • Igosurff posted at 7:55 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    Igosurff Posts: 2

    Every person that comments on this tragedy better understand and appreciate they only have the opportunities they have because of people like Chris Kyle. He is a true American Hero .

  • Igosurff posted at 7:35 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    Igosurff Posts: 2

    Every person that comments on this tragedy better understand they only have this opportunity and their freedoms because of people like Chris Kyle. He is a true American hero.

  • tjones posted at 5:43 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    tjones Posts: 1

    How dare anyone speak against Chris Kyle (Asmodeus, I am calling you out) He served his country. He did more than his share defending our freedoms. It's a sad day when he is killed right here on American soil by a fellow veteran. There should be no ill or bitter thoughts on here directed towards Kyle. I pray his family finds comfort.

  • AJNM posted at 2:55 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    AJNM Posts: 1

    God bless Chris's family and may American patriots everywhere uphold his beliefs and his vision and may constitutional liberty reign in America forever!

  • de fet posted at 2:03 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    de fet Posts: 1

    Live by the sword...

  • Asmodeus posted at 1:20 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    Asmodeus Posts: 1

    Hmmm, go figure. People obsessed with guns and death to the point of spending their free time hanging out a gun range shooting guns wind up dying at the business end of guns. What a surprise.

  • Steve R posted at 12:29 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    Steve R Posts: 1

    [sad] Such a Shame.

  • zak in texas posted at 12:14 pm on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    zak in texas Posts: 1

    While it is very sad that he was killed, it is not at all shocking to me. He was very outspoken on gun rights. Things like this tend to happen when everyone can easily get a piece of metal in there hand that does nothing but kill; some of them use it for its intended purpose, and innocent people get killed. Welcome to the wild wild west. People always say "well if everyone has a gun, it makes things safer." Um...this was at a gun range, I think there were enough guns around.

  • washjack posted at 10:44 am on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    washjack Posts: 1

    As with any needless loss of life, Chris's death is tragic. My heart is heavy for his family and friends.

  • Smerritt posted at 10:40 am on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    Smerritt Posts: 1

    No words for this...

  • pattiyb posted at 8:57 am on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    pattiyb Posts: 1


  • reggie posted at 3:54 am on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    reggie Posts: 1

    This is such a terrible and sad story to learn about men who have done so much for our country and then to lose their lives here at home to someone they trusted...but should not have. My heart goes out to their families and I pray they knew Jesus. Our world is becoming more and more scary to live in each day.

  • Thankyousoldiersformyfreedom posted at 1:50 am on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    Thankyousoldiersformyfreedom Posts: 1

    My friends are right, it is very fishy! Oscuma is taking out his competition! You also need to know facebook is reporting all pages against oscuma to the whitehouse! Chris on is fb was against oscuma! So, Im holding fb and oscuma aka hitler responsible! Karma is around the corner!

  • TheDudeAbides posted at 12:55 am on Sun, Feb 3, 2013.

    TheDudeAbides Posts: 1

    "Thanks for visiting Stephenville Empire-Tribune. You're entitled to view 6 free articles every 30 days. You will see 3 articles for free before being asked to register, and then you can view 3 additional articles by registering or logging in. Then, if you enjoy our site and want full access, we'll ask you to purchase an affordable subscription."

    While I mourn the loss of an American hero, I mourn your greed too. Paywalls suck and I hop you learn that it doesn't make yo any more money.

  • Drifter posted at 11:46 pm on Sat, Feb 2, 2013.

    Drifter Posts: 1

    What a stupid way to die !!! R.I.P. Brother!!!

    confirming to be for a fact... true justice should be to deliver Routh to the SEALS...

    May Routh name be in shame for eternaty....

    my Respects for the family....

  • debossman posted at 11:16 pm on Sat, Feb 2, 2013.

    debossman Posts: 1

    He did not have his SIX covered.

  • popssrmc posted at 9:49 pm on Sat, Feb 2, 2013.

    popssrmc Posts: 1

    prayers go out to both of the families such a tragic loss of a great american

  • anon tex posted at 9:36 pm on Sat, Feb 2, 2013.

    anon tex Posts: 1

    Real convenient if you ask me...[angry]

  • TheWriter posted at 8:54 pm on Sat, Feb 2, 2013.

    TheWriter Posts: 1

    This is really sad.

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