Cracking Open the Microsoft Surface with Windows RT

by Bill Detwiler  |  November 5, 2012, 6:40pm PST  |  Image 1 of 77

Microsoft Surface with Windows RT teardown

With its built-in kickstand, keyboard cover, and Windows 8 OS, Microsoft's Surface with Windows RT is definitely a unique tablet. But, that's just on the outside. What about on the inside? In this Cracking Open gallery, I take you inside the Surface for a look at the hardware that runs Microsoft's tablet.

For a detailed analysis of the teardown, check out my article and video, Microsoft Surface built solid, but design lacks polish.

Photo by: Bill Detwiler / TechRepublic
Caption by: Bill Detwiler

Microsoft Surface with Windows RT teardown - Image 1 of 77

Bill Detwiler

About Bill Detwiler

Bill Detwiler is Head Technology Editor of TechRepublic. Previously, he worked as a Support Tech and IT Manager in the social research and energy industries.

Bill Detwiler

Bill Detwiler
Bill Detwiler is Head Technology Editor for TechRepublic. Previously he worked as a Technical Support Associate and Information Technology Manager in the social research and energy industries. Bill is a Microsoft Certified Professional with experience in Windows administration, data management, desktop support, and system security.

Bill Detwiler

Bill Detwiler
Bill Detwiler has nothing to disclose. He doesn't hold investments in the technology companies he covers.

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