
audrey quinn

Audrey Quinn

About Audrey Quinn

Contributing Editor to SmartPlanet.

Contributing Editor

Audrey Quinn is a multimedia science journalist based in Brooklyn, New York. She has corresponded for PRI's The World, Radiolab, Deutsche Welle's Living Planet, and a number of NPR affiliate stations. She also produces and hosts a podcast for the Mind Science Foundation. Previously, she performed neuroscience research at the University of Washington Autism Center and the Seattle VA Hospital.

Follow her on Twitter.

Audrey Quinn

Audrey Quinn
Contributing Editor

Audrey Quinn is a multimedia science journalist based in Brooklyn, New York. She has corresponded for PRI's The World, Radiolab, Deutsche Welle's Living Planet, and a number of NPR affiliate stations. She also produces and hosts a podcast for the Mind Science Foundation. Previously, she performed neuroscience research at the University of Washington Autism Center and the Seattle VA Hospital.

Follow her on Twitter.

Audrey Quinn

Audrey Quinn

Audrey does not have financial holdings that would influence how or what she covers.

She writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.

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